I'm a PvP player and spend most of my time PvPing outside of DD's. Tonight after the patch my games have pretty much been players leaving after 1 minute into the game and my team capping 2 or 3 points at start of game.
I've even had games with 0 players on the other team left and us just sitting waiting for game to end. Also these games with no players left give horrible glory. There needs to be some kind of punishment for leaving a PvP match early as this is really ruining the PvP experience.
Absolutely. We need to punish people for leaving matches instead of just going afk til the other team wins 5v4 when someone DCs .
You're nuts.
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited June 2013
AFK Penalties are a must to.
By joining a match you agree to play. If you don't then you hurt everybody else.
Right now people are leaving a losing game and instantly requeueing. First and foremost this should not ever happen in any game which has PvP. That is not up for debate. Sorry if you want to rage quit but games which include PvP have to stop people from rage quitting or everybody, including the winning team, suffers.
Running away penalties are a must as well. You are there to fight (and die!) for your team, not blink or dodge away.
kaninchenMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I'm pretty sure you have to run 100 matches to get any significant information. I have had full team vs. full team all night, so your results with mine basically cancel each other out.
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
Right now people are leaving a losing game and instantly requeueing. First and foremost this should not ever happen in any game which has PvP. That is not up for debate. Sorry if you want to rage quit but games which include PvP have to stop people from rage quitting or everybody, including the winning team, suffers.
Which is why the "fix" they implemented today, reduced xp and glory, was a poor place to start.
supposedly you're all getting no glory any more for losing even at 60 with some sort of changes due to farmers correct? it's not only impractical, but an outright waste of time to make an effort and be constantly one hsotted and frustrated whent he alternative is standing still and getting even less than next to nothing. did they honestly expect people to do anything besides leave and re-Q when it's the most practical decision to make? and penalties will make pvp a ghost town, either way this game was not meant to have pvp obviously. it was destined to be a small playerbase of hoarders/exploiters all geared/runed up attempting to one shot one another in premade gank/cap groups. if pvp is scrapped all together, it would save a tremendous amount of wasted time that could be put into the rest of the game, like a new OP class or another ad exploit. to the premade pub stomper saying the winning team loses, honestly we don't. there are other games I have premade pun sotmped on and we always laugh when people quit, we make a game of it's own out of trying to make the next round of people quit even faster than the last round. the winning team wins, and gets a laugh out of it. when matches take an average of 15 minutes, to 20 for closer ones, that is nearly a half hour sometimes spent being camped by premade exploit-funded players and the game will give nothing in return for it now? if you asked me to stand around for about 20 minutes while you HAMSTER me off and humiliate me and will give me nothing to compensate why the hell would I not kick you in the nuts or leave you there alone instead. of course people will leave, it's only human. penalizing them for it will only make them not waste them time in pvp altogether, when you 'l33t' squads lsoe your pubs to stomp, your complaints about quitting will backfire when you begin seeeing it as a waste of time yourselves when all that's left is most matches having to be worked for when all you're ever up against is other exploit-funded premade gank squads and i can't wait to see that.
Maps are way too tiny to have any fun as the 3-4 person side of a ****ty domination match. If there is a leaving penalty, the losing team will still afk just because they have nothing to gain by trying.
This is not a 40v40 where there's something to do if it ends up a 40v30. There's no ninja back capping on maps you can cross in less then 10 seconds on an epic mount.
Enable mid match joining at the very least before any penalties please.
