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CW/GF Dragon Looking for Guild

mklein2836mklein2836 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 46

I have a 9337 CW and a 9562 Guardian that I'm looking to get into a guild. My CW is all Epic. Full Fatebenders plus assorted other purple. Right down to the shirt and pants. My GF is only half purple (but has a higher score?? ) only the left side of the character sheet is epic

What I'm looking for:

1) Epic dungeons: Tired of pugging these and not completing for w/e reason. Or ending up with idiots who want to do some exploit or something to avoid some or apparently in one case, nearly all of the dungeon. I left right after they said that.

2) Foundry partners: having to do 4 foundry quests per day is getting really tedious. Currently have a set of really quick/easy ones that I run through, but its getting to be super boring. Would like a few people to do the more challenging quests with.

3) PvP: I don't particularly enjoy PvP..unless I'm on a winning team :) Now that I've got some decent gear, I'm doing a whole better at it. really only do PvP when the event is running.

What I'm NOT looking for

1) Joining a website. Sorry, but its just not worth the hassle to me. I went through all that with DCUO. Got super involved, was even Raid leader for quite awhile. In the end...its just to much stress and drama that I just don't care to have in my life. One of the main reasons I quit DCUO was because of this.

2) Excessive voice chat. Again, sorry, but when I'm playing, I'm focusing on the goal at hand. Really don't care to have incessant droning in my ears while doing so. I have a good headset/mic, and will use when needed, but for the most part, I hate wearing the thing for long periods.

I'm mostly on my CW cause its the easier of the two roles to play. Will gladly fill either role as needed. Characters are Dahlia@mklein2836 and Flint Battlehammer. I'm in the Central time zone and on weekdays, usually on by 5-530 depending if I want to eat first or not. Please to reply here, or in game if interested in having me :)
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