ok, I reached level 20 on my Rogue class and got that dandy hat... I hate it.!
Is there a way to toggle individual items of armor on and off while still reaping the stat benefits?
I have to say the Rogue head gear is just dreadful..
I've been playing D&D since the early 80's, and Rogues were always thieves and hunters, with pet familiars.
move silent with dexterity in the night.
Although Rogues still have the stealth element, I'm just curious why are they dressed like women with masks and big feathers in their wide brim hats??? Are they Musketeers now?
Is the word "trickster" the escape clause for such ridiculous head gear?
I would very much like to see hoods and masks for Rogues, as thieves would wear.
At lease as an option..
Maybe some people like the Rogue head gear, "not that there is anything wrong with that..." Maybe it move to a fashion item?
I'd just like to see something more in tune with stealth perhaps?
No offense meant, I'm just very disappointed in how silly my character now appears..
Currently you can disable the visuals on hats and neck items. Right click on the item on your character page. You should see the disable visuals option.
Attachment not found.
Brilliant news!!!
Now I guess I'll eat my hat for my previous pointy comments..