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
before you start punishing the leavers you really do need to level the battleground.
pre-made vs pre-made
gearscore entry levels
there's only one way to send a message
to the devs it seems
The hoarders and the exploiters who saved their mules will have a real problem with that. And yes there is only one way to send a message, get everyone and their uncle to exploit something to the point it'll harm zen sales or HAMSTER off a sizable portion of the playerbase who would have potentially spent something and then within hours you get some down time and some changes. Funny thing is, hoarders there can't be many this early into launch of agame, and exploiters who were smart got the exploits early enough and had safe mules are likely few and far between as well and they're gonna be the majority PO'd by the leavers as they cannot roflstomp that way and they're not a sizable enough enough crowd to HAMSTER off so leavers are safe for a while to be completely honest. In fact, most of those people haven't spent any real money, so if the roflstomping PO's enough legit players, you'll actually see GS & premade segregation i guarantee it so long as enough potential/already paying players are PO'd enough that it seems it'll harm profits. quit a s much a syou like, so in a way you were right about there being one way to get a point across, ultimately it's to harm their profits as with any business that you don't see eye to eye with.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
either way pubstomping d*uches lose in the end. they'll all wind up facing themselves one way or another, penalties or no. I just wanna see this game fail more than it already has, so I believe the penalties should be pretty harsh and the losing teams should get about 100 xp and 50 glory tops even at level 60. I take a weekly or biweekly trip to the forums just to see what gets effed up next, and I cannot wait to see the mess and bitterness in the coming weeks/months. I feed off of that. I once was lost out in the woods without food for weeks and fed off of the fear and misery of small animals and felt more alive than I did back in the concrete jungle.
What penalty should that be? They've already overcorrected -- you get ZERO rewards for sticking it out and losing. Is a leaving penalty supposed to be *worse*? Christ, sign me up!
What penalty should that be? They've already overcorrected -- you get ZERO rewards for sticking it out and losing. Is a leaving penalty supposed to be *worse*? Christ, sign me up!
Have to find a silver lining in it. Stand at the campfire and read a book. Enrich yourself!
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
What penalty should that be? They've already overcorrected -- you get ZERO rewards for sticking it out and losing. Is a leaving penalty supposed to be *worse*? Christ, sign me up!
yup and this would be the 1st game i ever seen whit a pvp leaving penalty as well, and i played alot of pvp focused games
gauntlygrim is going to be interesting if the system works the same way , pvp system is now completely broken
1 u used to be able to kick bugged players and get reps ( now u cant ) , u used to be able to kick bots and get reps , u would fight it out just so u didn't stay there and afk , now there is no point
also ty for the Nerf on cleric and cw ,u did it to balance pvp and u completely changed 2 classes
ty dev's
jpnoleMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I always leave if the opposing team starts with more CWs than my team. Also, reducing glory for losing has backfired because now there is no incentive to stick around and lose.
Pretty much what I experience. I did 5 games.... people just rage quit 3 of the 5 games if they don't get an easy game. I stop pvping.. why even bother anymore.
There needs to be a diminishing return for CC in this game.
By joining a match you agree to play. If you don't then you hurt everybody else.
Right now people are leaving a losing game and instantly requeueing. First and foremost this should not ever happen in any game which has PvP. That is not up for debate. Sorry if you want to rage quit but games which include PvP have to stop people from rage quitting or everybody, including the winning team, suffers.
Disable join as a group or enable groups to only queue against each other. The last thing I wanna do is get matched up against a premade.
Character is what a man is in the dark
I didn't try pvp on my level 60's but when I took my level 24 rogue into pvp no one was leaving on either side. I won some and lost some. This might be just an issue at level cap or for certain level brackets?
#1 AFKing should be punished! Note : And i think this is important to add,everyone can have to go afk unexpected from time to time. So id be for 2 different tiers of AFK punishment.
Tier 1 : Every time you go afk/leave a match you are banned from entering ANY Queue for X amount of time,the more matches you leave in sucession the longer the timer (An idea stolen from League of Legends here...)
Tier 2 : Should you happen to afk/leave more then a match every now and then,you will have to deal with more severe punishments,maybe have GM`s investigate and take appropriate action against people who abuse the afk/leave mechanics.. bans,warnings and whatever other tools they have at disposal...
