I like the idea behind your GWF build, and I understand that it's meant to be a cheap cost for viable damage, but I would strongly recommend stacking a little bit more power. With that gear, that crit chance and arp should be fine, I would suggest to anyone trying this build to stack some power in the offensive slots. Having a nice crit is good, but the more power you have, the more damage your crits will do. Nice guide, though
Dragon Server
Ragnos Fireborn - 18.7k GWF Half-Elf Eva Darkblood - 13.8k TR Elf Venger Force of Evil - 13.7k CW Tiefling Azaghal Belegost - 16.5k GF Dwarf Drak'ar - 13.3k HR Drow Roghthar Darkspawn - 11.5k SW Human
build is pretty old, some things changed like the price of the gear, now is under 10k )) But even so build is still a good pick..here is the scaling of stats https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3dqpvhuavj after 3k ar pen, power is a bit better since 250 power = 1% dmg so between 3k-4k ar pen your dmg is increased by 3% while power gives u 4%, but until 3k ar pen is the choice!
Dragon Server
Ragnos Fireborn - 18.7k GWF Half-Elf
Eva Darkblood - 13.8k TR Elf
Venger Force of Evil - 13.7k CW Tiefling
Azaghal Belegost - 16.5k GF Dwarf
Drak'ar - 13.3k HR Drow
Roghthar Darkspawn - 11.5k SW Human