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Nethertide Campaign

tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,625 Community Moderator
edited May 2013 in Foundry Quest Database
Nethertide Campaign

The collapse of law and order in Neverwinter has allowed something to escape the nether regions. Slowly but with the surity of an incoming tide, the malignent force withers away the forces attempting to rebuild the city.

The quests of this campaign tell the story of attempts to restore an ancient Evil to prominence. You, renowned Adventurer, will attempt to uncover who is behind these happenings and ultimately thwart their scheme.

A Strange Merchant (NW-DAK2BFO2X)

Last night, a powerful dream took hold of you from the moment your eyes closed to the moment you awoke. Even after waking, elements of the dream seemed to encroach on your reality.

Your Dream:

You were a young man, a merchant. You sailed the Inner Sea, buying and selling with a sixth sense of who is in need, and who can satisfy that need. You made many friends, more than a few enemies, and uncovered lore that most had forgotten.

Flash forward.

You are now an old man, happily retired to the Tower District. But something is wrong, something from your past is asserting itself.


Must find Liana...

Judging by the Cover

In development.


Each quest is designed to be playable in around 20 minutes. However, there is content off of the straight path worth exploring for those seeking more story (or perhaps even a shortcut here and there).

I would appreciate your review, certainly so that the quest can make it out to the general player base, but especially so that I can make the story as compelling as possible. If you need a review of your quest, just add a reply with the details.

Thank You!
Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
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