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Make Mad Dragon Tier 2 or tune it down..

eendddeenddd Member Posts: 22 Arc User
edited May 2013 in PvE Discussion
Title says it all. The Mad Dragon fight is just rediculous at the end. 3 healing adds, giant non CC'able pixel and random spawning imps together with the stunning casters. All together its just too much for an avarage pug group.

Don't get me wrong, I just completed it 2 times, but needed 2 healers :). I'll suppose i gotta farm it fast before the double AS gets fixed.
Post edited by eenddd on


  • submersesubmerse Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    eenddd wrote: »
    Title says it all. The Mad Dragon fight is just rediculous at the end. 3 healing adds, giant non CC'able pixel and random spawning imps together with the stunning casters. All together its just too much for an avarage pug group.

    Don't get me wrong, I just completed it 2 times, but needed 2 healers :). I'll suppose i gotta farm it fast before the double AS gets fixed.

    No offence but all i have to say is L2P. You double shields cheese mode aint working here. Mad dragon is one of the most exciting boss encounter, you need a good GF know what he is doing and 1 DC is more then enough. I have done this dungeon many many times with PUGs mixed with all sort of different class combinations.
  • satukisatuki Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    L2P- is a issue where a small group of players are having this issue , when logs are checked how many do you think have used boss exploits ? how many wipes do you think there was and how many quitters do you think there are and most importantly is this is not a small group of people , yet a large group consisting of "beta testers" even cryptic calls this a beta... so STFU is calling for balance and fixes.
    may people who use the L2P term should be told DDTUD= Dude Dont talk U Dumb!

    Tuning thats a fine word , one that cryptic is overlooking atm. every patch that has came out is the size of a post it note with lame excuses on why its that short.

    i would not hold my breathe though ! Class Balancing it the last thing on there mind and dungeon balancing has not even made the board of things to do yet. just enjoy needing certain specs/classes to win and just sit back and enjoy those fights that you may be banned for, because you exploited them to win.

    either way Cryptic has your money , its their money now! your problems with Cryptic will never be theirs... remember that
  • xunxanxunxan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    L2P is a terrible motto on these forums, a real problem.
    L2P doesn't even come close to the mark on most of the things it is mindlessly applied to.
  • joukuoj32joukuoj32 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For mad dragon dungeon you need ppl with half brain and they must read chat.
    First time i was there with my GF in BW3(agro was broken, not sure but think all game was harder) 2wipes but third time we killed it.
    (funny thing on third attempt almost every1 was out of pots)

    Did mad dragon and idrich(dungeon after dragon) without healer(another funny thing inside Idrich 1 CW told us "no healer lets quit before last boss" he quit and we killed it anyway).

    Its not about L2P but "learn to read".

    During lvling my other chars before boss i always write "kill adds or push them from edges as fast as you can" and "focus on elites"
    in 20-30% ppl knew it or listen to me and no or little problems, rest of times its wipe and ppl start quit.
  • supersaiyansonsupersaiyanson Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2013
    This needs to be harder so I can continue to sell items for 400k-3 million. Just reduce the hp on the boss cause it takes way too long for a boss fight.
  • daxtax86daxtax86 Member Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I've done this multiple times with pugs, it's honestly a really nice encounter but if you just let your CW have aggro from the dragon and 4 players take care of the adds via cc lockdown focusing the healing dudes 1 by 1, you'll have that last wave of adds dead within 2 minutes :)
    GM aka "Mafia Boss" of <Midget Mafia> Danish guild @ Beholder.

    Main: "Daxt", Trickster Rogue @ Beholder.
    Alt: "Daxt-Two", Great Weapon Fighter @ Beholder

    Tune in @ http://da.twitch.tv/daxt86
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xunxan wrote: »
    L2P is a terrible motto on these forums, a real problem.
    L2P doesn't even come close to the mark on most of the things it is mindlessly applied to.

    Sadly, it applies here.
    This one of the bosses where 2 cleric cheese won't cut it.
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This needs to be harder so I can continue to sell items for 400k-3 million. Just reduce the hp on the boss cause it takes way too long for a boss fight.

    Its a friggin DRAGON, most ferocious and fearsome thing in D&D lore, it won't be made any easier nor should it.
  • erdokanerdokan Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lerdocix wrote: »
    Its a friggin DRAGON, most ferocious and fearsome thing in D&D lore, it won't be made any easier nor should it.

    A dragon. With adds. Lots of adds.
    David Valtiere, Lvl 70 TR with perfect Lvl 60 gear which I don't want to replace cause nostalgia yo ;_;
  • xanos900xanos900 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 116 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    true, its a **** dragon, wake up. this aint ****ing world of warcraft. in D&D dragons are not something you kill right after you woke up and had breakfast like in other mmos.
    its supposed to be hard!

    but i dont get the fact that a dragon needs to be protected by imps
  • cihuacoatlcihuacoatl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree Mad Dragon is the hardest T1 and the GS required reflect this. Though honestly I don't think the GS required for this is high enough. I see way to many green/blue geared folks trying out this dungeon. I have even kick a couple as leader. I hate to do it but spending 45 min clearing to die with the boss at 90% health because of gear sucks.

    I agree though this should be a 8500 GS fight on top of that I think all T2 should be moved to 8700 GS. 8300 is just too low.
  • jaymadiv#8056 jaymadiv Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • krazed59krazed59 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 31
    edited May 2013
    Actually did this one yesterday. 1 DC, 2 CW, 1 TR, 1 GF.

