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Neverwinter Recommendations

dustyforumdustyforum Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I am sure that this that this has been posted in a few places, however I wanted to start a new thread for it anyway. I know everyone has several recommendations to make the game better, so I figured why not post them here.

My Recommendations are:

1. Summoning stone- Lets face it, it does take quite a bit of time to get a party through the LFG system. 90% of the time it is easier so find 4 others on your own and walk to the dungeon. The main problem is that almost all the time... no one knows where the dungeon is. A summoning stone will help with this issue.

2. More Skins - Not much variety with the gear from lower to mid level from what I have seen. My clothes pretty much looks the same and I am also a 40. I would say at least make the gear different if the rarity changes from green to blue.

3. Better grouping options - I find it rather odd that you have to add someone as a friend to group with them. half of the time I am cleaning out my friends list with people I have grouped with.

4. Adding Friends - The naming convention to add a friend is a bit off. Half the time people do not know the characters that go after the "@" symbol. (I.E. Josesmoe@??????)

5. Seal trading- Would it be possible to add a seal trader so I can get rid of these lion seals? Possibly trade 5 for 1 of a higher one?

6. Players levels - Would it be possible to add players levels when crossing them? Half the time I am not sure what level a player is since all the skins look the same.

7. Raids - Speaks for itself.

I know it seems like a bit much... but as I said these are not complaints, they are simply recommendations.
Post edited by dustyforum on


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    elephantspiderelephantspider Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah..sitting on 50 seals of the lion that I couldn't use, because the Lion offered such horrible stuff that greens gave better stats. I loved being in Helm and seeing the lion seal vendor there, offering me level 16 blues when I was level 34...Something is wrong here lol. The Seals of the Lion should have bought better gear, with higher item levels, or the manticore seals should have been started sooner with lower item levels. Just my suggestion. And as for trading? Great suggestion. Let us trade up!
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    cucumberduhcucumberduh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Not supporting
    2. Not supporting!!! (oh, please, tell me more how you want to have shiny armors; this ain't a freaking WoW, DnD system is more like... hmm... for grown-ups)
    3. Supporting (yeah, this is silly option)
    4. Supporting
    5. Supporting (I already suggested this few weeks ago; I don't think this will ever happen, though)
    6. - (I don't think this is something devs should waste time with)
    7. Supporting
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    xuminaxumina Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 188 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    1. Summoning stone- Agree wholeheartedly... I'm lazy >_<

    2. More Skins - So long as it is within the lore

    3. Better grouping options - Agree....

    4. Adding Friends - Agree as well....

    5. Seal trading- Would prefer better bonuses for seal items. It would be pointless IMO to exchange the seals when random drops have better bonuses.

    6. Players levels - Agree....

    7. Raids - Need more details before I can agree
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    nynjasquirrelnynjasquirrel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Not supporting
    2. Not supporting!!! (oh, please, tell me more how you want to have shiny armors; this ain't a freaking WoW, DnD system is more like... hmm... for grown-ups)

    So - I'm wandering around this wide world wearing my 'Dull Blue Vest of Uninspiring' that I looted off some stinking ogre corpse, and after weeks of travelling I come across a rather mean looking goblin, who - once dispatched, drops another piece of clothing that appears to offer me magical enhancements to my very soul. I put on my wizard robe, but lo and behold - it's another 'Dull Blue Vest of Uninspiring'.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    2. Not supporting!!! (oh, please, tell me more how you want to have shiny armors; this ain't a freaking WoW, DnD system is more like... hmm... for grown-ups)

    I do not recall D&D having a dress code of exactly 3 outfits allowed for anyone ever. There is a big difference between wanting 3 foot tall shoulder pads and a 45 foot long flaming sword (wow like) and asking for a little more variety.
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    yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I agree, especially with more skins!

    But you know, as much as I love the game, it feels really unpolished. Just basic things like the group finder, queues for pvp bugging out, sustaining an injury if you die just as the pvp match ends, huge wait times for skirmishes and dungeons, the auction house filter not really working (as far as I can tell), ..... there's probably a lot more but that's just off the top of my head.

