I'll be honest, I despise PVP.. It's so totally pointless. I don't care if we win or lose, I just want the daily AD reward for doing 4 PVP sessions. Doesn't matter if you win or lose, and a lot of people seem to afk it just to complete their daily.
However, if you WANTED to make it worthwhile to really compete and try and win, you need to be able to convert GLORY to AD. Let me tell you, if a 15 minute session with a 150 glory reward for losing vs a 1000 glory reward for winning would have a real VALUE, then I would do my best to win. As it is right now, I've got 30,000 glory that has ZERO value to me. I already bought, and levelled past all the pvp gear, the sword is less than worthless as a companion, and there is literally nothing to spend glory on anymore..
So, if you want to make people care about winning pvp, you need to provide a reward that has a real value. As it stands, I admit, I'm guilty of afk pvp, because I don't have any incentive to win. I'm sitting on a pile of worthless glory, and I don't care if I get 100 for 10 minutes of time. However, if you let me convert 1 glory to 1 AD, I would do my best to get the 1000 glory victory every time.
Post edited by sludge01 on
alianyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
I'll be honest, I despise PVP.. It's so totally pointless. I don't care if we win or lose, I just want the daily AD reward for doing 4 PVP sessions. Doesn't matter if you win or lose, and a lot of people seem to afk it just to complete their daily.
However, if you WANTED to make it worthwhile to really compete and try and win, you need to be able to convert GLORY to AD. Let me tell you, if a 15 minute session with a 150 glory reward for losing vs a 1000 glory reward for winning would have a real VALUE, then I would do my best to win. As it is right now, I've got 30,000 glory that has ZERO value to me. I already bought, and levelled past all the pvp gear, the sword is less than worthless as a companion, and there is literally nothing to spend glory on anymore..
So, if you want to make people care about winning pvp, you need to provide a reward that has a real value. As it stands, I admit, I'm guilty of afk pvp, because I don't have any incentive to win. I'm sitting on a pile of worthless glory, and I don't care if I get 100 for 10 minutes of time. However, if you let me convert 1 glory to 1 AD, I would do my best to get the 1000 glory victory every time.
Umm...sell the glory gear. There's your reward. You can sell a 4 piece pvp to new 60s for 200k. I've done it multiple times.
Umm...sell the glory gear. There's your reward. You can sell a 4 piece pvp to new 60s for 200k. I've done it multiple times.
I'm sure not dumb enough to spend AD on something I earned in 2 days. Soon you run out of stupid people spending AD for stuff they can earn for free. It takes a special kind of moron to pay AD for something you can earn pretty quickly doing pvp. I'm guessing they are not smart enough to go the the blades shop to see just how cheap in glory a full pvp set costs.
Take out the rewads for losing. There's your incentive to win. Since that's your excuse for afk'ing....
As I said before, my excuse for AFK is the 4,000 daily AD. That doesn't care if you win or lose? You say change it so you have to WIN to get that AD? I say you have a revolt.
alianyMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
I'm sure not dumb enough to spend AD on something I earned in 2 days. Soon you run out of stupid people spending AD for stuff they can earn for free. It takes a special kind of moron to pay AD for something you can earn pretty quickly doing pvp. I'm guessing they are not smart enough to go the the blades shop to see just how cheap in glory a full pvp set costs.
I love people like you. You ***** and moan when there is a solution. But you know, I agree with the rest. Make it so only wins count for the daily. That's how most MMOs do it. And you know what? Those mmos have very little to no afking ******bags like yourself. And no, there is no excuse to afking. Whatever helps you sleep at night though.
As I said before, my excuse for AFK is the 4,000 daily AD. That doesn't care if you win or lose? You say change it so you have to WIN to get that AD? I say you have a revolt.
That's what PvP should be. Not giving prices and rewards to everyone. You actually have to win to get prices. Isn't that the main reason people go against each others? Not to hold hands but to be the better than others.
