Preface - we have no Armor Penetration on any of our T2 set pieces, and I personally believe we have to get to 20% for PVE, based on not much evidence yet. But please don't reply with armor pen sucks or some such.
So - to get the 2000ish armorpen we need for 20% reduction, we have 2 weapons, 2 rings, belt, shirt and pants.
My question is - take the gear with the good stat mix (crit/recovery/armorpen) but that have defensive slots, or take the ones with power for the offensive slots.
I've just started looking so it could be that I'm missing something important. Please edumacate me

For context, I'm starting to get T2 gear and realizing how much armor pen I'm about to lose from taking off my PvP gear
- 154 Power
- 154 Critical Strike
- 154 Recovery
- 154 Power
- 154 Critical Strike
- 154 Armor Penetration
- 616 hp
- 154 Critical Strike
- 154 Armor Penetration
- 77 Power
- 92 Critical Strike
- 77 Armor Penetration
- 35 Defense
- 77 Power
- 92 Critical Strike
- 77 Armor Penetration
- 35 Defense
- 243 Power
- 133 Critical Strike
Adding up those Armor Pen = 2281. Which is more than what we need (Should stop at 22%) so you can drop one enchant for something else instead. Note you still have room to put two more offensive enchants on your pet and a defensive one.
+125 Power
+175 Crit
+125 ARP
Offense slot
133 crit 243 arp + offence slot.
Basically you need a cat.