I recently hit 50, and so far I've noticed Astral shield just ruins pvp for everyone. People just sit in that little circle, taking minimal damage and fight it out till one side(usually whoever has the least amount of clerics because the effect stacks) loses minutes later.
So the question is that is this still a problem at 60? Because in the 50-59 bracket it is broken in terms of balance in every regard.
Also: Am I the only one who thinks this should be a daily? If your going to let it stack reduce the duration and make it a daily so I'm not seeing 3-4 of these being continually laid down in the same spot every single fight.
I've quit pvp for today, hopefully I won't have to quit later entirely. I enjoy the game's pvp as it was, but now with astral shield it seems everyone's skills and playstyle are all revolving around a single skill on a single class. I understand that the cleric should have some damage reduction abilities, but having a 30% damage reduction stacking area is overkill, why not just give them short buff that last less than the cooldown and needs to be LoS cast? So there is some skill involved and they don't just lay it down and face-tank like they are now.
I'm sorry if I came off aggressive but it is infuriating to get to a higher level and realize that the entire pvp experience has been ruined for me because the devs have not bothered to fix this yet. I understand the AH exploit and afk pvp needed to be fixed, and of course they needed priority. But this also needs to be fixed in a timely manner, because it is just so outrageously broken atm.
Im gonna take a guess here , by saying you are probably a TR. ( as usual they get so mad about this circle , since they cant 1hit everyone as they think a TR MUST )
So , if a tr silence/smokebomb the cleric , he will die before droping a circle , how fair is that?
You got so many push skills in the game , push them out of the circle , and kill.
Keep crying about that circle , and you will find yourself doing dungeons with pots on cooldown , if you are even gonna make it , and then you will cry how others got gear and done dungeons when you cannot.
Astral shield have only been a problem for unskilled players that lack fighting tactics.
Im gonna take a guess here , by saying you are probably a TR. ( as usual they get so mad about this circle , since they cant 1hit everyone as they think a TR MUST )
So , if a tr silence/smokebomb the cleric , he will die before droping a circle , how fair is that?
You got so many push skills in the game , push them out of the circle , and kill.
Keep crying about that circle , and you will find yourself doing dungeons with pots on cooldown , if you are even gonna make it , and then you will cry how others got gear and done dungeons when you cannot.
Astral shield have only been a problem for unskilled players that lack fighting tactics.
I'm gonna take a guess here, and say you are probably a cleric.
I'm not a TR, but the problem are there for that class too, what if you come into the fight after he pops AS? Isn't that scenario completely on a 1v1 scenario? I'm not even sure TR have knockback, but I'm pretty sure they can't lockdown a person once they do. What about GWF, or GF, heck what about other clerics? This one skill breaks the gameplay mechanics of SO many skills its kind of silly that it isn't a daily.
Also, please try not to relate the problems to PVE and say "if we don't use this exploit we won't get gear" and then say that's the price we have to pay in PVP, that is just silly.
crok2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Wow, a complaint about clerics in PVP? Is this a joke?
phantomtempestMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 23Arc User
edited May 2013
People still think that TR have ''stun'' abilitiy..this is so sad. You are caught in smoke? Walk away. You got hit by Dazing Strike? Walk away. It is not a ''stun''. It is a ''daze''. So if you die just because TR throw a Smoke Bomb. YOU. SUCK.
I'm a TR and I do hate it when the cleric pops the AS on, but the simplest solution I know to that would be to walk away and just take an undefended hill of your opponent if they have one. If they don't, wait for an opportunity and kill someone outside the blue circle.
We don't necessarily have to kill the cleric because our goal is to capture more points. I believe, for situations such as these, that it would be best to abide by the original goal and mess the opponent up in other ways other than whacking at them.
marclovesvinaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited May 2013
TR's can easily counter Clerics y'know. TR's have have the chance to "Daze" the Clerics, daze him first before he casts AS.
The goal of PvP is to win and dominate, clerics are supporting their teammates, if you want to kill Clerics that cast AS, flank him up, then BOOM.
marclovesvinaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
We TR's do have a slight knockback skill that's pretty pathetic for a knockback skill... but yeah, better than nothing I guess. I still probably won't be using it at all even with all the AS flying around. Just take their tower.
I recently hit 50, and so far I've noticed Astral shield just ruins pvp for everyone. People just sit in that little circle, taking minimal damage and fight it out till one side(usually whoever has the least amount of clerics because the effect stacks) loses minutes later.
So the question is that is this still a problem at 60? Because in the 50-59 bracket it is broken in terms of balance in every regard.
Also: Am I the only one who thinks this should be a daily? If your going to let it stack reduce the duration and make it a daily so I'm not seeing 3-4 of these being continually laid down in the same spot every single fight.
I've quit pvp for today, hopefully I won't have to quit later entirely. I enjoy the game's pvp as it was, but now with astral shield it seems everyone's skills and playstyle are all revolving around a single skill on a single class. I understand that the cleric should have some damage reduction abilities, but having a 30% damage reduction stacking area is overkill, why not just give them short buff that last less than the cooldown and needs to be LoS cast? So there is some skill involved and they don't just lay it down and face-tank like they are now.