Why else there would be people going AFK there? Because you get the rewards even for doing nothing. So maybe the PvE should hand daily AD for going in the dungeons and getting beaten by the boss there.
I guess not.
That's what PvP should be. Not giving prices and rewards to everyone. You actually have to win to get prices. Isn't that the main reason people go against each others? Not to hold hands but to be the better than others.
Why else there would be people going AFK there? Because you get the rewards even for doing nothing. So maybe the PvE should hand daily AD for going in the dungeons and getting beaten by the boss there.
I guess not.
Gee, all these comment from people who don't play a DC. I do negligible dps compared to a gwf or a tr, who can usually 1 hit debuff and kill me. Unless there are 2 DC's stacking astral, we are pretty much always the first target by everyone. I'm not spec'd for pvp, I'm a healer for pve, and pvp is all about the burst dps. So, I DO have a complaint about saying you have to win, since DC's are at the bottom of the dps chart in a big way, always have the biggest target on them, and have the shortest lifespan of any pvp player. I'm willing to bet all the whiners who say you have to 'win' are the same ones who exploit to jump on the spawn points to get the most kills.
I'll to be honest, unless I see my team is going to win by a land slide, I'll usually just "give up" in a sense and just start going for kills for fun and ignore the points completely so we can lose faster.
It's stupid that you gain more glory losing faster than having an even match that drags the game out so long, even if you win.
As I said before, my excuse for AFK is the 4,000 daily AD. That doesn't care if you win or lose? You say change it so you have to WIN to get that AD? I say you have a revolt.
This seems to be the prevailing culture of the pvers coming into pvp. I understand why the devs let the daily be achieved without a win, but with so many people sharing sludge01's attitude obviously it isn't working out as they planned. It would therefore make a lot of sense to change the daily to requiring a win.
Gee, all these comment from people who don't play a DC. I do negligible dps compared to a gwf or a tr, who can usually 1 hit debuff and kill me. Unless there are 2 DC's stacking astral, we are pretty much always the first target by everyone. I'm not spec'd for pvp, I'm a healer for pve, and pvp is all about the burst dps. So, I DO have a complaint about saying you have to win, since DC's are at the bottom of the dps chart in a big way, always have the biggest target on them, and have the shortest lifespan of any pvp player. I'm willing to bet all the whiners who say you have to 'win' are the same ones who exploit to jump on the spawn points to get the most kills.
So basically you are just free-loading AD's by using the AFK exploit, and then proceed trying to insult people because they may be using an exploit.
That's hypocritical.
Oh, and getting debuffed and then killed.... that's not a one-shot.
The reason you get glory even if you lose is because it's necessary. The PvP armor is necessary to start doing epic dungeons, and is reasonably the only way you're going to get a high enough gear score unless you have tons of AD to simply buy good armor off AH. Secondly, PvP is so unbalanced in terms of gear disparity that if you start playing PvP at level 60, then you will most likely lose nearly every match. If you're not getting glory for the loses, then you can't even begin to earn armor and level the playing field. Do you guys know how ridiculous PvP is for fresh level 60s with greens and blues?
I personally agree with OP. PvP needs something more worthwhile than a few glory items and 4,000 AD. You need a real reward. I don't care if the reward only goes to the winning team, it just needs to matter. But as far as glory goes, it's fine the way it is. The purpose of PvP is to get fresh sixties to the point where they can run high-level dungeons. That is why they are "so easy" to get. That's intentional.
A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
So basically you are just free-loading AD's by using the AFK exploit, and then proceed trying to insult people because they may be using an exploit.
That's hypocritical.
Oh, and getting debuffed and then killed.... that's not a one-shot.
