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Things you think should be added to the game

lsafa7llsafa7l Member Posts: 13 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
What do you think should be added to the game , as in content or modes or whatever

i think they should add:
1. more pvp maps ( including capture the flag )
2. smaller and larger pvp matches (2v2 , 10v10 )
3.May take alot of time but would be awesome : open world
4.dueling system
5. gold to AD exchange
6. raids (10-40 players )
7.more paragons to choose from
8. dual spec system
9. more gold/AD mounts
10. add ons
11. chat channels ( chat is very flooded )
12. more map channels
13.servers according to location ( game is laggy )
Post edited by lsafa7l on


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    arcbladezarcbladez Member Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    More vanity clothing sets at a more reasonable price. There's only 3 sets available at the moment on the Zen market, but at $12+ a set, it's just not worth it. They are VANITY SETS!!! I spent $30 on a wolf mount because not only does it make me travel faster! But would I of spent $30 if the wolf only went 50% like the regular horse mounts? Never!

    Charging large fees for "Pay to win" is fine! But charging large fees for "vanity" and visual effect items is a waste of money!

    Please Cryptic, go play Lord of the Rings Online and you'll see why they are successful lately! They have vanity items for as low as $1 and people buy these all the time! People don't mind spending tons of money on vanity items because they are getting tons of different clothing sets to chose from! But in NW, $15 nets you only 1 set! If you keep adding more vanity clothing sets, I don't want to spend $100+ just to have a 10 set wardrobe. :P
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    soulflyasoulflya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They need to add some pvp ranking system.
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    canibalolercanibaloler Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Capture the flag Battleground +1 ;)
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    satto1satto1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    is modding allowed? I mean like in wow, DPS meters etc.. if not, definitely need to support a modding scene
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    mance7mance7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gold mounts not gonna happen
    Gold to AD not gonna happen
    Open world not gonna happen way to late in the development cycle to even consider.
    Raids are a fossil idea. You may get a casual 'raid type event' but it will be pug
    Chat Channels are already there. Make your own.
    More paragons. Its week 3, takes time mate.
    Server according to location. Not likely as everything will be 'one' shard sooner then later.
    Dual Spec not gonna happen.

    Half your list is from wow. Leave it where it belongs.
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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A trade channel so I don't feel bad inside for ignoring all those people selling stuff.
    Option to log out to character select instead of login.
    In addition to more vanity stuff, I'd like a checkbox to enable your weapon to show all the time.
    More reasonable (lower) AD pricing: The ability to remove enchantments is useless with its high cost. and its more cost effective to buy a cash shop mount with AD converted to Zen than it is to upgrade a mount with AD itself.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    aleabugaleabug Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Originally Posted by natsumy
    If i'm wrong then my theory is trash. If i'm right then this is the way they did it.

    that would have to be the most stupid thing i have ever read lol thanks natsumy
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    watchyourbackwatchyourback Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mance7 wrote: »
    Gold mounts not gonna happen
    Gold to AD not gonna happen
    Open world not gonna happen way to late in the development cycle to even consider.
    Raids are a fossil idea. You may get a casual 'raid type event' but it will be pug
    Chat Channels are already there. Make your own.
    More paragons. Its week 3, takes time mate.
    Server according to location. Not likely as everything will be 'one' shard sooner then later.
    Dual Spec not gonna happen.

    Half your list is from wow. Leave it where it belongs.

    glass half empty kinda guy right here...take an antidepressant and chillax hommie
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    dreadlordmikeydreadlordmikey Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Unified inventory.
    2. Auto-loot (automatically-assigned, automatically goes into your inventory).
    3. Multiple chat windows so I can pin party chat to a separate window.
    4. Fix AH searching & Sorting.
    5. Change it so that an item only has to be identified if it has magical properties/slots.
    6. Sell junk button when at a vendor, to sell all trash items.
    7. Show both equipped rings when showing comparative tooltips for items in inventory.
    8. Allow me to hide my back item, just like I can hide my helm.
    9. More faces and hair styles.
    10. Dyes that cover more than one piece of armor/equipment.
    "Over the course of my many years I have learned one thing: I don't know anything, I only think I do. And I'm not even sure about that." -- Rasgard the Wise
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    mance7mance7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    glass half empty kinda guy right here...take an antidepressant and chillax hommie

    Not at all I just know how pwe works (Most of the time). Most of this stuff is counter business model.
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    mance7mance7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Unified inventory.
    2. Auto-loot (automatically-assigned, automatically goes into your inventory).
    3. Multiple chat windows so I can pin party chat to a separate window.
    4. Fix AH searching & Sorting.
    5. Change it so that an item only has to be identified if it has magical properties/slots.
    6. Sell junk button when at a vendor, to sell all trash items.
    7. Show both equipped rings when showing comparative tooltips for items in inventory.
    8. Allow me to hide my back item, just like I can hide my helm.
    9. More faces and hair styles.
    10. Dyes that cover more than one piece of armor/equipment.

