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Feedback - Why i stopped playing the Beta.

diggotdiggot Member Posts: 40 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
After having played a ton of mmo's and currently on a drought in terms of gaming,
i took a look at NW for some entertainment. And since i have always had a curse for
picking the most underpowered class in all games, namely the warrior, i tought i would
pick the constantly overpowered class, namely, the Cleric... for once.

Little did i know how broken both the game AND the cleric class was.

The first think i noticed was the broken system of the ingame currency which allows you
to buy gear at special vendors, for zeals. First of all, the items you can buy costs so much
that by the time you have enough zeals to afford them, they are useless to you because
you have outleveled them and/or picked up items which are far better from loot.

And if that wasn't bad enough, the stats of the zeal-items are in most cases, completely
useless for your class. Or at least for the cleric. The cleric's Zeal-items gives you stats like
Defense, deflection and recovery.. When the main stats of the Cleric is Crit and power
to make the healing powerful. Cleric's aren't tanks, so we have no use for Defense or deflection.
And if they wanted clerics to be tanks, why dress us up in CHAINMAIL instead of PLATE?.

Then we have the selfmutilating penalty of 40% less healing on ourself... We are the only class
that has a SERIOUS self-debuff that makes our primary skills useless to ourselves.
Where is the Rogues "40% less parry / dodge" or the warriors 40% less Defense ?.

I have seen many threads about the healing-agro issue as well. Most of them are replied with
"wait for the patch fix", but there has been several patches and no fix, not even an acknowledgement
that the issue is real, its like the Devs wants to have it "working as intended".

But we have all seen the DRASTIC decrease of endgame healers because of this issue.
Not only are there threads asking about a Cleric-fix, there are threads starting to pop up
about other classes asking why there aren't any clerics around in endgame?.

If anything, this would be an indication that something isn't as it should be. I know from my own
experience in dungeons that playing a cleric is NOT as it should be. From the time i cast the first
heal, i can start running and spamm pots until i die or my team is dead.

My build involved having as much agro-deminishing skills as i can, but they don't have anything
and frankly, i don't see a differense in having soothe slotted or not, i grab agro instantly anyway,
doesn't even matter if i hold of the healing until my team is halfdead before i start healing...
once i do, i have to start running.

This video shows exactly how it feels playing a Cleric in Neverwinter.

Then we have the loot.. OMG all the un-identified loot !!. And no scrolls AT ALL that drops.
I have 2 bags full of green loot on my character. Sure, identify-scrolls drop..

In chat, when you ask about the scrolls, you get told that you have to spend crystals to get
the damned scrolls to identify GREEN ITEMS that drops by the dozens.. and each scroll costs 47
or more crystals depending on what level the items are. So if you have 2 bags full, do the math
on how many crystals you need....

And then we come to the conclusion. All i currently see in the dev-posts about patch-notes and
insignificant improvements, none of which matters except some exploit fixes i wasn't even aware of.
We're all frustrated over how stupid the boss mechanics are, or rather, the LACK of the mechanics
and the instead, constant spamm of adds and AoEs.

When you have an mmo with 3 of 6 classes being melee, and then you create bosses which
spawns adds if they hit anyone.. you are doing something wrong. You might as well make
a boss that shots fireballs constantly at everyone, and spawns adds that 1hits you...

So no, currently i am done with Neverwinter. I was hoping for a better chance due to the
fact that it's BETA test after all, and huge flaws that comes up during Beta are usually prioritized
for fixing... but not here.

What would make me come back to Neverwinter, or actually tell my friends to play:

1) Sort the healing agro for Clerics, and remove the 40% healdebuff. Or give each class a
similarly critical self-debuff... but SORT the healing agro.

2) Completely overhaul the zeal-currency system and make the items WORTH buying.

3) Change the way boss-fights works. More boss dmg, more BOSS-MECHANICS, less adds
and less AoE everywhere that spawns every 2 seconds..

4) Increase the droprate significantly of Identify-scrolls. We shouldn't have to spend the highest
currency ingame to identify vendor-<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> !.

Now. Don't take this like i hate the game, i loved it, the parts that were good. But the bad
parts are gamebreaking and takes away too much for it to be enjoyable for me. And i know
a lot of players agree, eventho they might not take it to the forums because they simply don't
care enough about the game. I want to see Neverwinter make it, it has potential, but PLEASE
fix the gamebreaking issues. Now... saying that "we are aware" and actually fixing it, are 2 totally
different things.
Post edited by diggot on


  • tarmalentarmalen Member Posts: 1,020 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Play a different class.

    The heal aggro is not bad when you have people in group that actually use it to their advantage.

    Like a GWF with a decent life steal score will in fact keep aggro away from you. Same goes for the GF with his regen/life steal/threat mechanics.