    One CW died about 2 minutes into encounter, was able to finish him off as a 4man.

    2 of the 5 were just above 6800 GS (I know because they were guildies).
  • pujimspujims Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have to agree that this is a silly hard encounter, in fact after this all the end bosses for the skirmishes and dungeons are mad crazy hard. I have a cleric and a CW and have never been in a group able to finish this or the dragon skirmish that is at 44ish. these are crazy stupid and is making me really wonder if it is worth going further. No, for all you trolls, I never played WoW. I have played at least 8 other Mass online player games and since you cannot have more than a 5 player group this is really disheartening since I was enjoying this game so much.
  • iamdoctordeathiamdoctordeath Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OP says the dragon is harder than other t1 bosses- which is true- so it should just be made into a t2 boss.

    Rest of the thread is people who can't read telling him to l2p for saying a fact- that the dragon is harder than anything else in t1.

    I agree with the OP- make the dragon a t2 boss, up levels accordingly for dragon and monsters in the dungeon. It's one of the most challenging bosses pre-endgame to begin with, it should be put in the t2 category and adjusted accordingly.

    Err, I mean. Grunt durr grunt l2p nub, hrngg y it hurt 2 tink?
  • submersesubmerse Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    OP says the dragon is harder than other t1 bosses- which is true- so it should just be made into a t2 boss.

    Rest of the thread is people who can't read telling him to l2p for saying a fact- that the dragon is harder than anything else in t1.

    I agree with the OP- make the dragon a t2 boss, up levels accordingly for dragon and monsters in the dungeon. It's one of the most challenging bosses pre-endgame to begin with, it should be put in the t2 category and adjusted accordingly.

    Err, I mean. Grunt durr grunt l2p nub, hrngg y it hurt 2 tink?

    It's a DRAGON. If you know anything about D&D rules, you should know what does dragon means here, it supposed to be hard, but with people who can play their class and wiling to work together, it's a very easy boss, that's why is T1 but hardest T1. I'm a GF myself and I did this many many times with different PUGs, GF keep the dragon in place away from the rest of group, the other 4 kill the adds and dps boss when adds are down, easier then most of T2s. You need a good GF who can stay on the boss and position it right and deal with imps at the same time. Most importantly, 2DC cheese mode aint working here which produced lots of brainless players who never dodge or move out of red and dont know how to use their class properly.
  • nyysjannyysjan Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2013
    submerse wrote: »
    It's a DRAGON.

    Yes, it's a dragon.
    But it's not the dragon that people say is hard, but the adds that it summons.
  • zplatinumzzplatinumz Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is it even possible to do this dungeon without a GF?

    I'm a DC and I had 2 failed runs unable to beat dragon with no GF. I had either 2 TR or 2 GWF, Havnt tried 2 CW in group and btw this is pug groups I'm talking about.

    I can only finish it if I got a GF in group.
  • nwobrocknwobrock Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daxtax86 wrote: »
    I've done this multiple times with pugs, it's honestly a really nice encounter but if you just let your CW have aggro from the dragon and 4 players take care of the adds via cc lockdown focusing the healing dudes 1 by 1, you'll have that last wave of adds dead within 2 minutes :)


    Have a CW as the only damage on the dragon. The entire rest of the group fights the adds.

    Just keep an eye on the CW. If he picks up some imps or Fire Magus clear them as fast as possible and get back to the adds.

    A skilled CW will never even get touched by the Dragon, his only problem the whole fight is picking up some adds.
  • fay712fay712 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually doing this with my friends I thought it was very much easier than the other Tier 2 bosses (which are impossible to kill without some cheap method or gimmick). We actually did this the old fashioned way with a GF tanking the boss, a Rogue dpsing the dragon from behind while I stood close to him Astral Shielding the both of us, and a GWF off tanking adds with another Rogue killing them. Didn't even have a CW. The only challenging part is at 50% and 25%. The GF should be able to live by himself for a long time while the rest deal with adds. This was probably the only well designed endgame boss fight.

    What you have to realize is the thing that kills everyone are the imps. The reason red circles kill everyone is because the imps snare people and stop them from getting away from the circles. The imps also do a ton of dmg from basic attacks. So keep them off the cleric.
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    submerse wrote: »
    No offence but all i have to say is L2P. You double shields cheese mode aint working here. Mad dragon is one of the most exciting boss encounter, you need a good GF know what he is doing and 1 DC is more then enough. I have done this dungeon many many times with PUGs mixed with all sort of different class combinations.

    A good gf that knows what he's doing - hahahahaha , you mean stand in the other corner of the room and turn the boss away from the party . This involves lots of thought and skill . get the fk out of here .
  • pilf3rpilf3r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xanos900 wrote: »
    true, its a **** dragon, wake up. this aint ****ing world of warcraft. in D&D dragons are not something you kill right after you woke up and had breakfast like in other mmos.
    its supposed to be hard!

    but i dont get the fact that a dragon needs to be protected by imps

    Exactly it's a frakking dragon it shouldn't need 8999 waves of frakking mobs. Some people might need to "Learn to Play" but some people, and I don't mean you xanos, need to "Learn to Post" and others need to "Learn to Program" better. *cough devs cough*
    Neverwinter Thieves Guild
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