    Don't get me wrong, the basic gameplay seems solid and the quests etc have been fine so far, but there are many little things you just expect to be running that somehow aren't.
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    pinkfontpinkfont Member Posts: 563 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    2. Not supporting!!! (oh, please, tell me more how you want to have shiny armors; this ain't a freaking WoW, DnD system is more like... hmm... for grown-ups)[/COLOR]

    Yes, if there's one thing DnD is known for it's the understated, practical armor. :rolleyes:

    Keep in mind all the guy asked for is more skins. They can be understated, practical skins. Just more options. People in MMOs don't feel like big conquering heroes if they look like everyone else running around.
    A rich rogue nowadays is fit company for any gentleman; and the world, my dear, hath not such a contempt for roguery as you imagine. - John HAMSTER
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    skalt112skalt112 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's crazy imo, to have a cash shop with so few cosmetic gear options.
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    basel33basel33 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed on all points.
    Also, dungeon locations should be marked on map.
    I do not like the business model, but that's just me I guess.
    The non-stop-add-spawning mechanic should evolve towards something more mature and diverse, especially if raids (i.e. >5 man) are in.
    Drops in dungeon should be better even outside of DD windows.

    I'd like to see how this game will be once it goes "retail", some good ideas, some decent fun, but it is certainly an unfinished product.
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    dizzy0samdizzy0sam Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I just wanna be able to burn ppl as a mage -> why the hell are there no fire spells?
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Something drastically needs done with defense. As a cleric there is no way I should be constantly one and two hit killed in PvP if I gear completely up in defense. The offense to defense balance in this game is completely broken and off. Clerics are not damage dealers and should draw out fights to be able to win, which is not at all possible when defense in this game is as awful as can be. You go up against a rogue in PvP and they make it so you can't cast anything, while they one hit kill you, and you know where they are and what they are doing so you use astral shield to blow them back but rogues are immune to being blown back when in stealth mode or when using there special but normal attacks which is complete and utter BS. Not just rogues though, but rogues are totally over powered in an overly pumped damage and weak and non-effective armor defense environment. Clerics need a lot of love or else there simply won't be any. One thing that would help us greatly is when using divine mode it is naturally assumed that when we cant cast in divine mode for whatever reason that it automatically goes to non-divine mode, cause this switching back and forth in and out of divine mode cuts down our cast time drastically and quite often leaves us unable to do a thing until divine mode is exited out of. So tell me, if clerics aren't damage dealers, and our heals for the most part suck and are being nerfed while everything in PvE automatically goes after the clerics whether they do anything at all, and we have no way of surviving and killing anything in PvP at level 60 then why is anyone at all going to play a cleric. Defense in this game completely sucks and should be one of the things clerics excel in (we have lots of stuff we can put points into for increased defense but that won't even allow us to escape from being one hit).
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    1. Not supporting
    2. Not supporting!!! (oh, please, tell me more how you want to have shiny armors; this ain't a freaking WoW, DnD system is more like... hmm... for grown-ups)
    3. Supporting (yeah, this is silly option)
    4. Supporting
    5. Supporting (I already suggested this few weeks ago; I don't think this will ever happen, though)
    6. - (I don't think this is something devs should waste time with)
    7. Supporting

    1. its needed
    2. you evidently don't play this game or you enjoy seeing 50 copies of the cleric companion that looks like the entire town is made up of clones, and what is even worse is that the players don't look that much different
    3. there needs to be an option where the group leader can limit joining options to different classes, also there needs to be a way for people to see what dungeons are looking for players, and when players achieve X amount of points/glory or whatever in a dungeon or PvP instance they should not be allowed to be removed from the group unless they are disconnected... additionally there should be a player option that allows the leader to be demoted by a majority vote
    4. I hate the @ part
    5. I toss all seals as they don't give anything I'd ever use especially at the level my character would be when having enough of them
    6. should be a HUD option
    7. more end game content would be nice... I'd really like to see more team PvP arenas, the damage/defense disparity needs to be evened up if high level PvP is ever going to be any good (once again, my completely defense clad and talent selected cleric should never even be close to being one hitted and it isn't even like the damage done by a high defense player is at all decent... knowing this game though, defense will be boosted and given to the high damage dealers that have auto win attacks and no one else can do anything buttons)
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    llfritzllllfritzll Member Posts: 215 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    2. Not supporting!!! (oh, please, tell me more how you want to have shiny armors; this ain't a freaking WoW, DnD system is more like... hmm... for grown-ups)

    i just find this statement silly.