    This is more a 'wish' list I like. The OP's list is 'Things not here that I miss from wow'.
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    joergmosthafjoergmosthaf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More Weapon types - give us Dwarves some axes and hammers! :)
    Weapon Crafting - why only armour?
    A ping sound when someone sends you a tell - I have missed some tells :)
    ZEN item prices are quit high - compared to e.g. LotRO
    "I thought I knowed what I know, ye know? But then I find that I know not what I thought I knowed."
    - Bruenor Battlehammer
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    mance7mance7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More Weapon types - give us Dwarves some axes and hammers! :)
    Weapon Crafting - why only armour?
    A ping sound when someone sends you a tell - I have missed some tells :)
    ZEN item prices are quit high - compared to e.g. LotRO

    It irks me to no end that I can't have my hammer dwarf tank. Good one.
    Zen is high because you can earn zen in game. Most other games do not
    have this ability, so its cheaper. Here you can earn half and buy the other
    half. It all works out to be about the same price in the end.
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    joergmosthafjoergmosthaf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mance7 wrote: »
    It irks me to no end that I can't have my hammer dwarf tank. Good one.
    I would also love to play a dwarven GWF with a Greathammer :)
    mance7 wrote: »
    Zen is high because you can earn zen in game. Most other games do not
    have this ability, so its cheaper. Here you can earn half and buy the other
    half. It all works out to be about the same price in the end.
    That's why I compared to LotRO.
    In LotRO you can also earn Turbine Points in the game - stuff is still cheaper there. You can even buy expansions with ingame earned Turbine Points.
    "I thought I knowed what I know, ye know? But then I find that I know not what I thought I knowed."
    - Bruenor Battlehammer
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    mance7mance7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would also love to play a dwarven GWF with a Greathammer :)

    That's why I compared to LotRO.
    In LotRO you can also earn Turbine Points in the game - stuff is still cheaper there. You can even buy expansions with ingame earned Turbine Points.

    My apologies, I didn't realize lotro did that. Was that in when it first went F2P? I was sub for over a year. Came back when it went F2P. Was pissed there was no way to 'earn' points at the time. Compared it to basically a hidden sub cost.
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    lsafa7llsafa7l Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That might be true but its a fact that its the most developed game of all time, meaning we should take ideas from it
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    sinistrad1sinistrad1 Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lsafa7l wrote: »
    What do you think should be added to the game , as in content or modes or whatever

    i think they should add:
    1. more pvp maps ( including capture the flag )
    2. smaller and larger pvp matches (2v2 , 10v10 )
    3.May take alot of time but would be awesome : open world
    4.dueling system
    5. gold to AD exchange
    6. raids (10-40 players )
    7.more paragons to choose from
    8. dual spec system
    9. more gold/AD mounts
    10. add ons
    11. chat channels ( chat is very flooded )
    12. more map channels
    +1 to all this:)
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    sablelore015sablelore015 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Things I would like to see:

    1. level up past lvl 15 for my Companion
    2. Be able to make bags. Crafting.
    3. to choose the sex of my companion.
    4. working end dungeon chest from bosses (currently 50% glitch and you get nothing for defeating them)
    5. something better to do with these blasted seals. maybe trade in less of them for consumables?
    6. and a working customer support page :)
    "If your not having fun, Then stop doing it"

    "Life is not mandatory, life is what you make it"
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    upskirtupskirt Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2013
    7. Show both equipped rings when showing comparative tooltips for items in inventory.

    g'**** i had a lvl 8 ring equipped when i was around lvl 30 because of this. this needs to be implemented asap.
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    ineffectivez0ddineffectivez0dd Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2013
    OK most games when they start off takes long time to get going..WOw took months to fix classes and release content.People are forgetting what vanila wow was like.What helped wow was the time is took to level. It took normal people 6 months to hit maxx .Some ppeole never did and they stil enjoyed game.This why most mmo take long time had huge exp requirements.Their mis take was making leveling so fast.It should of took 3 months to hit max.By that time all bug would be fixed.So for then helpin out the people who dont liek to spend all day leveling. then you guy stabbed them in the back.NOt enough content.U guys need to go back in time nad remebmer Vannila wow.All the rep grinds all of those things gave the company time to work on new stuff.

