Best I can tell AH broker for recommended gear and negative duration auctions results in vanishing AD on purchase.
I was running a lowbie alt and went to the AH broker (the one that recommends gear). Clicked buy on some lowbie cleric chest piece no mail, clicked buy again and still no mail, checked AD; gone. Searched for similar gear, found gear I bid on and the time remaining for the auction was negative.
It was only 300 AD so wasn't paying all that much attention, (nor do I care and am not looking for refund wouldnt be worth my time) regardless wont be using the recommended gear merchant again anytime soon and recommend others do the same.
Wouldnt hurt for someone to confirm. Like I said, I really wasnt paying very close attention. If that AD didnt vanish into a black hole and there is profit to be made then you might want to look for another possible overflow exploit.
Havent been creating auctions so no idea how duration is set nor do I care to investigate further.