    The game is young and a lot of folks only stack a few things thinking OMG UBER numbers.
  • kwequakwequa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Check the cleric forum and skip the seals.. ID scroll are cheap and seem to drop frequently enough.
  • diggotdiggot Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kwequa wrote: »
    Check the cleric forum and skip the seals.. ID scroll are cheap and seem to drop frequently enough.

    Having a currency in game for class-specific items that you should ignore, doesn't solve the problem.
    Why have the currency at all then if its so bad and useless that we shouldn't even bother with it...
  • diggotdiggot Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tarmalen wrote: »
    Play a different class.
    The heal aggro is not bad when you have people in group that actually use it to their advantage.

    Clerics aren't ment to be the AGRO MAGNET, that's the job of the Guardian Fighter... you know, THE TANK.
  • kwequakwequa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Its pretty intelligent thinking. First thing you would kill is the cleric. But its over done. The GF needs an intercept or protectx skill.
  • lejdglejdg Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2013
    you really might look into the cleric forums.. i personally dont play cleric but a good friend of mine does. he is not using any of the heal spells but the regen spells like stral shield (the blue circle) and that kind of stuff.. we are running all the T2s, and his tanky build 3k defense makes him survive the mobs easily.. i agree that the cleric being a tank is not an awesome fact, however as for now, it is a fact - so, you need to spec into def more. - also, try to level to 60 (ask people in your zone if they wanna duo if its too hard alone), its much better then (also, people will kill to have you in their group once you got a decent geart score and understand how to survive the aggro) :)
  • nwobrocknwobrock Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    zeal trolololol
  • banecrushrbanecrushr Member Posts: 129 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Listen, I read on FB today the game is set to go LIVE this month. Not sure how positive that is, but it came from PWE. I also read there looking into ALOT of these issues, the cleric aggro issue, the stupid, stuid queing system.(which BTW is MY problem with this game) but thats for anothertopic, anyway,I would say to stay and ride the wave a little, just to see where they take us. Yes the game has probelms,It is a beta BTW, if their going live, that means they have some solutions in the works. I am pretty unhappy at the moment also, mainly wiht how stupid the que system is, no way to que up a player if one discos, or drops, LONG waits to even get a Q up to join, and then 10 min waits to load in on some maps, if you havent been there before.. my thing is, I would like to SEEa que that shows all the folks waiting and then what class they are...and then NOT sit around for 1 hr or so to even get in. I understand, we all want the best players, so we win, super GS, super dps and skillz... but really, whos you gonna play with if a ton of people hit 60, and cant even run the dungeons due to this mess. Ok, well like be fore I would wait it out and see...its a really fun game and there isnt much out there in the way of MMOs to play ATM.

    "Sir, were now surrounded"!
    Thats great news son, now we can attack from ALL sides"!
  • diggotdiggot Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lejdg wrote: »
    you really might look into the cleric forums.. i personally dont play cleric but a good friend of mine does. he is not using any of the heal spells but the regen spells like stral shield (the blue circle) and that kind of stuff.. we are running all the T2s, and his tanky build 3k defense makes him survive the mobs easily.. i agree that the cleric being a tank is not an awesome fact, however as for now, it is a fact - so, you need to spec into def more. - also, try to level to 60 (ask people in your zone if they wanna duo if its too hard alone), its much better then (also, people will kill to have you in their group once you got a decent geart score and understand how to survive the aggro) :)

    What you're saying is to go AROUND The issues instead of fixing them, and that doesn't help.
    What if every game handled its problems by going around instead of fixing.
    "oohh that quest is bugged, don't do it so we don't need to fix it", or
    "That skill is bugged, so dont use it, and we won't have to fix it"..

    You can't solve problems by going around them, you have to fix them. And right now,
    making a tank-cleric focusing on defense instead of what they should be doing, healing,
    isn't solving the problem, its going around it.
  • lejdglejdg Member Posts: 79
    edited June 2013
    diggot wrote: »
    What you're saying is to go AROUND The issues instead of fixing them, and that doesn't help.
    What if every game handled its problems by going around instead of fixing.
    "oohh that quest is bugged, don't do it so we don't need to fix it", or
    "That skill is bugged, so dont use it, and we won't have to fix it"..

