It would be great if you could que up for a dungeon that is lower level than the dungeon you are on. This would help if you missed a dungeon or want to dungeon with a lowel level friend. I understand why you can't go into a higher level dungeon for power leveling, but there is not a lot of gain for a higher level guy to go into a lower level dungeon except to help a friend.
which is annoying because if you are in que and you level up, putting you into a higher level bracket, you are kicked from the que and can no longer do said dungeon with your friend...
It would be much easier if you could just que up together, so you could play the dungeon with other people as well instead of having to try to get people from zone chat meet you there.
Also, once you hit 60, you can queue for an Epic version of every dungeon in the game, so you won't really miss anything. A lot of people that haven't hit 60 yet don't know this and think they've missed the chance to ever do a dungeon.
Highly annoying...
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