Rogue - only fix they need is their dalie hitting for 40k im a super gear'd tank an there is no way i won't get 1 shot by this.
Cleric - Double stacking blue circles.. srsly.. makes ppl cry.. pve good but for pvp you are forced to back cap to win..
Control Wizard - Green beam is super op, i hit a 41k today w/ knights challenge an green beam on w/ a lunge strike
GF - is decent you guys still need to fix KNIGHTS VALOR it bugs an keeps blinking red... an you wont be able to use it again for like litterally 30mins ( Happens when you use it an get cc'd it instantly goes on cool down but when it comes up.. just blinks red forever)
GWF - balanced alot of ppl complain about them being useless but its the way they play.. i play w/ a few 12k gwf an they say its cause ppl are noobs so idk what they doing wrong but its more of how ppl are building them less about balancing issues.
Side note - GF needs stronger shields archon got nerfed an the never castle shield is pretty weak doesnt really let you become a "Tank" we are just slightly tankier.. an w/ out much dps we are getting close to being useless lol i have to go dps spec to be usefully atm. If I were to recommend somthing it be adding 10-15% more stats on the shield an 1-3 ac would make it seem more of a need to have item.
Content wise- there should be some way we can play vs select groups of ppl this way our guild can challenge other guilds or pre-mades.. right now i get queue'd vs greens an they leave almost immediately
( Don't let farm groups auto click an do this 100 times for glory farming so possibly 5 matches every 2 hours or a dalie event for this would work)
Na, remove this and the rogue is useless.