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Recharge Speed - how much is possible & the effect

thedeadstarthedeadstar Member Posts: 201
edited June 2013 in The Temple
Well, due to next incoming patch I though about how far could I go with that. Not only for AS but for recharge in general and AP reg ofc. 2nd reason is that some people mentioned that it will be important to stack Recovery even more than we do already. However, this won't work due Dimishing Returns of Recovery and the way Recharge Speed works.

So first thing that comes into my mind and to clerify things:

Whats the orignal CD on AS without Recharge Speed?
-> 20s

Lasting time with the fix?
-> 10s (not quite sure about this, but I think so)

How does Recharge Speed effect AS CD (RS - CD on AS)?
15% - 17,3
17% - 17s
23% - 16,2s
25% - 15,9s
38% - 14,5s
40% - 14,2
50% - 13.3s
100% - 10s

How does Recharge Speed work on CDs of Encounter Powers?
reduced CD = original CD / (1 + (Recharge Speed / 100)
e.g. 13.3 = 20 / (1 + (50 / 100)

Some Key-numbers of Recovery
~1160 -> 10%
~ 2500 -> 20%
~ 2750 -> 21%
~ 3200 -> 23%
~ 4100 -> 26%
~ 5000 -> 28%

3000 is easy to obtain though due to our gear in general. This should be obtained already, as most do.

Theory Part done, discussion part start

Now I'm wondering if it would be worth to obtain more Recharge via Ability Scores/Race. I've personally choose Dwarf for some Con and Cha, but in terms of pure CD reduction Tiefling would be the first choice (2 Int and 2 Cha).
Ability Score roll I use is 15 Wis -15 Cha - 13 Str - 12 Int - 11 Con - 10 Dex
If you would put ALL free points (lv 10,20,40,50) into Int and Cha and got Campfire buff you would get this
18 Wis - 24 Cha - 16 Str - 21 Int - 14 Con - 13 Dex

-> 25% Recharge Speed

With somewhat of 4000 Recovery you would be able to gain 50% Recharge Speed, but I'm wondering if it is really worth putting those points into Int. I got atm as Dwarf without points in Int 17% instead of 25%.
So I lose like 0,8s on AS, 0,5 on Sunburst, 0,6s on Forgemaster's Flame and Healing Word isn't effected.
Are those CDs worth either:
- lesser healing bonus (Wisdom)
- lesser Stamina Reg + Crit Chance

- less HP due to different Race .. to bad both Racial traits of Dwarf currently seem to be bugged (neither DoT reduction nor knock/repel resist work in PvE it seems) but Tiefling wouldn't have something useful anyway

Opinions and such are welcome, same goes for mistakes I might have done.
Tong Lv86
Server: Jian [DE]
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