Actually i wanted to complain on the as nerf and how boring DC already is having 2 daily slots mandatory taken by AS and sunburst..but instead im gonna ask..has somebody played around with Lifestel on Dc? is Lifesteal affected by the righteousness debuff? and does every tick of Brand of the Sun leech life or just the initial one?
Life Steal procs off basically every bit of damage you do. But good look getting up to even 10% without destroying every other stat. Even if you get there 10% of BotS ticks is only about 50 health per tick, that's not going to save you.
The big problem is clerics low attack speed and low damage combined with the requirement to run at least one non-damaging spell means you are not getting any significant value out of life steal. Regen will heal you for more in the same amount of time when you need it.
I did try some numbers of life steal and regeneration to see how they would play out. I didn't run dungeon with them, because I felt that the life steal just doesn't seem to grow that high. I went up to I think about 1k life steal and still it only gave like 6% or something so I figured it is not worth putting points into it. Honestly I can't remember correct numbers with regeneration or life steal, but they didn't seem to grow too much. The regeneration actually would be quite good, but I noticed its based on missing health, so even with 10% regeneration you can only gain 5% per tick at max when you got 50% hp or below. I figured out that at that point I would anyways have to pot, which makes regeneration also kind of.... I personally have buffed my defense up to 4k, it gives something like 77% damage migitation with astral shield, which means I can for example basically tank epic karrundax last boss adds all by myself while others kill the boss. Also I noticed that there is actually quite noticeable difference between 2k defense and 3k defense, as in I just kept dying to almost all of the adds. On the other hand if you do a lot of double dc runs, then pumping up defense to that numbers is kind of pointless since migitation I think is maxed at 80%.
The big problem is clerics low attack speed and low damage combined with the requirement to run at least one non-damaging spell means you are not getting any significant value out of life steal. Regen will heal you for more in the same amount of time when you need it.