So in my quest, a non-objective NPC (appears outside of the Story board) appears when you pick up an item. The NPC attacks you, then runs away. There is no "This Component Complete" to make her disappear, so I've been making her disappear at Dialogue Prompt Reached with her own dialogue. : / How can I refine this so that she doesn't cut off her last piece of dialogue? heh
Foundry newb.
Yeah, I've got this going on. Just seems to kill the mood of the dialogue. ^^; With the black window flickering in and out quickly. BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Or you could have an invisible clickable, placed on top of the npc, be the contact instead of the npc. That way you can use component complete for when the dialogue finishes. Only real downside to this is that you can't have the npc do different animations during the dialogue without having them disappear and reappear to change the emote.
Okay, Panic.