Seriously how long does this have to go on? An AFK Leader can still just boot everyone - or a griefer can just boot everyone right before the match ends after people have put in 20 minutes of work. I've even seen leaders quickly boot the #1 person just before it ends so they can get bumped up to get the reward.
Fix this HAMSTER! Turn it into a voting mechanism at least, or better yet when doing random PVP don't allow kicking at all as long as the person has recently entered combat or been at a tower.
And for the love of all that is holy STOP GIVING PARTY LEADER TO THE ONLY GUY THAT WASN'T IN THE PREMADE GROUP!!! I'm getting so sick and tired of remaking group after every single match!
I really like the current leader system given the state of afkers, bots, and bugged team members atm. I have never been in a game where the leader of my team is afk/ etc. Admittedly it helps that for some reason I am nearly always the leader in pvp, and the few times that someone else has the lead they have done a good job (kicking bugged members at the start, kicking "afkers" just before the end of game so they have just wasted their 15mins for no gains).
As rdxcyclo says, it would be nice if when joining in groups your team leader could maintain the lead. However, this would be bad when you get those multi-box teams or groups of afkers. Essentially you would be giving the afkers/"bots" the upper hand.
Ultimately, unless the reward system is changed to prevent afkers/bots from getting any gains from a match and until the queuing system is fixed, the current leadership system is really the only way to make the game even playable, imo.
And for the love of all that is holy STOP GIVING PARTY LEADER TO THE ONLY GUY THAT WASN'T IN THE PREMADE GROUP!!! I'm getting so sick and tired of remaking group after every single match!
First installment of Gavin the "Lucky" series is live
Gavin the "Lucky": Prologue - NW-DEZSTNUT7
As rdxcyclo says, it would be nice if when joining in groups your team leader could maintain the lead. However, this would be bad when you get those multi-box teams or groups of afkers. Essentially you would be giving the afkers/"bots" the upper hand.
Ultimately, unless the reward system is changed to prevent afkers/bots from getting any gains from a match and until the queuing system is fixed, the current leadership system is really the only way to make the game even playable, imo.
First installment of Gavin the "Lucky" series is live
Gavin the "Lucky": Prologue - NW-DEZSTNUT7