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My GWF got kicked out in T2 dungeon party!!!

broodmama21broodmama21 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Yesterday i joined random group which has 2 clerics, wizard, and the party leader group which Rogue. Party leader gonna kick me out because they dont need GWF. thy need another Rogue for the sure win. WTH! we done a lot of t2 dungeons with 2 GWFs without any problem. And one more thing this a-hole whispered me on pvp arena tht he wants to join our guild -VENDETTA- whis has 490 active members. i tell you wht?you dont have any room like you in our guild. Never! i think this one more reason people asking nerf or balance because of this stpd behavior. They think tht they are the best the number one!!
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    demonsunderdemonsunder Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Welcome to Pug's, They think they need 2 cleric's to clear everything and GWF's and GF's are useless, GFW = AOE slow, Defense debuff, offtank and Dps all in one neat package does the community understand no. GF = 20% mob damage reduction, 50% of the party's damage for 6 sec every 18 sec and control +dps. same deal.

    All t2's and Never on farm with GWF's and GF with 1 Cleric.
    Oceanic Neverwinter guild http://19thbattalion.com/home
    Breadbasket NW-DTYGYBRF2
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    daegrosdaegros Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    -3 Steps to MMO Party Success-

    Step 1, join a guild.
    Step 2, never pug again.
    Step 3, be happy and have more successful party runs (assuming u chose a good guild).
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    labbblabbb Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They NEED two clerics because they can not play their own class . They are stuck in WoW mechanics where they need heals . If they would learn to move and avoid they would not need any clerics . And because they suck , what they told you was " Sorry man , you can not carry us " . You did not want to be in that group anyways . They actually saved you a ton of frustration .
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    saucyshortcakesaucyshortcake Member Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    2 clerics is a crutch for terribles. GWFs can also do every dungeon just fine and do competitive damage.

    You should actually be happy. You got free distance from bad players.
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    nectarprimenectarprime Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cool story bro.
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    demonsunderdemonsunder Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Its been worse if I log on before my guild dose during delve's looking for a non-exploit group, forget classes /sigh
    Oceanic Neverwinter guild http://19thbattalion.com/home
    Breadbasket NW-DTYGYBRF2
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    broodmama21broodmama21 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14
    edited May 2013
    daegros wrote: »
    -3 Steps to MMO Party Success-

    Step 1, join a guild.
    Step 2, never pug again.
    Step 3, be happy and have more successful party runs (assuming u chose a good guild).

    i have guild which is nice guild the've busy at this time on pvp
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    broodmama21broodmama21 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14
    edited May 2013
    Welcome to Pug's, They think they need 2 cleric's to clear everything and GWF's and GF's are useless, GFW = AOE slow, Defense debuff, offtank and Dps all in one neat package does the community understand no. GF = 20% mob damage reduction, 50% of the party's damage for 6 sec every 18 sec and control +dps. same deal.

    All t2's and Never on farm with GWF's and GF with 1 Cleric.

    The group has 2 clearics
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    broodmama21broodmama21 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 14
    edited May 2013
    Cool story bro.

    wht you mean cool story u think im making story i just dont want to mention the name of the party leader in furom.
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    nectarprimenectarprime Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wht you mean cool story u think im making story i just dont want to mention the name of the party leader in furom.

    Cool story tell it again.
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    osiabunnyosiabunny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is why I don't participate (Is there a spell check? :P) in dungeons I'm happy doing normal stuff, and it's less frustrating.

    Never have to hear from a punk about how your class is subpar even if it's only a few points difference. Not saying GWF doesn't need help in some areas but I have not ran into any issues with mine yet. Also only lvl 14 GWF so :P I do like my Wizard more.
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    crypticfailcrypticfail Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cool story bro.

    i think this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is Rogue and she never been kicked out the group or she's the one kicked you out
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    tenkurotenkuro Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yesterday i joined random group which has 2 clerics, wizard, and the party leader group which Rogue. Party leader gonna kick me out because they dont need GWF. thy need another Rogue for the sure win. WTH! we done a lot of t2 dungeons with 2 GWFs without any problem. And one more thing this a-hole whispered me on pvp arena tht he wants to join our guild -VENDETTA- whis has 490 active members. i tell you wht?you dont have any room like you in our guild. Never! i think this one more reason people asking nerf or balance because of this stpd behavior. They think tht they are the best the number one!!

    Do guild runs.... GWFs are amazing
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    xuminaxumina Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Dumb rogue =.=" I would actually be happy to have a GWF in my party... less stress for my clerics.
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    crypticfailcrypticfail Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yesterday i joined random group which has 2 clerics, wizard, and the party leader group which Rogue. Party leader gonna kick me out because they dont need GWF. thy need another Rogue for the sure win. WTH! we done a lot of t2 dungeons with 2 GWFs without any problem. And one more thing this a-hole whispered me on pvp arena tht he wants to join our guild -VENDETTA- whis has 490 active members. i tell you wht?you dont have any room like you in our guild. Never! i think this one more reason people asking nerf or balance because of this stpd behavior. They think tht they are the best the number one!!

    It happens to me sometimes well it is wht is bro. i know your guild Vendetta and i want to join but you guys only need Clerics for now and thts fine i can wait till have room for other class
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    comaetilicocomaetilico Member Posts: 69
    edited May 2013
    well actually is not really a bad player problem... but a class balance (well.. I should not call it calls balance.. since it is so heave that the problem is not even balance but broken callses/mechanics...)