I'm sorry if I came off aggressive but it is infuriating to get to a higher level and realize that the entire pvp experience has been ruined for me because the devs have not bothered to fix this yet. I understand the AH exploit and afk pvp needed to be fixed, and of course they needed priority. But this also needs to be fixed in a timely manner, because it is just so outrageously broken atm.
I'm guessing you're trying to kill them inside the circle, I can also assume you try to face-roll a guarded GF for sure...
CW can push, DC can push, GF can push, GWF can push... so basically ANYONE except TR can push them out of the circle...
Blag! yellow/blue line bad... me no, no tactics... me walk at line knowing it bad... me die... blue/yellow line bad... me complain now because me no learn to play.... me no know tactics... me think tactics op... me must kill 1 hit... me NOT op... better playa OP... leave TR alone.
Seriously tho, Astral Shield lasts for a certain duration. All you need to do is learn the timing and it's really no problem at all. Also it's a defensive move... did you think you are meant to just be able to attack it? there are 3 points for a reason and there are push back moves that some classes have that negates Astral Shield.
A properly geared rogue at 60 can duelist flurry a cleric down inside of his blue circle from 100-30%, while stealthed, then finish with a lashing strike or a daily.
Oh and PS, he will die if you actually use teamwork and burst him down. If you could effortlessly kill a Cleric while they're at their strongest, then how would clerics even be viable? You arguably can, with dailies and gear, but there's no reason as to why it should be faceroll.
preciousfaithMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm gonna take a guess here, and say you are probably a cleric.
I'm not a TR, but the problem are there for that class too, what if you come into the fight after he pops AS? Isn't that scenario completely on a 1v1 scenario? I'm not even sure TR have knockback, but I'm pretty sure they can't lockdown a person once they do. What about GWF, or GF, heck what about other clerics? This one skill breaks the gameplay mechanics of SO many skills its kind of silly that it isn't a daily.
Also, please try not to relate the problems to PVE and say "if we don't use this exploit we won't get gear" and then say that's the price we have to pay in PVP, that is just silly.
I think Clerics have one of the best knock backs in the game. Sun Burst in Divine mode, It damages, heals and knocks back nicely..
clerics get and AoE heal dmg reduction, Rogues get Aoe Silence and crazy dps... Gear is what ruins lvl 60 pvp, all greens vs all t2+ team
maligkn0Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
evry1 complains about stupid stuff like the cleric circle, yeah its a little too strong on pvp but its essential in dungeons, talk to your team make them change skills, for exaple tell your wizard to equip push skill and take the clerics out of the circles or a guardian fighter can do this job just as well, it is easy to neglect them especially when wizards have the ability to cleanse the circles. learn to pvp and then complain, the most broken classes in pvp are wizards insane stunt locks are impossible to deal whit for most classes, trickster rogues insane dps in pvp needs to be address as well, the most geared rogue can stunt lock the most geared guardian fighter and kill him before he can do anything its just broken out of proportion and they 1-2 shot most classes.
evry1 complains about stupid stuff like the cleric circle, yeah its a little too strong on pvp but its essential in dungeons, talk to your team make them change skills, for exaple tell your wizard to equip push skill and take the clerics out of the circles or a guardian fighter can do this job just as well, it is easy to neglect them especially when wizards have the ability to cleanse the circles. learn to pvp and then complain, the most broken classes in pvp are wizards insane stunt locks are impossible to deal whit for most classes, trickster rogues insane dps in pvp needs to be address as well, the most geared rogue can stunt lock the most geared guardian fighter and kill him before he can do anything its just broken out of proportion and they 1-2 shot most classes.
Its not too strong in pvp, its players who are too stupid to use their CC and knockbacks, the circle doesn't follow cleric you know and cleric should not die to a single equally geared player, the healing build cleric that is. AS is only 20% dmg reduction+ heal, its strong, but so are many other encounters of many other classes.
dancingchimpMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
OP should try something other then a rouge without skill. Learn other classes skills may get you a longway.
Next time you go hell bent on a cleric inside the circle without bringing any kind of CC yourself.
I have NO idea why I am saying this but.... Even if you CAN'T knock the cleric out and CC him, the blue astral shield is a DP skill. Smoke Bomb his circle and he has to leave to get enough DP to cast it again when it comes down.
OK, remove the Ad as encounter and make it day. So, during dungeon, i heal whit.... oh wait, i can't heal whit a 1 enc skill x.x But all will be happy, since now they can easy kill cleric in pvp.
cozodMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm a cleric and I agree, kinda. With a good team AS is amazing, but it still doesn't help when I find myself 3 on 1. Against a good team I have a hard time getting it off in time because of all of the stuns/dazes and knockbacks directed at me. Get the cleric out of the shield, and they tend to melt. And if they can't build divinity (because of stuns/dazes and knockbacks), well they can't cast the healing version of the shield.
TL;DR AS is great if you don't know how to counter it.
werealchemistMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm guessing you're trying to kill them inside the circle, I can also assume you try to face-roll a guarded GF for sure...
