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Paragon Paths Wishlist

demattodematto Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Hey. I just thought I'd throw a topic up to see what people in the community would like to see in terms of future paragon paths. Obviously, there are issues with the game that need to be addressed and which should be addressed first. But on the other hand, I suspect the people developing new content are different from the ones fixing what's out.

So, a wishlist! Gimme what you got!
A paragon path features 3 Class Features, an At-Will, Encounter and Daily Power. Get as complicated and as in-depth as you'd like. Naturally, bonus points if you have some 4e knowledge to take names from and the like. But even if you only have a general idea, let's hear it.

I'm always a big fan of Wizards. I wouldn't mind seeing the Hermetic Saboteur path.
Encounter could be placing a trap on a targetted location, about the size of the reticle for a tabbed Shard. Can lay 1charge per rank. They last, I dunno, 3-5 seconds and detonate on contact with an enemy for some damage and a pop-up followed by a prone. Mastery might increase the area dramatically and the pop-up a little bit.

At-Will I'm a little less sure on. My first thought was some small, short-range cone that makes enemies grant Combat Advantage. Another thought I had was to stick with the ward/glyph setup and have them charge up a glyph on the target that explodes when released for aoe damage and weak push.

Daily: Targets a single enemy, dealing damage based on the number of debuffs on the target? Probably not the best daily, but not every part of a paragon has to be a game-changing, omgwtfbbq level of awesome.

Post your own, friends!
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