    I have a GF... and usually play with a friend that have a GWF... we usually run with guild party (also due to we being in a long enstablished guild that have romed trough quite few games over the past 6 years...) but being our a small guild /30 ppl some of wich are casual gamer) there are times when we need to fill one or 2 slot and take some pugs...

    NOW... I've cleared with a standard setup (1x of each class) almost every dung (except castel never that I've yet to enter due to being helping some guild mate gear up before we want to run it in a full guild party for our first experince with that dung...) and i can tell u that a 1x party can clear every instance in this game with just a bit of team play and brain... (I had some pug that really made it hard to clear some dung due to them being brainless... -_-')

    also.. I have a CW and my pal a TR... we leveled them to 60 (in just 3 days, since once u know the game, exping is a piece of cake without having to resort to exploit or bug...)... got our "free" pvp equip and entered dung as pug... without teamwork... with dps obsessed player that probably have the IQ of a chiken... we've cleared lot of t2 with half the hardship and time.. this simply because we (as CW and TR) got to enter those "strange" 2 DC, 1CW, 2TR or 2DC, 2CW, 1TR party...

    so... in all onesty (and let me say that I LOVE my GF and how it work...) it's not the bad player fault to chose not to group with GF and GWF.. it simply is the game that encourage to not use them... a GWF can deal good AoE dmg... and have some nice offtanking option (altrough many off tanking feat and power are actually bronken and not working...) but what do u need it for when u can push down a cliff most of the mob and even bosses add in most boss's encounter? u can swap him with a 2nd CW to have the 2 mages take care of every add with less work (they can actually alterante controls on mob and dps on the boss whiel the GWF as to focus the add's all time and still need the CW to group them for him and control them a bit...) or with a second TR (if u have a good CW that can spam singularty every 10 or so second...)that will make the boss go down much faster...

    same thing for the GF... he can debuff the add's and boss dmg... he can hold the aggro of the boss for the whole encounter... he can even take a good number of the add's out of the cleric way... BUT...
    1) u don't need to have the boss tanked since most of it's dmg came from charged attacks that are easy to avoid without the need to block them.. and just 1 astral shield can reduce the dmg from his autoattack to a level where a single DC can out heal them without much problems...)
    2)u don't need to take care of part of the adds... since as explained before 1 good CW or a second CW can take care of ALL of them without a problem...
    3)a 2nd DC give a tremendous dmg reduction to everyone inside the AS+foresight with uptime of 100%... that is much more than all your GF debuff and buff could ever achive...

    so... is it really the fault of the bad player that some class are totally made irrelevant by games mechanics and broken abilities? or is it the devs fault that didn't think at a "non standard" group setup when they designed their pve?

    I still enjoy running dung with my guild and my GF... but I enjoy them more for the time I spend talking with my pals while running the dung that for running the dung itself... I will still run CN once our guild party is ready with my GF and my friend's GWF... but I will do it simply for the sake of doing it with my guild rather than for the sake of acquiring new and better equip...

    so... simply put... GF and GWF are actually a 2nd choice.. that u bring only because u want to taste an harder challenge... or because they are played by a friend that doesn't want reroll and u still want to bring with u...

    PS: now someone will come and speak about the conqueror GF amazing DPS... before that happen let me tell u this... I too can outdo other dps... but that happen when your party decide to KILL the adds instead of pushing them down a cliff... because most of our amazing DPS come from AoE dmg... and the conqueror spec simple turn us into a different version of a GWF... that are still useless once u understand that u can avoid the assle of killing lots and lots of add by simply pushing them down a cliff...
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    calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tenkuro wrote: »
    Do guild runs.... GWFs are amazing

    More amazing than knocking mobs over cliffs? :)

    I don't think I've ever seen an MMO become so elitist so fast.
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    somnolence2somnolence2 Member Posts: 98
    edited May 2013
    or they didn't trust you'd snitch on their uber exploits. No one brought up that point.
    You should of explained you Sploit too and then you could all holkd hands through the 5 minute epic experience.
    http://mmogfails.blogspot.com/ - because some times MMO's fail.
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    nectarprimenectarprime Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i think this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> is Rogue and she never been kicked out the group or she's the one kicked you out

    I think I have no freaking idea what you are trying to say.
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    banecrushrbanecrushr Member Posts: 129 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    It is what it is...try going into delves and NOT finishing the stinking dungeon! THAT has been my expericance so far. Personnally, I like one of each class... gives the grp all the flavors and IMHO a better than average chance to beat the final bosses. To bad about the losers you tried to pug with... my bet is they were an exploit bunch and didnt need an odd man on.

    "Sir, were now surrounded"!
    Thats great news son, now we can attack from ALL sides"!
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    imaginaryhawkimaginaryhawk Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2013
    Some great english on the first page of this thread.

    Anyways they did the right thing you know, I'd kick you too.
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    crypticfailcrypticfail Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some great english on the first page of this thread.

    Anyways they did the right thing you know, I'd kick you too.

    Right thing? kicking GWf in group with 2 clerics? unless you suck. well your rogue so forget it.
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