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ilvl / Gearscore / T1 vs T2

voltz46738voltz46738 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 58
edited May 2013 in The Thieves' Den
All I have to say is Gearscore means S h i t. It's just a minimum bench mark for the boss fights.

I've out DPSed plenty of people(other class's) with a higher GS or was within 500k (Currently GWF). Think before you judge people on there Gearscore, it's not just about how many epics or perfect enchants you have. It's about knowledge of the class / can you dodge red S h i t / specs / knowledge of fight.

Anybody can buy there gear and say there good with a high GS score. Thats why gear needs to be BoP when running Heroics and have a few randon BoE's during trash.


  • kashimaa1kashimaa1 Member Posts: 104
    edited May 2013
    Ok. But nothing new here. Outdpsing bad paypal warriors is not a problem at all.
    i agree on the bop issue tho.
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