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Suggestions for pvp

shaneo8709shaneo8709 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 21 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion
1) Take potions out of pvp, it makes people unkillable and its no fun chasing every person low on health to stop them from getting a potion.

2) Make people dismount on a single attack, mounted players shouldnt be able to just stroll right past people to a zone, and the people on foot cant mount if they just attacked or are in a fight unless they CC the person on the mount.

It really makes pvp seem like its just running from point to point on mounts while picking up potions, its pretty boring.
Post edited by shaneo8709 on


  • pickygamerpickygamer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think the potions must be limited, there have been times ive gone to get one myself and they are gone. If they are running to get a potion, chances are you will be able to burn that off them like you did the first time they went running. As for mounts, I can normally knock em off them pretty easy as a cw...im sure any ranged can easily do it with one hit. IMHO there are more pressing issues needed to be fixed in PVP, starting with the queue perhaps and the bot and afker issues.
  • dethcorddethcord Member Posts: 77
    edited June 2013
    Removal of potions will even further increase PvP's dependance on clerics. As it is now a team with 1 clerics will dominate the one with 0 clerics, even more so if you have two, in case both teams are more or less equally skilled. Clerics don't need to be even more of a mandatory then they are now.

    Personally I'd like out of combat Hp regen like it was implemented in WHO, but people probably won't like it since "it's not very D&D".
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I think those are two of the most unnecessary suggested changes for pvp that I have read on the forums to date.

    Of considerably more importance:

    1) Fix the queue bug, control afkers, bots, etc.
    2) Add new game mode and maps.
    3) Reduce the TTK at level 60 pvp.
    4) Add incentives for pvp like ranks, more stuff to buy with glory
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