    the majority of d&d pictures have women with DD chests that are practically hanging out of their tunic.

    no, i dont want wow-like silly armors, but having some variety is always nice.

    the grown up thing just made me laugh.
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    kittykaboomboomkittykaboomboom Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    llfritzll wrote: »
    i just find this statement silly.

    the majority of d&d pictures have women with DD chests that are practically hanging out of their tunic.

    no, i dont want wow-like silly armors, but having some variety is always nice.

    the grown up thing just made me laugh.
    Trust me on this, they are way over DD. Closer to G or H.

    moonstone gear- low neckline, must mostly there. what exactly do the males get?
    courtesan wear- female- a few cloth strips, males- pants and long sleeved shirt. No fair, he should get exactly the same, so he can be perved at too.

    but onto armour. bland , boring and GREY. dyed peasant garb looks better than the armour.
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    wholyhandgrenadewholyhandgrenade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think dyed peasant garb looks better than the fashion gear. At least for women all you need is the shirt or the pants, dye them up and you look trendy, modern, and all set to go.
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    bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They should just make all seal items scaled to the level at which you purchased them.
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
    "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
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    teykosteykos Member Posts: 58
    edited June 2013
    dizzy0sam wrote: »
    I just wanna be able to burn ppl as a mage -> why the hell are there no fire spells?

    They went to Sorceror.
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    ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dustyforum wrote: »
    I am sure that this that this has been posted in a few places, however I wanted to start a new thread for it anyway. I know everyone has several recommendations to make the game better, so I figured why not post them here.

    My Recommendations are:

    1. Summoning stone- Lets face it, it does take quite a bit of time to get a party through the LFG system. 90% of the time it is easier so find 4 others on your own and walk to the dungeon. The main problem is that almost all the time... no one knows where the dungeon is. A summoning stone will help with this issue.

    2. More Skins - Not much variety with the gear from lower to mid level from what I have seen. My clothes pretty much looks the same and I am also a 40. I would say at least make the gear different if the rarity changes from green to blue.

    3. Better grouping options - I find it rather odd that you have to add someone as a friend to group with them. half of the time I am cleaning out my friends list with people I have grouped with.

    4. Adding Friends - The naming convention to add a friend is a bit off. Half the time people do not know the characters that go after the "@" symbol. (I.E. Josesmoe@??????)

    5. Seal trading- Would it be possible to add a seal trader so I can get rid of these lion seals? Possibly trade 5 for 1 of a higher one?

    6. Players levels - Would it be possible to add players levels when crossing them? Half the time I am not sure what level a player is since all the skins look the same.

    7. Raids - Speaks for itself.

    I know it seems like a bit much... but as I said these are not complaints, they are simply recommendations.

    How about or should I start with : Let's face it you need to go back to WoW the forums miss your endless QQ .
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    nicholasgravenicholasgrave Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    better customer service
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    teemoorteemoor Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 82
    edited June 2013
    dustyforum wrote: »
    3. Better grouping options - I find it rather odd that you have to add someone as a friend to group with them. half of the time I am cleaning out my friends list with people I have grouped with.

    4. Adding Friends - The naming convention to add a friend is a bit off. Half the time people do not know the characters that go after the "@" symbol. (I.E. Josesmoe@??????)

    3. Lolwut. You don't need to add them as friends, use Search person function, right-click, invite.
    4. Agreed. I don't understand who @weuihf in my friend list is.

    Also, Alt key/cursor thing is plain stupid. It should be like - press Alt, use cursor until you press Alt again. For example, when I right click on a person in party-list and then try to right-click the next one I go back to no-cursor mode.
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