While using this little program
Neverbleed I came across a potential bug.
When using wicked reminder the damage reduction calculation would update just fine, indicating -4% for 1 stack up to -20% for 5 stacks. When using Plague Fire enchantment it would only show -10%, for 1-3 stacks. When using Lesser Plague Fire enchantment, only -5% for 1-3 stacks. These would add and update perfectly fine in conjunction with Wicked Reminder stacks, -9%, -14%, etc.
I'm fairly certain the program only gets its data from the difference in true damage to actual damage, so it shouldn't be having any oddities in calculating stacks as it doesn't actually track that.
Can anyone confirm this is happening with them, and Greater Plague Fire as well?
The tooltip and the majority of the population disagree, though you're correct as far as how it's working right now.