A:Like the special olympics, even if you 'win' pvp, you are still a HAMSTER. But, I don't care, I get a 'participated' award with 4000 AD. That's all that matters. The fact that I'm 'afk' still makes me a participant, so I get a white ribbon at minimum. Again, who cares if you can one-shot other players? If your entire purpose of playing the game is to prove you are 'better' than other players, well, once you get out of your mom's basement, you'll find out that's not how the real world works. In the real world, you have to work with people you don't like, who are mentally slow, and generally worthless, but that's life. Proving you are 'cool' by hopping on the spawn point doesn't make you cool, it makes you a jerk.
B: I never said they one-shot me. I said they debuf, and proceed to kill me. dazed, unable to slide, and I go down in about 3 seconds.
I'll be honest, I despise PVP.. It's so totally pointless. I don't care if we win or lose, I just want the daily AD reward for doing 4 PVP sessions. Doesn't matter if you win or lose, and a lot of people seem to afk it just to complete their daily.
However, if you WANTED to make it worthwhile to really compete and try and win, you need to be able to convert GLORY to AD. Let me tell you, if a 15 minute session with a 150 glory reward for losing vs a 1000 glory reward for winning would have a real VALUE, then I would do my best to win. As it is right now, I've got 30,000 glory that has ZERO value to me. I already bought, and levelled past all the pvp gear, the sword is less than worthless as a companion, and there is literally nothing to spend glory on anymore..
So, if you want to make people care about winning pvp, you need to provide a reward that has a real value. As it stands, I admit, I'm guilty of afk pvp, because I don't have any incentive to win. I'm sitting on a pile of worthless glory, and I don't care if I get 100 for 10 minutes of time. However, if you let me convert 1 glory to 1 AD, I would do my best to get the 1000 glory victory every time.
Why are you suggesting this?!? Are you some kind of sadomasochist or something? You opened your post saying how much you hate PvP and that it is totally pointless and then proceed to say you want to make PvP more required? You are one strange dude!
Why are you suggesting this?!? Are you some kind of sadomasochist or something? You opened your post saying how much you hate PvP and that it is totally pointless and then proceed to say you want to make PvP more required? You are one strange dude!
No, no, no.. What I am saying, is how it currently stands, I have ZERO incentive to 'win' pvp. Glory has no value, so why bother? AD has value, that's the ONLY reason most people even do PVP, is to get the 4000 AD. If they make it so glory has a REAL VALUE, then, and only then would PVP cease to be an afk fest, and become something worth achieving. How many people really complete the daily dungeon every day? Not too many, because in 90% of pugs, you end up wasting an hour and failing at the end. How many people do the shortest, easiest foundry every day, probably most of them. It's a time vs reward question. I complete 4x15 minute foundry every day, and get 4000 AD. I complete 4 PVP in about 30 minutes, and get 4000 AD. This game is all about the AD. If you want me to care about PVP, give me something (AD) that I care about so I put some effort into it. If I end up with 100 glory for losing vs 1000 glory for winning, and glory has VALUE, then I will work to get glory. If glory has zero value, then why waste time playing PVP EXCEPT to get the daily AD. If I could exchange glory for AD, I would play more than the minimum 4 times a day of PVP, because it would be a reward for my time..
I refuse to spend real money on this game, that's never going to change. What I do however, is calculate the most AD/hour I can earn, and work for that.
A:Like the special olympics, even if you 'win' pvp, you are still a HAMSTER. But, I don't care, I get a 'participated' award with 4000 AD. That's all that matters. The fact that I'm 'afk' still makes me a participant, so I get a white ribbon at minimum. Again, who cares if you can one-shot other players? If your entire purpose of playing the game is to prove you are 'better' than other players, well, once you get out of your mom's basement, you'll find out that's not how the real world works. In the real world, you have to work with people you don't like, who are mentally slow, and generally worthless, but that's life. Proving you are 'cool' by hopping on the spawn point doesn't make you cool, it makes you a jerk.
B: I never said they one-shot me. I said they debuf, and proceed to kill me. dazed, unable to slide, and I go down in about 3 seconds.
A) No, being AFK means Away From Keyboard, which by definition means you are not participating, since you are 'away'. It really baffles me how you can excuse being AFK and then complain about other HAMSTER in your group.
