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What actual, legitimate, for real, non-L2P, balance issues?

mohawkrmohawkr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 32
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
So I've read through a lot of the forum balance complaints and I am ashamed at us. Really. 99.999% of what I've read are people who either can't adapt their playstyle to the given mechanics, don't understand the weaknesses of the other classes they're complaining about that aren't actually OP, have never heard of a leveling power curve, are too thick to realize that they actually want to be playing a different class, trolls, or giant flaming babies.

People across the forums are up in arms, requesting ludacris changes like game redesigns, full shard resets, and proposing changes to their classes that, when combined with their classes' current strengths and weaknesses simply remove all weaknesses for their class turning it into an actually OP class so that they don't have to think about how they play, but continue playing like a derp.

I want to wag my finger, but I'm not going to yet.

I've seen GFs that are literally unstoppable 1v1 to 1v2 in pvp with the right CC skill selection on top of a full offensive build.

I've seen GWFs who use whatever the dash forward ability is to control the flow of offensive PvP and paired with a cleric have held the entire enemy team off of a point with knockback abilities.

I've seen intelligent and <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> Clerics make and break their team

TRs hit hard but get one to two shot punished if they get caught, or politely taken out back without lube by an average CW

Can someone please put together a legitimate complaint about balance that isn't "My Healing Class/Tanking Class/other DPS+defense Class cannot also have max DPS like a glass cannon made of iron" or "The one to two things I'm doing right now aren't working so nothing must work ever at all".

And before the trolls open with "OMG learn to read" or "for real, bro? do you even lift?" please pardon my tone. I'm agitated after searching through the existing discussions, and am purposefully slanting my post to make a point. In truth I'm very open to this discussion still. Don't hate, but seriously, help me out here. What am I missing?

Thanks for your patience.
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