So I've decided to take my time to explore other people's foundry quests and provide honest and critical feedback on their foundries. Please take the time to review the following quest from a campaign and I will reciprocate.
Please note: I will only provide reviews on quests that are 15-45 mins in length.
Also note: I will not provide a review unless you have done so.
Thank you so kindly for your time,

CHRONICLES OF THE ABYSS: ACT 1 - The Puzzling Entrance
TIME TO COMPLETE: 15-25 mins
SERIES: Act 1 of 3 for campaign "Chronicles of the Abyss"
VERSION: 1 (beta)
ROLEPLAY: Alternate Roleplaying/Puzzle Adventure Included (mini-alternate quest).
Please keep in mind that I absolutely no control over loot in this map at any rate. Also note that music/sounds are a currently known bug within the foundry quests - so when this is patched/fixed, you will enjoy this quest more.
Your conscience has led you to undertake a dangerous task within the abyss. It is time for you to listen to your own mind and delv deeply within the roots of evil. Unlock secrets never known to mankind to complete the alternate ending within this quest. Do you and your conscience have what it takes to assist Pellerrin, the Druid? Find out by seeking your own conscience within the puzzling and scary entrance to the ABYSS.
Be brutal please. This is my first quest, so I'm in need of solid feedback. Thanks.
Well I won't be brutal BUT I will be brutally honest! LOL - Same goes with me though, all critisisms are welcomed.
Although I did entertain and laugh near the beginning where it was my fault for getting the repetitive encounters, I feel there is a little more that is needed in this quest.
1) Non-repetitive monsters - it would be nice if you changed it up a bit more, but it was okay though!
2) When I 'go to the next map,' that is all it says. It's best to name your map transitions so that people know where they are going next.
3) The outside part of the quest was actually beautiful to look at, but it's too 'open space.' Try to direct people in a specific path instead of giving them the feeling of a sandbox.
4) The ruins was interesting, but not complete. You should align your encounters a bit differently - they were too sporadic and linear. Have a reason for them being there instead of just standing up against a wall. Also, it's not a good idea to stack your encounters like you did near the anvil (please rename your anvil, it says a 'dungeon pedestal' or something like that right now). Stacked encounters for high level players (such as myself), is far too difficult.
5) All in all, honestly NOT BAD for a first timer. Just keep playing with it and take the criticisms to your own advantage for developing future quests.
Thank you for your developments, keep me posted on any changes, and I'll be sure to take another look at it or any others you have.
I enjoyed the storyline, very much indeed. I felt that the additional NPCs within the crypts were not serving any purpose, but perhaps I missed something.
1) The clearing of the risen within the crypts really confused me to hell. Perhaps change the waypoints to 'points' instead of within an area because I got lost for a good 5 mins running around the initial area where you drop the power core. I ran around and around and even spoke with the NPC in there trying to find the other 6 of the 7 encounters I needed to clear.
2) Your rooms are large spaces in some area, so take advantage of it and fill it up with some nifty things. Perhaps some more decorations, encounters or just additional nonsensical but relevant quest information to go along with your storyline.
I gave this quest a 4/5. It would have been a 5 if I didn't waste more time than necessary on things that could've been avoided initially.
Overall, great storyline, fun dungeon run and I am looking forward to the 2nd chapter. Thanks for your developments and I'm looking forward to more.
First, the Good:
1) I liked the idea of the optional sidequest, it realy helps immerse you in the area.
2) Beautifully decorated enviromnents.
3) Interesting comments from all the monsters. Especially the zombies: "Braaaaaains" lol. That was a refreshing sight.
The Bad:
1) Possibly speed up the inspect times for the statues in the hallway. It was a little grating having to wait so long.
2) When the west ward door opens, it goes right through the barrier holding the water. Maybe push the barrier back some.
3) The second teleportal is hard to see with the statue standing in front of it.
4) I would have liked to have seen more of Meeku in the dungeon. That was a brilliant idea, you should use it!
5) Also, All the enemies have interesting things to say when you encounter them, why not the Gnolls? "Fresh meat for our larder" is cool, but it's not original like everything else and kind of stands out.
All in all, enjoyable, with a few minor things kinking it up. Well done.
I'll be making those updates soon, hopefully today!
You are welcome - be sure to keep me posted on changes and I'll check out your quest again