A 7 hour rollback lost me 7 celestial coins that I had spent on a ward pack and gained a ward. So I didn't lose 7 hours (in which i lost 3 levels on a rogue, most quests completed in the final zone on my wizard, an epic pvp chest armour I pvped (and lost every match) to get) I lost 7 days of coins. This means I now have to wait yet another 7 days till i can do a single fuse... nice mechanic, not.
To be brutally honest I would have been happier if you had wiped and started again as that puts everyone back in the same situation... this rollback didn't affect all as it should have done.
I know it's Beta and I'm more than happy to sit back and have wipes performed to remove any evidence of organic bug buildup... but when you lose so much and find others have lost nothing... it's a little painful.
Thanks to all the exploiters for ruining so many people's sunday, hope you feel proud of yourselves.
Just wanted to air my disgust at people who take advantage of stuff that IRL, they would never dare to.
I got a bridge to sell you!