It is very difficult to find the found story driven quest. Often there is a lot of fight with a bit of dialogue but not much story. The reason for that (I guess) is that a lot of people are only interrested into hack and slash, therefore foundry author do what people like. Story driven stuff interrest a minority, I acknowledge that.
Do you have a foudnry quest with a lot of interresting element ? A good story not hard fight focussed ? Post it ehre.
Here is an example of what I consider a foundry quest with a lot of nice machanics (not mine - I haven't published what I am making - a planescape torment remake - i am in the process of doing the mortuary) : Agent 34 I think it is called. Nice mechanic usage even if the story is nonsensical. One I like for the story but find myself overwhelmed for fights at higher level : the hidden blade campaign.
Post yours.
It started with a burglary
Then it got friendly
But it ended badly