CW can push, DC can push, GF can push, GWF can push... so basically ANYONE except TR can push them out of the circle...
35 Encounter Impact Shot 40' Range Attack your opponent from a medium range, Pushing them slightly.
This skill has 3 encounter charges. Stealthed: Briefly Stuns the target, and cost no charges.
You forgot to mention that this takes away either 1 dps skill or 1 control/stun skill. Which leaves the GF less effective, due to the missing damage, d'oh!
And you forgot that pushback to prone IS a control/stun skill, which leaves GF just as effective as he was, d'oh!
And leave DPS to DPS classes, keep at control or don't QQ that you can't get clerics off AS if you are unwiling to use counter skills.
kiojikMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 14Arc User
edited May 2013
Well I have fought some very skilled TR that will burn you down fast inside Astral Shield if you stand there like a bump on a log. However, instead of me crying nerf bat I have tried to counter and figure it out exactly what they are doing.
The skill that helps me the most are my ice skates to get out of the way Sometime my Astral Shield, is the Ice Rink
Astral shield is not the problem. The exploit to make the cleric invincible and take 0 damage while using Astral Shield with another daily exploit is the problem. My cleric and I fought a level 53 cleric named Agrias Newman last night and found that he/she would take no damage at all when all 5 of us jump on him/her. There was one skirmish where we were literally on the cleric for about 3 straight minutes and she just stood there doing nothing and took no damage.
Our cleric was paying attention to the skill animations this cleric was using and figured out how to do the exploit. She has reported it and it's up to them to fix it.
cozodMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
If you stack defense and spec your feats for hallowed ground you can have your resistance extremely high with AS on. I use this is dungeons a lot for adds. Don't know if this is the "exploit" you're talking about. The heals from AS and HG can heal faster than damage taken sometimes, which may seem like they take no damage.
So , if a tr silence/smokebomb the cleric , he will die before droping a circle , how fair is that?
You got so many push skills in the game , push them out of the circle , and kill.
Keep crying about that circle , and you will find yourself doing dungeons with pots on cooldown , if you are even gonna make it , and then you will cry how others got gear and done dungeons when you cannot.
Astral shield have only been a problem for unskilled players that lack fighting tactics.
I'm not a TR, but the problem are there for that class too, what if you come into the fight after he pops AS? Isn't that scenario completely on a 1v1 scenario? I'm not even sure TR have knockback, but I'm pretty sure they can't lockdown a person once they do. What about GWF, or GF, heck what about other clerics? This one skill breaks the gameplay mechanics of SO many skills its kind of silly that it isn't a daily.
Also, please try not to relate the problems to PVE and say "if we don't use this exploit we won't get gear" and then say that's the price we have to pay in PVP, that is just silly.
We don't necessarily have to kill the cleric because our goal is to capture more points. I believe, for situations such as these, that it would be best to abide by the original goal and mess the opponent up in other ways other than whacking at them.
The goal of PvP is to win and dominate, clerics are supporting their teammates, if you want to kill Clerics that cast AS, flank him up, then BOOM.
AS is for support, not for fighting or killing tactics in PvP ._.
I want this class in NW.
I'm guessing you're trying to kill them inside the circle, I can also assume you try to face-roll a guarded GF for sure...
CW can push, DC can push, GF can push, GWF can push... so basically ANYONE except TR can push them out of the circle...
Seriously tho, Astral Shield lasts for a certain duration. All you need to do is learn the timing and it's really no problem at all. Also it's a defensive move... did you think you are meant to just be able to attack it? there are 3 points for a reason and there are push back moves that some classes have that negates Astral Shield.
Oh and PS, he will die if you actually use teamwork and burst him down. If you could effortlessly kill a Cleric while they're at their strongest, then how would clerics even be viable? You arguably can, with dailies and gear, but there's no reason as to why it should be faceroll.
I think Clerics have one of the best knock backs in the game. Sun Burst in Divine mode, It damages, heals and knocks back nicely..
clerics get and AoE heal dmg reduction, Rogues get Aoe Silence and crazy dps... Gear is what ruins lvl 60 pvp, all greens vs all t2+ team
Its not too strong in pvp, its players who are too stupid to use their CC and knockbacks, the circle doesn't follow cleric you know and cleric should not die to a single equally geared player, the healing build cleric that is. AS is only 20% dmg reduction+ heal, its strong, but so are many other encounters of many other classes.
Next time you go hell bent on a cleric inside the circle without bringing any kind of CC yourself.
QQmore rouge.. gtfo
but no, not really. It is nice, but at 60 there are enough people with CC/debuffs and high dmg to overrule it
Elf Control Wizard - Dragon
TL;DR AS is great if you don't know how to counter it.
And you forgot that pushback to prone IS a control/stun skill, which leaves GF just as effective as he was, d'oh!
And leave DPS to DPS classes, keep at control or don't QQ that you can't get clerics off AS if you are unwiling to use counter skills.
The skill that helps me the most are my ice skates to get out of the way
Our cleric was paying attention to the skill animations this cleric was using and figured out how to do the exploit. She has reported it and it's up to them to fix it.