What's going on Cryptic? This never happened before until today!!! I'm level 53 as a Combat Wizard. I use my level 15 Cleric as my pet. She always minds her own business and just heals. Sometimes her heals aggros and she dies, but whatever.
But as of today, she is continuously AGGROING mobs that are far away!
I'm in The Chasm, just killing stuff, I finished killing a pack of mobs and suddenly I see my Cleric just running across my screen and litterally just runs into a pack of mobs and starts attacking them!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????
I had not aggroed that pack whatsoever, they were standing there not moving, not doing anything, and I was not in aggro range and neither was my cleric or else they would of ran to them! But my cleric litterally just storms into them, dies and the mobs run straight to me! What is going on???
This has happened on several occasions for the past hour and I am very frustrated because of this. I have never seen this happen until today. What did you change to the game to mess up my Cleric's AI? Please verify this ASAP! The game is not playable anymore cause my Cleric keeps aggroing stuff that aren't even close to me or her!
I wish I could just summon another pet but I can't! The Cleric is the only pet I have, and the reason why she's the only pet I have is cause she's the only pet that's good for a CW! Which btw, can you please add a better healer Pet on the Zen market! I'd pay $10 to $20 for a better healer pet than this level 15 cleric that dies all the time and now pulls mobs without my permission!