If it is copyrighted than no, you can't. There is a wealth of other material you could recreate that is not. Use this CHART as a guide for further questions on copyrights.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors. Video Preview
I think what it comes down to, is that since you personally are not making money off of it, you 'could' make whatever you want, however since PWE stands to make money off of NWO, anything that improves that chance of making money would breach copyright law, therefore they have to take it down if they find anything that is covered under that law. If it was absolutely free to play (no Zen or anything), then you could reproduce but must make notice of who the IP belongs to etc... But, because of the Zen market, copyrighted material is off-limits, stick to public domain works (and some of D&D stuff is listed there now, actually a LOT of it from 1st/2nd since Wiz-Bro (Wizards/Hasbro) made them open license...
My suggestion, look into it, the stuff you are talking about, very well may be open for use.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
Video Preview
My suggestion, look into it, the stuff you are talking about, very well may be open for use.