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Cost of Transmuting too Expensive

rustybladesrustyblades Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 75
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I found a really cool chest piece and didn't want to loose the look, but wanted to upgrade the stats to this new chest piece I found so I transmuted the new piece - at level 15 it was 1.9k AD which is quite steep. The shocker is as the level increases so does the AD sink. To take the transmuted piece and upgrade it to a level 20 piece is 3.2k AD. Way too expensive to keep a look. Since the costume slots won't work for common gear the whole "keeping my character unique and a ROLE PLAYING CHARACTER" thing will simply boil down to less leveling, less story fun, and more grinding anything that gives AD as a reward just to keep my character in style and in a look that is his.
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    arcbladezarcbladez Member Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Same here. I don't like the fact that a pack of 4 dyes is $5! That's the price of a respec! That's the price of 4 Enchanted Keys! That's 500 zen which could be converted to around 175k AD which I can then use to buy pretty awesome epics at the AH!

    Dyes and transmutation are way too expensive for a temporary vanity look! We can never tell when we will be upgrading our items, so imagine you just spent $5 for a pack of dyes, or you just spend hundreds of thousands worth of Zen to transmute your chest, helm, boots and gloves, you do a few T2 dungeons and get a whole bunch of upgrades on that same week!


    All that money down the train in a matter of hours, days or even a week!

    All the money I spent so far in the game has not gone to waste! The $40 worth of Enchanted Keys I bought gave me a Phoera, tons of enchants and tons of AD! My $30 wolf mount allowed me to travel at 80% speed on 2 of my alts and my upcoming 3rd alt! My $10 worth of respecs have allowed me to put points where I want and become a better player! See? Nothing I spent is wasted!

    But what if I did waste AD on transmutes or zen on dyes? Once I replace a piece of gear, that money is gone!

    IMHO, Cryptic should revamp the Transmuate armor system to a system similar to Lord of the Rings Online! I must of spent over $50 before I quit LOTRO on transmute items because unlike NW, when you transmute an item, the visual is applied to the ITEM SLOT and not the ITEM ITSELF! This means if I buy a $10 transmutable chest vanity item and apply it to my chest slot, whenever I get a new Chest Armor upgrade, the graphics are still the same! It's a 1 time deal, I spent $10, and I'm happy because I know my money isn't just being flushed down the drain when I get a new upgrade!

    That isn't the case with NW! Everytime I get a new armor upgrade, I'm just gonna lose money for nothing! Also, please don't argue that it's the "same thing" as buying gear at the AH with real money because it is! When I buy AD with Zen so I can buy gear at the AH, even if I replace that gear a few hours later, at least during those few hours, I was doing more DPS! The money I invested into the gear for the limited time was actually doing something to the game! See the difference? A vanity item does nothing to my character other than making me look nicer and prettier! My DPS isn't increased, I don't travel faster, I don't do anything other than look nice!

    Dyes and transmutations should be cheaper! IMHO Cryptic would make a lot more money this way because I personally am never gonna buy dyes, EVER! Or at least not until I'm fully decked out in T2 gear and I know I'll be wearing this same gear for at least the next 2 to 3 weeks!

    If dyes and transmutations were cheaper, like 25 cents per dyes or even a few hundred AD per transmutation, I'd be spending my money and AD all the time! I would easily spend $50 a month changing the looks of my character if I could do it hundreds to thousands of times a month! But the fact that I could only change a whole armor set as little as 10 times in a whole month for $50? No thanks. I'll live with the default colors and looks.
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    syrumsyrum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 168 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Gotta tell ya, the cash shop prices in this game are ridiculous. Sure, there are ways to earn a solid amount of AD in game, but you are pretty much required to do all of the dailies and keep your Leadership crafts going constantly.

    That said, you have some options... buckle down and just play or don't. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with your views, just pointing out that you could probably find more RP enjoyment elsewhere for less money. I would love to see prices come down in the shop, but I wont hold my breath. Instead, I'm playing another MMO and just sending my crafts and praying in this game once a day.
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