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Class Balance. It's coming and thank God!

killz2manykillz2many Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 146 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Hey All,

We plan to look into class balance feedback in more detail in the near future. I do apologize that we have been receiving wonderful feedback from you guys, but have not been able to address it as quickly as we would have liked. As we move forward with the fixes for the current items at hand, we do plan on giving balance feedback an in-depth review and communicate with our players on that progress. Thanks for your patience, support, and understanding!

It's about time this has been at least addressed. Maybe we won't have a 3 class game anymore. Clerics hopefully will no longer have the power to screw entire groups because they're non-replaceable, or even better rogues and wizards won't think they're actually good at the game for playing op classes.

Anyone care to discuss.
Killz2Many ~ Greatest Weapon Fighter ~ Dragon Shard
Post edited by killz2many on


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    sacredchaossacredchaos Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    killz2many wrote: »
    It's about time this has been at least addressed. Maybe we won't have a 3 class game anymore. Clerics hopefully will no longer have the power to screw entire groups because they're non-replaceable, or even better rogues and wizards won't think they're actually good at the game for playing op classes.

    Anyone care to discuss.

    Ill believe it when i see it. Atleast he didnt say the word "soon" because we all know that ALWAYS means anytime in the future.
    GWF lvl 60.
    Completed all content waiting for more.
    And class balances.... trololollol.
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    xylithanxylithan Member Posts: 54
    edited May 2013
    and what do they class as near future? 1 month? 2 ? 3 ? Near future means just as much as "Soon"
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    sacredchaossacredchaos Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xylithan wrote: »
    and what do they class as near future? 1 month? 2 ? 3 ? Near future means just as much as "soon"

    stop sucking away my hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To me soon means near future, to you soon means near future. To devs? who knows.
    GWF lvl 60.
    Completed all content waiting for more.
    And class balances.... trololollol.
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    zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fix cleric aggro and astral shield stacking and the game is balanced. At least to a very acceptable degree.
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    zingarbagezingarbage Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xylithan wrote: »
    and what do they class as near future? 1 month? 2 ? 3 ? Near future means just as much as "Soon"

    Based on how long it is taking to fix the auction house. Balance should be addressed sometime in 2025.
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    etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    zingarbage wrote: »
    Fix cleric aggro and astral shield stacking and the game is balanced. At least to a very acceptable degree.

    Boss add hp needs to be reduced to the point where throwing them off cliffs or kiting (**** you hrimnir) are options and not the only sane tactic.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
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    reilz1981reilz1981 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so more classes will get nerfed because players say they are OP wonderful lol
    Actual Join date: Dec 2007
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    laktoulaktou Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zingarbage wrote: »
    Fix cleric aggro and astral shield stacking and the game is balanced. At least to a very acceptable degree.

    Remove Righteousness too and we're gold.
    I don't see why Clerics should drink more potions than their group.
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    lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    killz2many wrote: »
    It's about time this has been at least addressed. Maybe we won't have a 3 class game anymore. Clerics hopefully will no longer have the power to screw entire groups because they're non-replaceable, or even better rogues and wizards won't think they're actually good at the game for playing op classes.

    Anyone care to discuss.

    I see the inner idiot speaks through you.
    Do you know what cleric is?
    A healer.
    Do you know what core of each successful group in any mmo in existence is?
    A healer.

    Have fun replacing irreplaceable lol.
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    usagi2697usagi2697 Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2013
    More nerf, more difficult on PvE / leveling. Why not just buff then?
    Fix broken skills, buff UP classes.
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    usodesuusodesu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ill believe it when i see it. Atleast he didnt say the word "soon" because we all know that ALWAYS means anytime in the future.

    yep they also said "soon" with new classes people are wanting and asking for forever already, even far before open beta, when everyone said too little classes, huh no ranger ? where is the druid, where is my warlock ?

    they said soon, and even in character creation coming soon for a class sitting there forever already.

    soon is pretty much whenever they can reap the most benefit , been that way since forever with perfect world entertainment.

    that they bought cryptic doesnt mean they have cryptic standards, far from it, it is just a "zzz company" with a pretty wrapping, in this case cryptic is the wrapping.

    i dont blame them for it , as in a business sense it is common good to buy pretty wrappings, where giant corporation swallow good reputable companies.

    yep walk the talk has never been so crippled
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    striderkairyustriderkairyu Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wonderful news! Hopefully the devs will take a HUGE look into the TR daily and the TR average survivability, including dodge and the too high amount of hp the class possesses. That class can take too many hits, for dishing out that much of burst dps. Better sooner than later, since all of the special kids are flooding the game with TR - wannabe proness.

    i dont use the 1st 3 encounters anymore:P(and only the aoe daily), so im not op... hopefully, i do focus on life steal/power though>:D, i focus on potb and fan with shot mixed in here and there but im only 38 so who knows what end game stats will feel like
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    adevlin1991adevlin1991 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 56
    edited May 2013
    Game has been out for nearly a month and there have been..