Me too, so do a whole lot of other people, of different classes. So?
And besides, you play a DC, those can be one of the hardest classes to kill. If you go down in three hits, you're doing something very, very wrong.
pickygamerMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
A) No, being AFK means Away From Keyboard, which by definition means you are not participating, since you are 'away'. It really baffles me how you can excuse being AFK and then complain about other HAMSTER in your group.
Me too, so do a whole lot of other people, of different classes. So?
And besides, you play a DC, those can be one of the hardest classes to kill. If you go down in three hits, you're doing something very, very wrong.
I agree.
A cleric (like a cw IMHO) are only as good as their team. Ive seen clerics do very well in the charts for just getting assists and maybe one or two kills. I find other cw's and trs are easier to kill for me then a good cleric whos raising hit points, punting people off point in blue AS and their buddies picking everyone off. If you get a HAMSTER group who pays no attention to their support guys then expect to be targeted and brought down (kind of the rule of thumb really).
Im the leader most of the time and anyone that goes afk during a match gets kicked....I kicked a cleric today for going afk the last few minutes of a match......I don't care if we are losing, you play till the end or just leave, or I waste your time by kicking you from group.
A cleric (like a cw IMHO) are only as good as their team. Ive seen clerics do very well in the charts for just getting assists and maybe one or two kills. I find other cw's and trs are easier to kill for me then a good cleric whos raising hit points, punting people off point in blue AS and their buddies picking everyone off. If you get a HAMSTER group who pays no attention to their support guys then expect to be targeted and brought down (kind of the rule of thumb really).
Im the leader most of the time and anyone that goes afk during a match gets kicked....I kicked a cleric today for going afk the last few minutes of a match......I don't care if we are losing, you play till the end or just leave, or I waste your time by kicking you from group.
Too bad for you.. You can no longer kick people in PVP..
Umm...sell the glory gear. There's your reward. You can sell a 4 piece pvp to new 60s for 200k. I've done it multiple times.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
However, this is an MMO so you can't do that.
I can has a rewads?
I'm sure not dumb enough to spend AD on something I earned in 2 days. Soon you run out of stupid people spending AD for stuff they can earn for free. It takes a special kind of moron to pay AD for something you can earn pretty quickly doing pvp. I'm guessing they are not smart enough to go the the blades shop to see just how cheap in glory a full pvp set costs.
As I said before, my excuse for AFK is the 4,000 daily AD. That doesn't care if you win or lose? You say change it so you have to WIN to get that AD? I say you have a revolt.
I love people like you. You ***** and moan when there is a solution. But you know, I agree with the rest. Make it so only wins count for the daily. That's how most MMOs do it. And you know what? Those mmos have very little to no afking ******bags like yourself. And no, there is no excuse to afking. Whatever helps you sleep at night though.
That's what PvP should be. Not giving prices and rewards to everyone. You actually have to win to get prices. Isn't that the main reason people go against each others? Not to hold hands but to be the better than others.
Why else there would be people going AFK there? Because you get the rewards even for doing nothing. So maybe the PvE should hand daily AD for going in the dungeons and getting beaten by the boss there.
I guess not.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Gee, all these comment from people who don't play a DC. I do negligible dps compared to a gwf or a tr, who can usually 1 hit debuff and kill me. Unless there are 2 DC's stacking astral, we are pretty much always the first target by everyone. I'm not spec'd for pvp, I'm a healer for pve, and pvp is all about the burst dps. So, I DO have a complaint about saying you have to win, since DC's are at the bottom of the dps chart in a big way, always have the biggest target on them, and have the shortest lifespan of any pvp player. I'm willing to bet all the whiners who say you have to 'win' are the same ones who exploit to jump on the spawn points to get the most kills.
It's stupid that you gain more glory losing faster than having an even match that drags the game out so long, even if you win.