    You can't solve problems by going around them, you have to fix them. And right now,
    making a tank-cleric focusing on defense instead of what they should be doing, healing,
    isn't solving the problem, its going around it.

    you can heal... just use the regen spells and not the heal ones - they basically do the same thing, heal people - you just need to spec recovery over power to get faster cooldowns and % life heals. as for the aggro thing, yeah, i agree. but they just announced big changes. I dont quite understand people saying clerics cant heal.. that is absolutely wrong and people who say that must have never really played the game
  • diggotdiggot Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lejdg wrote: »
    I dont quite understand people saying clerics cant heal.. that is absolutely wrong and people who say that must have never really played the game

    Yes we can heal, and we can heal very good. We just can't heal very good with xx Adds forcing us to
    run around whatever room in circles when our strong heals required us to be stationary.
    Sure we can heal by throwing Astral Seal, but that isn't our strongest heal. And you can't say a class
    is working as intended if its restriced by a gameplay-flaw to only cast one spell because the other's aren't an option...
  • hkiewahkiewa Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 379 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Solutions have been provided. You can continue to argue the point or you can take the advice and continue to play the game. Which one makes you happier?
  • diggotdiggot Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    hkiewa wrote: »
    Solutions have been provided. You can continue to argue the point or you can take the advice and continue to play the game. Which one makes you happier?

    Having the issues fixed so we don't have to go around the problem would make me happy.
    Until then, i will refrain from continue beta, and i will continue to wage war against these
    issues until they are fixed or until i actually stop caring because the devs did the same.

    Not saying the devs don't care. But after a while if issues remains unsolved, its quiet clear
    what is what.
  • tanglethorntanglethorn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I stopped playing a week ago myself. I'll try it again when the major patch drops, but my experience with the game has become sour and I'm not as motivated to play like I first was.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    diggot wrote: »
    After having played a ton of mmo's and currently on a drought in terms of gaming,
    i took a look at NW for some entertainment. And since i have always had a curse for
    picking the most underpowered class in all games, namely the warrior, i tought i would
    pick the constantly overpowered class, namely, the Cleric... for once.

    Little did i know how broken both the game AND the cleric class was.

    The first think i noticed was the broken system of the ingame currency which allows you
    to buy gear at special vendors, for zeals. First of all, the items you can buy costs so much
    that by the time you have enough zeals to afford them, they are useless to you because
    you have outleveled them and/or picked up items which are far better from loot.

    And if that wasn't bad enough, the stats of the zeal-items are in most cases, completely
    useless for your class. Or at least for the cleric. The cleric's Zeal-items gives you stats like
    Defense, deflection and recovery.. When the main stats of the Cleric is Crit and power
    to make the healing powerful. Cleric's aren't tanks, so we have no use for Defense or deflection.
    And if they wanted clerics to be tanks, why dress us up in CHAINMAIL instead of PLATE?.

    Then we have the selfmutilating penalty of 40% less healing on ourself... We are the only class
    that has a SERIOUS self-debuff that makes our primary skills useless to ourselves.
    Where is the Rogues "40% less parry / dodge" or the warriors 40% less Defense ?.

    I have seen many threads about the healing-agro issue as well. Most of them are replied with
    "wait for the patch fix", but there has been several patches and no fix, not even an acknowledgement
    that the issue is real, its like the Devs wants to have it "working as intended".

    But we have all seen the DRASTIC decrease of endgame healers because of this issue.
    Not only are there threads asking about a Cleric-fix, there are threads starting to pop up
    about other classes asking why there aren't any clerics around in endgame?.

    If anything, this would be an indication that something isn't as it should be. I know from my own
    experience in dungeons that playing a cleric is NOT as it should be. From the time i cast the first
    heal, i can start running and spamm pots until i die or my team is dead.

    My build involved having as much agro-deminishing skills as i can, but they don't have anything
    and frankly, i don't see a differense in having soothe slotted or not, i grab agro instantly anyway,
    doesn't even matter if i hold of the healing until my team is halfdead before i start healing...
    once i do, i have to start running.

    This video shows exactly how it feels playing a Cleric in Neverwinter.

    Then we have the loot.. OMG all the un-identified loot !!. And no scrolls AT ALL that drops.
    I have 2 bags full of green loot on my character. Sure, identify-scrolls drop..

    In chat, when you ask about the scrolls, you get told that you have to spend crystals to get
    the damned scrolls to identify GREEN ITEMS that drops by the dozens.. and each scroll costs 47
    or more crystals depending on what level the items are. So if you have 2 bags full, do the math
    on how many crystals you need....

    And then we come to the conclusion. All i currently see in the dev-posts about patch-notes and
    insignificant improvements, none of which matters except some exploit fixes i wasn't even aware of.
    We're all frustrated over how stupid the boss mechanics are, or rather, the LACK of the mechanics
    and the instead, constant spamm of adds and AoEs.

    When you have an mmo with 3 of 6 classes being melee, and then you create bosses which
    spawns adds if they hit anyone.. you are doing something wrong. You might as well make
    a boss that shots fireballs constantly at everyone, and spawns adds that 1hits you...

