Why the hell didn't they keep that???? Maybe 50% was too much, but CMON that sounds way better than a little bit of dmg reduction, this class is desperately missing some self healing to make up for the fact that you have to take a bunch of dmg to even use Unstoppable.
I really don't get it.
What good is say, 50% dmg reduction when you had to be nuked to 25% health to even use it? Very innefficient, atleast compared to a potentially large heal.
It's like if Alistar in LoL had to take dmg to use his ult. Just, as a little comparison lol.
DOnt work when u are knocked down on ground, it shoud free u from that to...but dont. For Other form of CC it works.
This is one of those annoying cases where knockback/knockdown/knockup are completely seperate from "CC". A lot of games have this situation, I don't know how I feel about it, it basically just makes knocks in general overpowered and uncounterable compared to normal CC. =/
The fact that it doesnt "free" you from a knockback/knockup might be a technical thing, because it functions differently than a stun. Do we know if it's working as intended or if they are working on a fix?