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Few things i dont like on PvP.

vanasekvanasek Member Posts: 4 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
so ...

1/ Rogues can shadowstep on spawn or just other people can trick jump there too...
2/ Afkers on PVP
3/ No punish debuff for leave
4/ Buggy joining when you are joined and system didnt teloport you...
5/ Potions in pvp didnt interupt when you dmg enemy...

And what you think ? Reply ...
Post edited by vanasek on


  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    6/ Lame maps, only 2...
    7/ Lame PvP, only 1 form of PvP, no Team Deathmatch or anything of the likes...
    8/ Easy to acquire rewards, can have best PvP gear within a week spending only 2-3 hours a day...
    Check out the Neverwinter/ESO guild Rogue's Gallery! While you're at our forums, submit an application and join our glorious regime!
  • jbrewergamerjbrewergamer Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    9/ Endless crowd control abilities, almost 90% of the gameplay being stunlocked and unable to do anything.
    10/ No health regeneration, so whoever happens to have more health at any given time automatically wins (example: let's say I encounter you and I have 10% health while you have 100% health, I lose.)
  • xunxanxunxan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd be happy if I got glory for doing it...
  • vanasekvanasek Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    11/ underpowered and overpowered classes (for example Gweapon fighter is undferpowered cant kill any other class alone and Rogue or cmage can kill anyone becouse tons of dmg or 5/5 spells stun or knockback)
  • jrelthewise2jrelthewise2 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vanasek wrote: »
    11/ underpowered and overpowered classes (for example Gweapon fighter is undferpowered cant kill any other class alone and Rogue or cmage can kill anyone becouse tons of dmg or 5/5 spells stun or knockback)

    Hahaha tell that to me GWF who kills rogues and wizards in 3 hits. Try again.
  • terrorshardterrorshard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hahaha tell that to me GWF who kills rogues and wizards in 3 hits. Try again.

    This is a one trick pony that requires 3 specific encounters that all only deal damage (want viability? no room for anything other than a high damage encounter because its the only damage GWF candeal), all in tactic that requires you to out gear your opponent by a solid margin which then requires you to run and hide for 15 seconds because your at wills do no damage.

    Because 1 over geared GWF can stream him stun locking killing a few under geared players dooms the class to being under par forever?

    Fix GWF at will damage...we shouldn't HAVE to use the 3 highest damaging encounters just because we wouldn't have any damage otherwise.

    Sure Strike needs 1 less hit in its combo and needs like...a 400% damage increase. WMS needs a big damage increase as well.
  • supersaiyansonsupersaiyanson Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    10/ No health regeneration, so whoever happens to have more health at any given time automatically wins (example: let's say I encounter you and I have 10% health while you have 100% health, I lose.)

    Ummm GF can get regen on their gear.......and I wreck people even if I have 40% hp and they have 100%. You're doing it wrong.
  • solresolsolresol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Need some variety on maps/game and more people and I'll be happy.

    I would suggest some sort of Capture the Kobold, Seige and Protect, PvP Dungeon with Mobs, for spice, 3 Groups battling out over domination instead of just 2 etc, but then maybe I'm taking it too far as this is an Adventure game over PvP
  • vanasekvanasek Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    solresol wrote: »
    Need some variety on maps/game and more people and I'll be happy.

    I would suggest some sort of Capture the Kobold, Seige and Protect, PvP Dungeon with Mobs, for spice, 3 Groups battling out over domination instead of just 2 etc, but then maybe I'm taking it too far as this is an Adventure game over PvP

    That sounds good.
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jjb828 wrote: »
    6/ Lame maps, only 2...
    7/ Lame PvP, only 1 form of PvP, no Team Deathmatch or anything of the likes...
    8/ Easy to acquire rewards, can have best PvP gear within a week spending only 2-3 hours a day...

    You do realize that there is nothing more lame in mmo pvp then team deathmatch?
  • erdokanerdokan Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is a one trick pony that requires 3 specific encounters that all only deal damage (want viability? no room for anything other than a high damage encounter because its the only damage GWF candeal), all in tactic that requires you to out gear your opponent by a solid margin which then requires you to run and hide for 15 seconds because your at wills do no damage.

    Because 1 over geared GWF can stream him stun locking killing a few under geared players dooms the class to being under par forever?

    Fix GWF at will damage...we shouldn't HAVE to use the 3 highest damaging encounters just because we wouldn't have any damage otherwise.

    Sure Strike needs 1 less hit in its combo and needs like...a 400% damage increase. WMS needs a big damage increase as well.

    Pretty much every GWF uses it in PvP nowadays tho. Must've gotten it from a guide. GWF gets any more dps = imbalanced.

