Like the screenshot indicates, I cannot progress without the buttons to choose my paragen path.
Usually there's a button to select the paragen and then you're allowed to spend a skillpoint..
..However, that's not the case here. I press U to see "what's new" and this window pops up..
Username/Handle: Calfred Sparrow@rawsome83
Server: Dragon
Screenshot link:
Mayor of herp derp town.
Logging in and out didn't help though, only closing the game.
I've gotten the "paragon hero" title, and it seems like it chose that path for me automatically..
BUT I still didn't choose it myself by clicking on a button :S Can you check if something is missing from my character stats or whatever?
Stuff like this makes me uneasy to continiue playing in case something's screwed up with the core values of the character.