    No fixes to class balance
    No fixes to the broken class traits/powers
    No fixes to the broken campfires
    No fixes to the buggy bosses
    No fixes to the lootless bosses
    No fixes for the overtuned boses

    I've long given up on Cryptic/PWE taking this game seriously. Same thing happened to SWTOR, PvE fixes ignored for months causing the entire Dungeon/Raid community to leave 2 months into the game. I'm taking a break until Gauntlgrym to see if they can salvage the game. If they don't do a big balance pass soon they will have doomed the game.
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    emal83emal83 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ya, i agree. Classes need to balanced.
    U talk about clerics, rogues and wizards. U say they are too strong. This point of view it's totally wrong in my opinion.
    First about cleric. What the hell have to do a cleric except to be a healer? Cleric is not a dps or a tank. What could be his meaning if people can do dungeon whitout him?
    About wizard i agree. It is a CONTROL wizard so it should do less dps.
    Rogue is a striker. He must do this dps
    And, what about GUARDIAN FIGHTER?????? I think it is the really most unbalnced class in the game. A tank who has the best dps after rogue. People who cry and say GF is weak it's just cause they cannot play the GF. With the right build he is really immortal. And in my opinion this class should be nerfed as first.
    But, first of all, before nerf this or that, DEVS have to improve the GWF. I think it's insane a GF makes more dps then a GWF. GWF must be improved
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    trueghettojesustrueghettojesus Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The only nerfs to CW I'd like to see is maybe 5% less base damage on ray of enfeeblement and a 4% proc chance instead of 5% for eye of the storm.

    Fix his many bugged skills such as avalanche balls not appearing. Lotsa shield bugs. Still lotsa bugged feats.

    & Buff spell mastery (SM) Sudden storm. Either a larger aoe or increase that dot. Pff maybe even make that dot standard and make spell mastery increase it's damage 2 fold + aoe. I know basic sudden storm isn't too bad but SM version atm is the weakest choice for SM slot as far as general consensus goes.

    Nerf TR by adding in a stat for crit damage resist. Make this bonus easier for GWF to obtain. GWF is a balanced classes that atm gets <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> senseless by critting TR's & eye of storming CW's.

    And make it so wisdom gives (x-10) percent increase to range of being able to see invis TR's. Maybe make that Dex for non caster classses I dunno but there's some balance right there.
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    sinistersixfacessinistersixfaces Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wrong, Wrong , wrong wrong wrong wrong. please use your brain before posting. thanks
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    think balance changes will come whit module 1 update
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    adinosoulwoodadinosoulwood Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 82
    edited May 2013
    At least they made some comment on it. Better than the silence we have been getting. It is getting disappointing as a GWF. People almost universally say that GWF is worthless or at the very least the weakest by a large margin of all the classes. They have been saying this since closed beta. I don't really understand why it is taking so long to address. Their staff must be very small to not be able to have multiple pots on the stove and not have the kitchen burn down.

    Ok, enough of my rant. Please fix the GWF. Here are a couple of stories to help you understand.
    1. Was in queue for dungeon. As I get constantly kicked I try to be the first one to accept so i can be party leader. I get in, we have a perfect 1 of each class group. This is for Mad Dragon. As we are running along one of the guys asks me for leader. I don't think about it and give it to him. He promptly kicks me.
    2. Guild event. I get to go in with my guild buddies for Spellplague. We go through it, struggle a bit (had to pug 2 peeps) and man it was just pointless for me being in there. All they do is run to a bridge throw all the mobs off the bridge. One time I just stopped and started chatting in guild chat in the middle of a fight. No one complained. Why should they? I was worthless. Get to final boss and the "dps" go on boss while the CW/GF knock all the adds off the pedestal (great fight design btw) and the rogue is so far out damaging me that when I screwed up and died with a quarter health left on boss it was like it did not matter. They killed the boss without me. At that point I was ready to hang up on the GWF. It is a sorry class.

    For those that think I suck at play or have a bad build. I am using this http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?159741-Kartofflens-GWF-destroyer-compendium build. my GS is 8700 (not great but hard for me to get into a T2 get drake and items). It is a good build, the best I can think of given our feats/powers. It still sucks.

