How is the party kick system still unchanged since launch? One must assume that PWE wants players to kick other players from party at the end of dungeons and to steal all the loot/prevent the kickee from receiving chest rewards.
So to all people forming parties in zone chat, kick away pwe does not care.
And to people joining parties in zone chat/queue caveat emptor!
Just my 2 copper
PUGs currently have an 80% failure rate. Just get your friends/guildies together and do a run.
While I appreciate statistics drawn from thin air, let's stay on point of how the kick system is designed in a way to promote griefing and in order to have fun playing, we should ruin other players fun. Then when this game is barren wasteland in 2 months, we few griefers remaining can sit on our piles of astral diamonds and reminisce of the days of yore!
I agree with you completely! Vote kick must be implemented.