I think this would not affect anyone that has to afk unexpected for an emergency,as you simply wait out the Queue CD and then go on as normal.
#2 Premades should only face Premades,and there should be an average gearscore check(i dont know if there is actually,but i dont think so based on my experience so far)... While this means increased queue times,it also means a bit more fairness... A team that communicates has a huge advantage over 5 random people that play together for the first time imo...
While this is a minor change,and many might not like it i feel like it would help alot of "new" or "undergeared" people have more Fun.
And the more competitive players between us get challenging matchups and not steamroll roflstomps where they farm the enemy team at spawn cause its premade vs 5 randoms.
Just a thought tho.
shadedkinMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Just do what Rift online did. If you leave your party in a queued match you have a 15 minute cool down timer before you can queue again. This makes it so people who abandon their groups cant just repeatedly do it over and over again until they get a party they like.
Here's a good punishment- leaving the game entirely.
Oh wait- that's already happening en masse.
You think a 15, 30, hour long deserter debuff is going to matter to people? People are not willing to put effort into gaining nothing- heck, we don't even do that at work, we get paid- for Cryptic to think players are going to play a GAME where you're NOT going to be rewarded while being forced to stay in matches they must be out of their minds...
Oh right- we're talking about the same company that decided to delay a patch for economy breaking, massive exploits so it'd coincide with a big patch, and that decided to leave in exploits reported in Beta so that there could be a few weeks of exploiters jacking up prices so legit players felt they had to buy zen in order to buy the extremely inflated goods.
They implement punishment for leavers. Next time a member of my team drops or the match becomes one-sided we just sit by the campfire and chat until the match ends.
They implement punishment for leavers. Next time a member of my team drops or the match becomes one-sided we just sit by the campfire and chat until the match ends.
I'm not adverse to it. I can finish a couple series on netflix in another window.
Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
Only improvement, losers get nothing and must pay the reward out of their own rewards to the winning side. Basicly, punished for losing period even if "GG guys, we tried hard". Heck, make the glory go negitive if you lose repeatedly for sticking around. Thats how you fix AFK farming, fix the desire to leave (lol at that) cause now you have a greater "incentive" to win...but losers are still going to lose now matter how hard they try.
Absolutely. We need to punish people for leaving matches instead of just going afk til the other team wins 5v4 when someone DCs .
You're nuts.
By joining a match you agree to play. If you don't then you hurt everybody else.
Right now people are leaving a losing game and instantly requeueing. First and foremost this should not ever happen in any game which has PvP. That is not up for debate. Sorry if you want to rage quit but games which include PvP have to stop people from rage quitting or everybody, including the winning team, suffers.
Which is why the "fix" they implemented today, reduced xp and glory, was a poor place to start.
solo queue vs solo queue
pre-made vs pre-made
gearscore entry levels
personally, i think everyone should leave if they random and come up against a pre-made. there's only one way to send a message
to the devs it seems
This is not a 40v40 where there's something to do if it ends up a 40v30. There's no ninja back capping on maps you can cross in less then 10 seconds on an epic mount.
Enable mid match joining at the very least before any penalties please.
The hoarders and the exploiters who saved their mules will have a real problem with that. And yes there is only one way to send a message, get everyone and their uncle to exploit something to the point it'll harm zen sales or HAMSTER off a sizable portion of the playerbase who would have potentially spent something and then within hours you get some down time and some changes. Funny thing is, hoarders there can't be many this early into launch of agame, and exploiters who were smart got the exploits early enough and had safe mules are likely few and far between as well and they're gonna be the majority PO'd by the leavers as they cannot roflstomp that way and they're not a sizable enough enough crowd to HAMSTER off so leavers are safe for a while to be completely honest. In fact, most of those people haven't spent any real money, so if the roflstomping PO's enough legit players, you'll actually see GS & premade segregation i guarantee it so long as enough potential/already paying players are PO'd enough that it seems it'll harm profits. quit a s much a syou like, so in a way you were right about there being one way to get a point across, ultimately it's to harm their profits as with any business that you don't see eye to eye with.
