Day of the Dragons - Ch1: Discovery by Ayanme Fury@zlainfurry
Mission Type: Dungeon Crawl w/ Story
Average Duration:25mins
Amount of Combat: Heavy
Starts at: Coriol Road Door.
Mission Summary: Investigate noises in an abandoned house, and ultimately learn of an ancient and powerful wand.
Author tips/hints: There are no invisible walls in the cave portion. I believe that you're not truly exploring a cave, unless the possibility of falling to your death, is present.
Screenshots/attachments: Low Res Pic
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Map totally updated. Fully customized lighting and alterd rooms/terrain. working on updating the quest now.
[IMO] the quest description should come first, then all your notes.
don't put too much text in the "Objective complete" it pops up and disappears during combat to quickly
I got to 'Eliminate The Threat' and could progress no further, the 'dungeon' hallway was blocked by a pipe, so I had to abandon the quest.
ok give mine a try and tell me what you thought
Edit: 1.) The quest description fades out on lower resolutions. my suggestion "put all your notes on an item in/ on your map and not in the description"
Hope you play my quest, if your smart/ quick to pick up on whats going on... you can do it in 25mins
Upon entering it says search for clues, so you click an anvil and the quest advances. Can you tell me what about the anvil let me think it was a clue?
I would like to see a little bit more of the story develop throughout the quest, instead of it all being packed in right there at the end. I think it would've made it even more enjoyable.
Overall though, it's a good start.
Storming Monte Hall NW-DRAQHLR54
Just played your quest, sorry for the delay. I guess I'll basically have to echo what Meysa said above. It's a very good concept for a quest and campaign, everything is laid out logically and Act 2 is set up nicely. Maps are well-presented (for the most part), and good use of light and colour in the glygh rooms.
The story does feel like a rough draft right now though, probably needs another level of polish. We are basically told nothing throughout most of the quest, except things like Search For Clues. There's a dusty anvil in the corner. Interact with anvil. Search For Clues Complete. If we're searching for clues, we need to know why, and why something like the anvil might be a clue. You did provide some good information at the end filling out the story, some of that is perfectly placed but I'd recommend doling out a little more information early on.
Maps seem to be well-made, though perhaps in need of a little detail in certain places. There's a point in the cavern where you have to make a long walk back to the other end, and since you've already passed this way and there's not a lot to look at there, it feels like it needs either something to spruce up the return trip, or a portal to get back quicker.
So some work is needed, but it's definitely a good start.
Code: NW-DJ5BFT52F
Author: @oortexplorer
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