    Rogue warlocks and palis were so broken for long time before they were fixed.I remeber Tbc Warlock sl/sl and rouge shadow step was broken for till one o the last patches.I not even starting on Druids.SO people relax and wait. give them 6- 7 months the make adecision.Or would you rather them increase exp to get to max level by 1 year like lineage so u have nothing to complain about.

    SO Crytic.U Know what to do next content patch increase exp req to take liek 8 months then u have time to work on stuff with out pressure.

    Peopel forget Chtun was bug for months.Only reason people never complain was cus onlya few guild waso n him cus teh rest of the content before was so hard people cud not even reach him.SO make hard bosses like the brain .Make this game so hard that it gives you breathing room vs casual players.More grinds more rep.Attunements.And u will avoid prob like this and if u do get m ore probs u have time to deal with it cus its isolated from casuals.Only Hardcore players push content so make it hard for them and make it hard for casuals.People have nothing tp complain about if by the time the reach the content which cud be a few months al bugs are fixed.
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    mance7mance7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Things I would like to see:

    1. level up past lvl 15 for my Companion
    2. Be able to make bags. Crafting.
    3. to choose the sex of my companion.
    4. working end dungeon chest from bosses (currently 50% glitch and you get nothing for defeating them)
    5. something better to do with these blasted seals. maybe trade in less of them for consumables?
    6. and a working customer support page :)

    1. There are books coming that will allow you to do this.
    2. They probably won't shoot there own foot or in this case there own zen shop. I can see maybe like a 4 slotted container, maybe
    But it would need to be available to ALL professions. And only at rank 20.
    3. Not being too unreasonable
    4. Allot of this has to do with having out leveled the dungeon your doing. I don't think I've had a bugged chest once at 60.
    5. Seals can be given to you alts.
    6. Can't argue with that.
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    rocker19nl87rocker19nl87 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More pvp maps/modes like capture the flag
    A non magic ranged class like ranger
    Druid class
    Asimar sins we already got thiefling
    And some kind of raid or world boss
    And it would be great if you could see your 2nd ring and/or off hand weapon as TR

    And the zen market i think just need some time (i mean the game is like 1 month old)
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    runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mance7 wrote: »
    1. There are books coming that will allow you to do this.

    Hopefully they won't be like the mount books. Those upgrade books cost more than buying a cash shop mount.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
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    mance7mance7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    runebane wrote: »
    Hopefully they won't be like the mount books. Those upgrade books cost more than buying a cash shop mount.

    I would be amazed if the books cost less then 2000 zen each.
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    sirkimjongsirkimjong Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 97
    edited May 2013
    lsafa7l wrote: »
    What do you think should be added to the game , as in content or modes or whatever

    i think they should add:
    1. more pvp maps ( including capture the flag )
    2. smaller and larger pvp matches (2v2 , 10v10 )
    3.May take alot of time but would be awesome : open world
    4.dueling system
    5. gold to AD exchange
    6. raids (10-40 players )
    7.more paragons to choose from
    8. dual spec system
    9. more gold/AD mounts
    10. add ons
    11. chat channels ( chat is very flooded )
    12. more map channels
    13.servers according to location ( game is laggy )

    The ability to duel :D
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    osiabunnyosiabunny Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Need to add playable Kobolds :D which come with an automatic team of 100 henchmen :P
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    bingobongojrbingobongojr Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2013
    non-combat activities. like... any of it. While i pretty much love nw combat system, it does get boring a while. Theres a reason there are like millions of people playing non-combat games, mind you.

    how come mmos are the only genre going backwards? It started with games that had like 300 features, and 20 years later we end up with a genre that might as well be renamed to MMOF(fighting)G (:

    now when i think of it ... new-gen mmos are just another (usually fantasy) version of online fps games, with tons of mini instances and char development pasted on top of it :o
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    destinyknightdestinyknight Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This game is really lacking variety in armor and weapons.

    I also dont like that max point limiter in your powers tree. Have to wait until you spent 20 points to unlock rank 3 of anything.Means putting points in things you may not even use

    More pvp maps and types would be nice.

    More difficulty to dungeons rather than throwing endless hordes of monsters at you at bosses.

    Dueling would be great.

    A trade channel

    Afk kicking system for pvp

    Addition of new people to join parties when people quit/are kicked from dungeon/pvp
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    adriell95adriell95 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    adicionar mais linguagens diferente como Portugu
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    kittledorfkittledorf Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 126 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Well i want them to add freaking basic solid dungeon design... and fix the roles before adding new ones or at least make em playable.
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