1. Currency... Ok gold is in short supply and to get to the 60 zone (to get ID scrolls) you have to go into some portal that is not marked and is inside the level 59 zone map. Huge pain to get there for no reason. On top of that the foundry drops are apparently nerfed as they hardly drop anything.... At 60 gold is starting to become an issue, I can't run dungeons only because I spend more in pots and kits then I can possibly make. God forbid dungeons drop some identification scrolls to fix this issue.
2. Dungeon drop rates... So if the delv is not active you should generally forget about running them. I ran Idris 10x between two days and it only dropped a set piece from the main boss 2x. So whats the point... just wait for delv run and ignore it the rest of the time. Nothing less satisfying then running an epic dungeon, killing a boss an seeing a blue that nobody in the group would possibly need drop.
3. The dungeon grouping system... It sucks.. for so many reasons... We all know this.
4. Useless classes... Ok so I love GWF (actually have a baby one) but when you look at a group for hard dungeons you want 2 clerics... 1 tr (need the dps) and at minimum 1 CW. So that leaves 1 possible spot up for grabs for a GWF and GF. They will be releasing a new class now.. yay..
/stops rolling eyes