    So no, currently i am done with Neverwinter. I was hoping for a better chance due to the
    fact that it's BETA test after all, and huge flaws that comes up during Beta are usually prioritized
    for fixing... but not here.

    What would make me come back to Neverwinter, or actually tell my friends to play:

    1) Sort the healing agro for Clerics, and remove the 40% healdebuff. Or give each class a
    similarly critical self-debuff... but SORT the healing agro.

    2) Completely overhaul the zeal-currency system and make the items WORTH buying.

    3) Change the way boss-fights works. More boss dmg, more BOSS-MECHANICS, less adds
    and less AoE everywhere that spawns every 2 seconds..

    4) Increase the droprate significantly of Identify-scrolls. We shouldn't have to spend the highest
    currency ingame to identify vendor-<font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> !.

    Now. Don't take this like i hate the game, i loved it, the parts that were good. But the bad
    parts are gamebreaking and takes away too much for it to be enjoyable for me. And i know
    a lot of players agree, eventho they might not take it to the forums because they simply don't
    care enough about the game. I want to see Neverwinter make it, it has potential, but PLEASE
    fix the gamebreaking issues. Now... saying that "we are aware" and actually fixing it, are 2 totally
    different things.

    How about a TLDR ?
  • spdaspda Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Atleast the combat was funny (very funny indeed)!!!

    Just about anything else with Neverwinter and PWI are foobar, this game and PWI can't be fixed with any number of patches.

    I just which I could delete my account with my toons also :(
  • absynthe7absynthe7 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Can I have your stuff?
  • spdaspda Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    absynthe7 wrote: »
    Can I have your stuff?
    Sorry, toon deleted already!
  • xxxsteffxxxxxxsteffxxx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    diggot wrote: »
    Yes we can heal, and we can heal very good. We just can't heal very good with xx Adds forcing us to
    run around whatever room in circles when our strong heals required us to be stationary.
    Sure we can heal by throwing Astral Seal, but that isn't our strongest heal. And you can't say a class
    is working as intended if its restriced by a gameplay-flaw to only cast one spell because the other's aren't an option...

    I think it depends on what you want to play. if you want to be super-healer and super-killer it wont (gladly) work
    You have soothe to kill Aggro
    You are not supposed to attack an enemy which isnt aggroed
    After all DC is a boring job - except Bosses - you heal (stay back - do no Dmg). On the other hand no group will run a decent dungeon without a healer - which shows you how important they are

    And for the tanking variant of clerics you see in pvp - please PWI do something against them
    btw i have a lvl 40 dc and a lvl 60 tr - dc is much harder and more challenging to play
  • lostmarblesherelostmarbleshere Banned Users Posts: 654 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    banecrushr wrote: »
    Listen, I read on FB today the game is set to go LIVE this month. Not sure how positive that is, but it came from PWE. I also read there looking into ALOT of these issues, the cleric aggro issue, the stupid, stuid queing system.(which BTW is MY problem with this game) but thats for anothertopic, anyway,I would say to stay and ride the wave a little, just to see where they take us. Yes the game has probelms,It is a beta BTW, if their going live, that means they have some solutions in the works. I am pretty unhappy at the moment also, mainly wiht how stupid the que system is, no way to que up a player if one discos, or drops, LONG waits to even get a Q up to join, and then 10 min waits to load in on some maps, if you havent been there before.. my thing is, I would like to SEEa que that shows all the folks waiting and then what class they are...and then NOT sit around for 1 hr or so to even get in. I understand, we all want the best players, so we win, super GS, super dps and skillz... but really, whos you gonna play with if a ton of people hit 60, and cant even run the dungeons due to this mess. Ok, well like be fore I would wait it out and see...its a really fun game and there isnt much out there in the way of MMOs to play ATM.

    What you talking about willis?

    YOu talking about this game NWO going full launch ? There is now way they would be that stupid to go full launch. NO chance what so ever. There is not a chance in hell this patch wont have major issues of some kind. Yes the game needs these changes in the patch whenever that happens. Then that major changing patch needs to be tested for at least a month. Plus this upcoming major patch doesnt even address the exploits in the game still. I think this is going to be really bad idea on thier part.
  • xellizxelliz Member Posts: 955 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    diggot wrote: »
    Having the issues fixed so we don't have to go around the problem would make me happy.
    Until then, i will refrain from continue beta, and i will continue to wage war against these
    issues until they are fixed or until i actually stop caring because the devs did the same.

    Not saying the devs don't care. But after a while if issues remains unsolved, its quiet clear
    what is what.
    My problem is that you are replying to other players who have offered you suggestions. These people are trying to help you because "we" can't "fix" the issues. We can only skirt around them until the devs fix them. Stop acting like a brat and turning your nose up at people offering you an alternative for the time being.
    Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
    - JailBreak (in development)
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