After getting the error
"File read from disk has bad CRC. Verifying Files in the launcher may fix issue.: " for the third time I did some looking.
In short, for me, this was my systems AV taking too long to scan a recently opened/unpacked/on-access file. The file is marked as having a bad CRC and from that point on whenever it is accessed it will crash the game. As far as I can tell the file isn't actually bad it simply doesn't match the updated CRC tables and there is no easy way to modify the bad flag.
How I tested
- 2 pcs running 2 different avs
- Monitored all calls that touched any NW files
- Picked a file I knew I could access on demand (world map) and duplicated the error by holding it with the AV. A bad CRC is generated and will crash the game whenever I travel using world map.
- This is easily reproduced. success!! er sorta
Two closing thoughts.
- It's silly to think disabling AV or reducing its effectiveness is the way to go here. Perhaps a better way to verify files is in order?
- If you get this error alot there is a faster way to get back and playing then re-installing or re-downloading the piggs. Download the game and set aside the newly downloaded piggs/hoggs etc. Then whenever you get this error copy the old working ones over the new broken ones. Your update will be much smaller. For me it has been a couple hundred megs instead of gigs
I fully accept I could be wrong and all I did was find a new way to simulated an entirely different bug but hopefully Im correct and this helps someone get back into the game faster or a dev isolate a really annoying bug.
EDIT: oh yeah, in case anyone isn't aware "verifying files" as the error suggests doesn't provide any results