Hi everybody,
After some long long days of working and refining I finally published my first quest ever. As everybody who created a quest I'm hoping for some people having fun playing it as much as I enjoyed creating.
So, I proudly present...
"The journey of Mr. Fleabrave" by
Short Code: NW-DFT947HLV
Mission Type: Story quest
Average Duration: around 30min
Amount of Combat: 20% easy // 75% moderate // 5% outch
Starts at: Gates of Neverwinter
Maps: Starts with a small forest map followed by a medium cave, then a small-medium forest map, ending with a no-battle open field map
Mission Summary: Meritas Fleabraves father was the leader of the small village "Pinefort". When more and more Orcs showed up near Pinefort he wanted to scout the surrounding. He got into a hugh fight and barely made it home. Shortly after this he did his last breath. Now it is Meritas' task to bring the ashes of his father through woods and caves to the "Field of Forefathers" where the forefathers wait for him. Only after this journey Meritas is allowed to take the throne of Pinefort.
Author tips/hints: - The Quest is designed for 1 Player
- Knockback abillities are a nice and fancy way to get rid of encounters in the caves
- The caves offer 2 paths besides the main to take on some more fights and gather experience
- As many encounters are patroling it might sometimes a good idea to wait a sec for them to come
back, instead of going the risk that other patrols come along the way.
Comments: Surely I'm no worldclass story teller. English not being my motherlanguage doesn't make things easier

. But at least I did my best. I hope with this quest I found an interesing balance between figting and story telling. I didn't want to "write a book" neither create a exp-only map. If you feel like some small explenations would help make
the quest a lot better pleeeeeeease let me know! I'm thankful for everything that helps me to make this and the next quests better.
Last but not least... Thanks to everybody who leaves some comments, help, critics, or a smile

Edit: Arghhh, that picture upload thing obviously didn't work as intended. Give me some time to figure out how to fix it
Edit#2: Fixed it