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Please NERF rogues



  • allcrimesarepaidallcrimesarepaid Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    all server is full of rogues because they are underpowered.sure! wtf im gonna see/hear.
  • preternatural1preternatural1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm curious at how many TR fantools are going to ragequit once that OP thing gets what it deserves.
    The nerfs are getting closer and closer and there isn't anything wrong about that.

    A TR can tank, has tank like hp, that ridiculously OP dodge skill, stealth that does not break while attacking, the OP daily, OP crit rate, etc. The dmg output wouldn't be an issue, if the TR wouldn't be able to take as many hits as it does, in it's current state.


    You are one of the most deluded, ignorant fools who's words I have (unfortunately) allowed to contaminate my brain, by reading the pure, unadulterated lies you consistently type. Never burdened by the truth, not ever. I read your posts about TRs and, sometimes (just sometimes), I wonder if you have some kind of Eric Cartman-esqe self delusion where your perception of the game is such that... oh, nm, I won't bother even TRYING to share knowledge with someone who wears their ignorance on their sleeve, such as yourself. Just know that this: the problem is HARDLY TRs, you'd lose to GFs if not TRs (actually, if you claim to lose to TRs more than GFs, I call bull****), or CWs, if not them, then GWFs; you know Rangers are coming? Whole new class for you to ***** about losing to! See the what they have in common? YOU are the PROBLEM. There IS NO "problem" with the classes, you ignorant choad, and TRs can't do ANY of the **** you claim -- they do high, single-target dps, very few DAZES, and a couple SHORT, situational stuns and slows, that is the ENTIRE list of TR 'CC'; while the health pool may look impressive, it's about the same as a CW of similar gear level and it goes about as fast (2-4 hits from a GF/GWF). I'm not replying to any response to this, as I know you're a troll, "peace"... but before that, take your user ID to heart! embrace your sword... Really, really embrace that ****. If you lack the wherewithal, how about you, and all of the other TR bandwagon haters get a clue: while there are bugs in the game, and some class ABILITIES may need to be balanced or changed, none that I can think of are TR ones. Think more heavily armored classes. Classes that are whined about less on the forums.... (hmmmm wonder why)
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