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Thanks PWE

awwyissmfbcawwyissmfbc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)

I want to like this game, I really do. PWE however is perfectly fine with taking (stealing) my money.

Back story: I'll admit it, I derped hard. I purchased the founders pack, but didn't realize that I was logged in under my second account. I figured all was good since my paypal email was the same as my main account. Unfortunately, I purchased the founders pack for the wrong account.

It was late, and PWE support was non-existent at that hour. I figured the best option was to dispute it in the meantime. This apparently was a bad idea. PWE decided to ban that account because of the dispute.

I tried calling billing today. Every single time it would "thank" me for waiting, and then go straight to a machine and disconnect me. I tried this 40-50 times, same thing, "thanks for waiting" > machine > disconnect.

I'm not trying to screw anyone over. I even went earlier today and bought the founders pack for the correct account + some Zen. I would even be happy if they converted the derped purchase to zen for my main account. Unfortunately they feel content to just keep my money and completely ignore me.

It feels the same as the ticket i submitted about a week ago. They just closed it for no reason and sent me a message saying basically that if the issue was important enough that I could re-submit.

Come on PWE.


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    ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Here's the moral: chargebacks are not an alternative to request a refund!
    Doing so without contacting support first can be considered fraudulent and is labelled as "Friendly Chargeback Fraud."

    Chargebacks exist to protect consumers from companies who are charging customers without their permission or from emergencies such as cases involving identity theft. When you chargeback it often costs companies fees and has other negative impacts.

    If you contact PWE by sending a support ticket or by sending an e-mail to customerservice@perfectworld.com via your PWE Registered E-Mail they will likely remove the bans and work with you considering this was simply a misunderstanding.

    Sadly support is heavily backed up with support tickets at this time and it will take time to respond to the ticket. Additional staff has been hired and will continue to be hired but the issue is already existent. It's not something PWE is happy with or proud of but they are doing all they can to overcome this issue and can only ask for your patience an understanding in this matter.

    However due to the shear number of backlogged tickets you are not alone in trying to reach support. As such the phone lines are quite often overloaded. Your best bet, with much regret, is to simply wait for them to respond to your ticket.

    If you have any further questions feel free to PM me or the other moderators.
    I hope you can get back in game soon!

    P.S. - Just a friendly warning, virtually every other online gaming service or digital retailer issues account suspension or closure due to chargebacks as well. I would suggest avoiding issueing a chargeback in your future endeavors.
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