Yup. Nothing more to add to this.
either way pubstomping d*uches lose in the end. they'll all wind up facing themselves one way or another, penalties or no. I just wanna see this game fail more than it already has, so I believe the penalties should be pretty harsh and the losing teams should get about 100 xp and 50 glory tops even at level 60. I take a weekly or biweekly trip to the forums just to see what gets effed up next, and I cannot wait to see the mess and bitterness in the coming weeks/months. I feed off of that. I once was lost out in the woods without food for weeks and fed off of the fear and misery of small animals and felt more alive than I did back in the concrete jungle.
-Beverly Sutphin
What penalty should that be? They've already overcorrected -- you get ZERO rewards for sticking it out and losing. Is a leaving penalty supposed to be *worse*? Christ, sign me up!
Have to find a silver lining in it. Stand at the campfire and read a book. Enrich yourself!
gauntlygrim is going to be interesting if the system works the same way , pvp system is now completely broken
1 u used to be able to kick bugged players and get reps ( now u cant ) , u used to be able to kick bots and get reps , u would fight it out just so u didn't stay there and afk , now there is no point
also ty for the Nerf on cleric and cw ,u did it to balance pvp and u completely changed 2 classes
ty dev's
Agree 110%
There needs to be a diminishing return for CC in this game.
Disable join as a group or enable groups to only queue against each other. The last thing I wanna do is get matched up against a premade.
Character is what a man is in the dark
#1 AFKing should be punished! Note : And i think this is important to add,everyone can have to go afk unexpected from time to time. So id be for 2 different tiers of AFK punishment.
Tier 1 : Every time you go afk/leave a match you are banned from entering ANY Queue for X amount of time,the more matches you leave in sucession the longer the timer (An idea stolen from League of Legends here...)
Tier 2 : Should you happen to afk/leave more then a match every now and then,you will have to deal with more severe punishments,maybe have GM`s investigate and take appropriate action against people who abuse the afk/leave mechanics.. bans,warnings and whatever other tools they have at disposal...
I think this would not affect anyone that has to afk unexpected for an emergency,as you simply wait out the Queue CD and then go on as normal.
#2 Premades should only face Premades,and there should be an average gearscore check(i dont know if there is actually,but i dont think so based on my experience so far)... While this means increased queue times,it also means a bit more fairness... A team that communicates has a huge advantage over 5 random people that play together for the first time imo...
While this is a minor change,and many might not like it i feel like it would help alot of "new" or "undergeared" people have more Fun.
And the more competitive players between us get challenging matchups and not steamroll roflstomps where they farm the enemy team at spawn cause its premade vs 5 randoms.
Just a thought tho.
Just do what Rift online did. If you leave your party in a queued match you have a 15 minute cool down timer before you can queue again. This makes it so people who abandon their groups cant just repeatedly do it over and over again until they get a party they like.
Oh wait- that's already happening en masse.
You think a 15, 30, hour long deserter debuff is going to matter to people? People are not willing to put effort into gaining nothing- heck, we don't even do that at work, we get paid- for Cryptic to think players are going to play a GAME where you're NOT going to be rewarded while being forced to stay in matches they must be out of their minds...
Oh right- we're talking about the same company that decided to delay a patch for economy breaking, massive exploits so it'd coincide with a big patch, and that decided to leave in exploits reported in Beta so that there could be a few weeks of exploiters jacking up prices so legit players felt they had to buy zen in order to buy the extremely inflated goods.
I'm good with leaving penalties but running is a legitimate strategy.
I'm not adverse to it. I can finish a couple series on netflix in another window.
I'll stop blinking, when you take off all your armour.. hiding in a tin can like that, shame on you.
My opinions are my own, and do not represent those of Perfect World Entertainment, or Cryptic Studios
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