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End Game Dailies

theairockstartheairockstar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2014 in PvE Discussion
While it made perfect sense to have the daily epic dungeon bind to certain dungeons as you leveled up I feel that at level 60 you guys should seriously consider making it more opened. At level 60 nobody wants to run the same dungeon every day for a few extra diamonds but those of us that actually enjoy your T1/T2 dungeons do tend to do one dungeon a day. Why can't there either: 1. Be a Daily "Epic" dungeon, or 2. the daily dungeon at 60 be "any level 60 dungeon" including t1/2.
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    tonitruslipistonitruslipis Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    agreed running dread vault day after day to get the AD is getting boring not many want to do it no more because they have ran it over and over and over, need to change it up guys need new daily dungeons be it at lvl 60/t1 or based on gear score of the lowest possible player that would get that daily
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