Short Code: NW-DLMSDTM8FA boy is separated from his father who is ostracized from his own home because of the situation. Go on a journey to find the missing boy and learn what happened.- Very little lore
- Decent amount of fighting
- Some tough battles
- I have NO control of waypoint paths
- I have NO control of where the camera decides to point itself
- Many waypoint path issues that i cannot fix
- Camera on NPC prior to boss battle refuses to rise above the NPC's feet.
- If there's anymore, you tell me!
**NOTE: This is my first Foundry Quest. I intend for this to be 2 to 3 part quest. However, I’d like for this first quest to be as perfect as possible before moving on. Please leave as much feedback as possible! I will be making many changes based on your feedback!**
Please test it out and review it! I spent the entire day learning the foundry tools and making it, and i had a lot of fun! With good feedback, i can hopefully become really good at making these quests and publish some really good ones!