This seems to be the prevailing culture of the pvers coming into pvp. I understand why the devs let the daily be achieved without a win, but with so many people sharing sludge01's attitude obviously it isn't working out as they planned. It would therefore make a lot of sense to change the daily to requiring a win.
You wanna know how i know? Because there is a 25k cap on glory, so you can't have 30k glory.
So basically you are just free-loading AD's by using the AFK exploit, and then proceed trying to insult people because they may be using an exploit.
That's hypocritical.
Oh, and getting debuffed and then killed.... that's not a one-shot.
I personally agree with OP. PvP needs something more worthwhile than a few glory items and 4,000 AD. You need a real reward. I don't care if the reward only goes to the winning team, it just needs to matter. But as far as glory goes, it's fine the way it is. The purpose of PvP is to get fresh sixties to the point where they can run high-level dungeons. That is why they are "so easy" to get. That's intentional.
A:Like the special olympics, even if you 'win' pvp, you are still a HAMSTER. But, I don't care, I get a 'participated' award with 4000 AD. That's all that matters. The fact that I'm 'afk' still makes me a participant, so I get a white ribbon at minimum. Again, who cares if you can one-shot other players? If your entire purpose of playing the game is to prove you are 'better' than other players, well, once you get out of your mom's basement, you'll find out that's not how the real world works. In the real world, you have to work with people you don't like, who are mentally slow, and generally worthless, but that's life. Proving you are 'cool' by hopping on the spawn point doesn't make you cool, it makes you a jerk.
B: I never said they one-shot me. I said they debuf, and proceed to kill me. dazed, unable to slide, and I go down in about 3 seconds.
Why are you suggesting this?!? Are you some kind of sadomasochist or something? You opened your post saying how much you hate PvP and that it is totally pointless and then proceed to say you want to make PvP more required? You are one strange dude!
No, no, no.. What I am saying, is how it currently stands, I have ZERO incentive to 'win' pvp. Glory has no value, so why bother? AD has value, that's the ONLY reason most people even do PVP, is to get the 4000 AD. If they make it so glory has a REAL VALUE, then, and only then would PVP cease to be an afk fest, and become something worth achieving. How many people really complete the daily dungeon every day? Not too many, because in 90% of pugs, you end up wasting an hour and failing at the end. How many people do the shortest, easiest foundry every day, probably most of them. It's a time vs reward question. I complete 4x15 minute foundry every day, and get 4000 AD. I complete 4 PVP in about 30 minutes, and get 4000 AD. This game is all about the AD. If you want me to care about PVP, give me something (AD) that I care about so I put some effort into it. If I end up with 100 glory for losing vs 1000 glory for winning, and glory has VALUE, then I will work to get glory. If glory has zero value, then why waste time playing PVP EXCEPT to get the daily AD. If I could exchange glory for AD, I would play more than the minimum 4 times a day of PVP, because it would be a reward for my time..
I refuse to spend real money on this game, that's never going to change. What I do however, is calculate the most AD/hour I can earn, and work for that.
A) No, being AFK means Away From Keyboard, which by definition means you are not participating, since you are 'away'. It really baffles me how you can excuse being AFK and then complain about other HAMSTER in your group.
And besides, you play a DC, those can be one of the hardest classes to kill. If you go down in three hits, you're doing something very, very wrong.
I agree.
A cleric (like a cw IMHO) are only as good as their team. Ive seen clerics do very well in the charts for just getting assists and maybe one or two kills. I find other cw's and trs are easier to kill for me then a good cleric whos raising hit points, punting people off point in blue AS and their buddies picking everyone off. If you get a HAMSTER group who pays no attention to their support guys then expect to be targeted and brought down (kind of the rule of thumb really).
Im the leader most of the time and anyone that goes afk during a match gets kicked....I kicked a cleric today for going afk the last few minutes of a match......I don't care if we are losing, you play till the end or just leave, or I waste your time by kicking you from group.
Too bad for you.. You can no longer kick people in PVP..