    Also, no mention about PUGs vs premade teams that can coordinate through TS which means auto win 99% of the time? Wut is dis I don't even.
    David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
  • jrelthewise2jrelthewise2 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is a one trick pony that requires 3 specific encounters that all only deal damage (want viability? no room for anything other than a high damage encounter because its the only damage GWF candeal), all in tactic that requires you to out gear your opponent by a solid margin which then requires you to run and hide for 15 seconds because your at wills do no damage.

    Because 1 over geared GWF can stream him stun locking killing a few under geared players dooms the class to being under par forever?

    Fix GWF at will damage...we shouldn't HAVE to use the 3 highest damaging encounters just because we wouldn't have any damage otherwise.

    Sure Strike needs 1 less hit in its combo and needs like...a 400% damage increase. WMS needs a big damage increase as well.

    Do you not know how to dash cancel your at wills? You can nearly double your at will damage with proper technique, for little to no stamina.

    Also, I don't get the point of your post? You're complaining about tactics and technique's that work, because the playstyle isn't what you want? Play a different class buddy.
  • terrorshardterrorshard Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Do you not know how to dash cancel your at wills? You can nearly double your at will damage with proper technique, for little to no stamina.

    Also, I don't get the point of your post? You're complaining about tactics and technique's that work, because the playstyle isn't what you want? Play a different class buddy.

    Dash canceling is just an exploit, just like canceling into 2 dailies or infinite dailies, and it a lot of work to make horrible damage become just ok for at wills. Besides you can't stand there and use at wills you will get our dps'd by every other classes at will.

    It also does not work...in a vacuum and we each had the same gear it would not work. It also has the class pigeon holed which is bs.
  • nodensnttnodensntt Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The only valid point here is more maps, nothing else.

    terrorshard: You seem to imply that any class' at-wills do any decent damage except GWF. Having once of each class I can tell you that they don't. No at-wills do any serious damage for any class. Also GWF is fine above 40ish or so.. They feel very underpowered until then but that is not just for GWFs. For example CW are very underpowered until at about 25. DC can not do any decent damage for pvp at any level, so they're always support. Bottom line is don't judge classes when you don't know the mechanics of other classes and don't judge classes before you see them at max level AND you play a bit with builds. Also if you don't like the playstyle of a class, choose another.
  • cyberlockgamercyberlockgamer Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Two maps? Will it have continous updating of content like Blacklight does? Hope so. :3 Thinking of playing this instead of Tera.
  • xxxsteffxxxxxxsteffxxx Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pvp just isnt incorporated in this game.
    you get far too much exp - there is no way you can play the story AND pvp.
  • erebus2075erebus2075 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    PTW!!!!! only game i recall that had the same amount of PTW stats boost is RYL2... its rediculess and it completely destroyes any sense of pvp.
  • xratasxratas Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 153 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    erdokan wrote: »
    Pretty much every GWF uses it in PvP nowadays tho. Must've gotten it from a guide. GWF gets any more dps = imbalanced.

    Not sure if guide is really needed. Not hard to pick powers that do damage and lock your target in place really. Only thing I often swap in is Leap instead of flourish, I just love the extra mobility. Feats are more of a mess, but not that many different choises, if you just head straight for damage output.

    And posters complaining lack of variety, remember game has been out for 3 weeks, and PvP is only small part of it, after all. But no point not to make good PvP as the combat system really works well in it.
  • kardosakujikardosakuji Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    /12 This is a game where gear determines the overall strength of your character. Gearing up plays a much more vital role than knowing how to play. This inherently makes any possibility of fair competition impossible, making it foolish to seek such a thing in a game like this in the first place.

    The 'pros' in games like these are 90+% of the time carried by excessive gear and by running premades in a system where a large majority of the competition are fresh level caps with at best competent PvE builds randomly thrown together, usually running for the PvP rewards to actually get something that can even remotely be called gear so they may get into epic dungeons easier. Add this to the fact that there is more often than not at least one person in many of these premades that is very immature and has to validate their existence by flaunting how 'good' they are and how 'bad' their opponents are (these people generally just follow a guide online on how to make a PvP build and then buy/grind the best gear, thinking that 1-shotting people that cannot put a dent into their own HP = skill) makes PvP in games like these not even worth playing for an even almost semi-decent competitive community.

    tl;dr If you're looking for balanced competition, gear grinders and/or cash shop F2Ps are not the place to look. PvP in these games is about showing off how strong one's character is, not how 'skilled' one is. Any arguments about balance or fair competition are automatically voided by the fact that fair competition is inherently impossible in these games without introducing equalized stats/gear to PvP.
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