    The game is free to play so I just play less and don't spend a cent now. I am sure they know this but if they don't hurry up they will lose a "Guardian" member. I am itching to spend more money to buy certain things but then I think "NO FRAKEN way, not until they fix the GWF." Not to mention all these darn exploits. I know; play another class right? I am not that type of player. I like to pick a class and just play that one. I don't have the time or the desire to have a stable full of lvl 60s.

    You know I really did not want to play this game but Defiance just ran out of content like after 2 weeks. Man talk about a beautiful game with no depth. So I came and played this game and it is a good game, but content is about done. GWF is just really bad. And I am not even gonna get into PVP.

    Please fix it and fix it fast. If "soon" is the typical 2 to 3 weeks then I will never know because I forcing myself to log on at this point. Not gonna wait 2 to 3 weeks.

    BTW a fellow guild member caught yet another bug in ADX. He reported it. Just amazed by it. Unreal.
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    etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    emal83 wrote: »
    Ya, i agree. Classes need to balanced.
    U talk about clerics, rogues and wizards. U say they are too strong. This point of view it's totally wrong in my opinion.
    First about cleric. What the hell have to do a cleric except to be a healer? Cleric is not a dps or a tank. What could be his meaning if people can do dungeon whitout him?
    About wizard i agree. It is a CONTROL wizard so it should do less dps.
    Rogue is a striker. He must do this dps
    And, what about GUARDIAN FIGHTER?????? I think it is the really most unbalnced class in the game. A tank who has the best dps after rogue. People who cry and say GF is weak it's just cause they cannot play the GF. With the right build he is really immortal. And in my opinion this class should be nerfed as first.
    But, first of all, before nerf this or that, DEVS have to improve the GWF. I think it's insane a GF makes more dps then a GWF. GWF must be improved

    Funniest post in the thread.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
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    lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    killz2many wrote: »
    It's about time this has been at least addressed. Maybe we won't have a 3 class game anymore. Clerics hopefully will no longer have the power to screw entire groups because they're non-replaceable, or even better rogues and wizards won't think they're actually good at the game for playing op classes.

    Anyone care to discuss.

    It may improve GF and GWF but that's about all. Not sure how class balancing will change the fact that Clerics are required to heal in groups... /shrug
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    miseenabymemiseenabyme Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Should not take too long to balance this.

    1) Remove Astral Shield Stacking.
    2) Slightly reduce Overheal Aggro,since you cant avoid it.
    3) Slightly increase GWF At-Will damage + Stamina Recovery.
    4) Slightly reduce TR HP-Pool.
    5) Make GF's Mark a flat XX-Seconds debuff.
    6) Blocking incoming damage creates threat.

    And voila: The game is enjoyable for every class.
    At least in Dungeons.
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    pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Here's a good start to "balancing" maybe fix the client side hack for unlimited stamina?
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
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    lltsnwnlltsnwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 787 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Should not take too long to balance this.

    1) Remove Astral Shield Stacking.
    2) Slightly reduce Overheal Aggro,since you cant avoid it.
    3) Slightly increase GWF At-Will damage + Stamina Recovery.
    4) Slightly reduce TR HP-Pool.
    5) Make GF's Mark a flat XX-Seconds debuff.
    6) Blocking incoming damage creates threat.

    And voila: The game is enjoyable for every class.
    At least in Dungeons.

    Did you intentionally avoid discussing Control Wizards or was it an oversight? ;)
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    miseenabymemiseenabyme Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lltsnwn wrote: »
    Did you intentionally avoid discussing Control Wizards or was it an oversight? ;)

    I think CWs are in a decent spot right now in terms of DPS and Utility.
    The problem with the whole "kicking monsters off cliffs" is simply a major design flaw rather than a class-balance issue.
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    breagandaerthbreagandaerth Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you're stepping into level 60 pvp with a gs less than 8k expect to get pummeled. It doesn't matter what class you're playing.
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    warpetwarpet Member Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    btw think we can expect to cw dc and tr will be still op, gwf and gf will get some more nerfs,they never do real nerf to popular classes in mmo if nerfes come they hit less popular classes
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    cihuacoatlcihuacoatl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zingarbage wrote: »
    Fix cleric aggro and astral shield stacking and the game is balanced. At least to a very acceptable degree.

    I do not think it is clerics. I think it is GF ability to or lack of... to generate enough AoE threat to hold the MOBs attention. Clerics have issues because there is no limit to their range of the healing threat generation. While guardians are stuck with a couple abilities that have long cooldowns. Now I do admit also that GF general usefulness in T2 dungeons is often questionable.

    I mean making GF hold threat even 100% of the time will not solve the issue that 2xCleric will be better than having a GF in the group
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    spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I bet they buff Rogues.

    You know, because they need the deeps.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
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