in a video it showed companion avoid getting close to strong mobs & bosses, i mean caster type/ranged companion, but i play'd with my fighter char & cleric companion, at that main quest tower with that evil wizard lvl 17-18 cant remember the exact lvl, my cleric went front of him like shes fighter, so new the companion Ai is messed up, she was at boss AOE range, so even if he attacked me she got hit a lot & died & i was in trouble, cause of that video i think its a bug, my first reaction was when it happened: dam moron what are u doing ton't come so close LOL (BDW that reaction i get in a lot of games were there are companions
), i think first time she was pulled close with skill & next time She came close herself, & in 1 video i so caster companion ran back to distance & then continued to support, that i call smart Ai, but how is it messed up new? or is it just like SH happens=random accident? (she came close meany times, that Boss AOE DAM skill bushed back to), what ever the reason i just want to let GM'S know that i noticed something wrong