Okay here is what i am trying to do. I have a dialog sequence where there is two prompts. I want a portal to appear behind the NPC no matter which prompt the player chooses. In the object visability options I chose to appear when dialog prompt reached. It looks like you can add aditional prompts, so I added the other dialog prompt. Here is what happens though.
The first prompt works perfectly. I select the dialog option and the portal appears. The second option though, nothing happens. I have a work around for this, but it requires creating another portal object and assigining it to the other prompt. I kind of want to accomplish the same thing with one object though.
Is this a known bug, or am I using the dialog prompt feature wrong?
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I think that you can only assign one action to each npc, so for example if you want the same npc to have two separate dialogues or trigger two separate events you have to set him to disappear/ reappear as new npc. Can you have it so that the dialogue prompts lead you to inspect 1 of 2 separate objects which in turn trigger the separate portals?
What I have done where two trees have the same result is find a non-immersion break final dialog point, something along the lines of "After talking with you the shopkeeper moves aside and reveals a portal swirling behind him" and have that trigger the visibility of the portal and just drag both tree's final responses to that one point. This gives you a single object that can be reached regardless of which tree was used. An example of this is the religion check in my run where if you pick up the dagger something happens but if you use religion you choose whether that happens or not. If you choose for it to happen that ties into a "end" box that also ties into picking up the dagger. It's 3 divergent tree paths with 2 divergent endings in my case.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
I think you are misunderstanding what i am trying to do. You know how you can have multiple dialog responses? Well I have to responses to choose from. Choice A and Choice B. I want the portal to appear for either dialog response. So if the player choses response A the portal appears. If he chooses reponse B the portal appears. The way I am trying to make this work is with the portal object setting. Portal appears when dialog prompt reached. It allows you to select the part in the dialog where the portal should appear. I am able to get it to appear for response A or B but not A and B. Do you see? It allows me to put in two seperat prompts to appear, but it doesn't seem to work right. Only thing I can think to do is add another portal object and assign it to response B. That way I have two portals, and one or the other will appear depending on the dialog response chosen. I would really like to use one object though.
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I think you are misunderstanding what i am trying to do. You know how you can have multiple dialog responses? Well I have to responses to choose from. Choice A and Choice B. I want the portal to appear for either dialog response. So if the player choses response A the portal appears. If he chooses reponse B the portal appears. The way I am trying to make this work is with the portal object setting. Portal appears when dialog prompt reached. It allows you to select the part in the dialog where the portal should appear. I am able to get it to appear for response A or B but not A and B. Do you see? It allows me to put in two seperat prompts to appear, but it doesn't seem to work right. Only thing I can think to do is add another portal object and assign it to response B. That way I have two portals, and one or the other will appear depending on the dialog response chosen. I would really like to use one object though.
Ok, I didn't misunderstand unless it is two separate portals with different destinations and you are tying to use a single portal image for two different things. Otherwise what I described is the easiest way I have found to have multiple trees have the same physical result, tie them into a single "end of dialog" option. Both dialogs go down their respective trees but at the end you create a single option and use the drag to pull both trees into it. That single option being the one that actually displays the portal. It can be something as simple as "With a pop, a portal opens behind <NPC>".
[COLOR="#0000FF"]Tree A Tree B
A1 B1
| |
A2 B2
\ /
Close [/COLOR]
Where close represents the dialog option that displays the portal.
Do you crave a good old fashioned dungeon crawl? One where the dungeon tells it's own story? The Dungeon Delves campaign is just for you! Start with my first release: NW-DQF4T7QYH Any cave can lead to adventure!
Yeah that would work, but not exactly the way I wanted it to. The two objects would be more sublte than what you are suggesting. The reason I say this is that the dialog keeps going after the portal appears, that means I would have to pause the dialog just to get the portal to appear. it would be obvious that I stuck the prompt in just for the effect, and then diverge the dialog again. I got good and evil story options throughout my quest. Multiple versions of the same dialog. So this is a common issue. Or I would have to rewrite the entire chain of dialog. I guess I will just add the second object and do it that way. Thanks for the alternative idea though.
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Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
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Ok, I didn't misunderstand unless it is two separate portals with different destinations and you are tying to use a single portal image for two different things. Otherwise what I described is the easiest way I have found to have multiple trees have the same physical result, tie them into a single "end of dialog" option. Both dialogs go down their respective trees but at the end you create a single option and use the drag to pull both trees into it. That single option being the one that actually displays the portal. It can be something as simple as "With a pop, a portal opens behind <NPC>". Where close represents the dialog option that displays the portal.
Awaiting a serious response from the developers on the abuse of the review system by other authors.
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