Is it true that when you purchase a mount from the cash shop that it is available for each character in your account? And if so will it be available to new characters created? Just wondering because if it is only available for current characters I would want to purchase new slots before a mount.
Thanks for the info in adavance
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In case you don't believe all the people confirming it already in game and mount description stating exactly that in zen store and 200 forum threads about it, account wide.
Yes - read the Economics FAQ (link in my signature) to get a clear and complete understanding on Z-Store purchases, bound and unbound items and a lot more.
So every time I create a new character that mount will be available? I don't get on the forums much...
I bought the 500zen mount, and I've been able to grab it at level 20 on every character I've made since then. Don't even have to go to the dealer, I can just grab it instantly from the zen shop the moment I hit 20.
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited June 2013
Yes. Anything that is specifically granted on a per character basis applies to all existing and new characters.
What's the difference between Zen Store "Character" Items and "Account" Items?
The primary difference has to do with what is and is not bound to your character.
Character Items are always delivered to you unbound.
Account items are always permanently bound and can never be unbound.
Z-Store Character Items:
If you purchase a Z-Store "Character Item" the item is unbound until you equip or use it. This means you get one, and only one. If you want another you'll have to buy another one and pay for it again, no matter which character you're playing at the time. These items, once delivered into your inventory, can be traded or sold to other players until you equip or use it, at which time you're stuck with it. Some items, such as Companions, can be unbound for a surcharge and traded or sold, including to your alternate characters.
Z-Store Account Items:
If you purchase a Z-Store "Account" item, that item is permanently bound to your character. However, the benefit of Account items is how that item is "buy once, use forever".
When purchasing an account item, such as a Mount, that item is immediately bound to your character on delivery. You can claim only one copy of it on a character and not claim another as long as that item is in your inventory. However, if you should ever discard it or (providence forbid) a glitch causes it to go missing from your inventory, you can go back to the Z-Store and claim it again for free.
This is what Cryptic means when they describe "one for every character" - meaning only one at a time for each character, but can be freely claimed and reclaimed by every character on your account, including future characters you haven't even created yet. Forever.
Account items are free for all your alternate characters and can be claimed at any time. If you decide to create a new character, even six months after purchase, you can visit the Z-Store and all "account items" you have previously purchased will not show a price. Rather the "price" button will be renamed to "Claim" - where all you need do is click and it will be instantly delivered and ready for use, except it's now free for you.
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
I bought the 500zen mount, and I've been able to grab it at level 20 on every character I've made since then. Don't even have to go to the dealer, I can just grab it instantly from the zen shop the moment I hit 20.
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