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Quitting unless Servers wipes



  • strike2wcestrike2wce Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    leeford wrote: »
    No that's not the same. I want 5 days on the server without the riff raff. If there would be a wipe, non founders cant play for 5 days after.

    I'm just curious as to why you believe "founders" are entitled to benefits that other players aren't?

    I don't have a sporty title for being a "founder," however I have spent some money on the game. I just don't think the founder packs are exactly worth it - I buy everything
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    strike2wce wrote: »
    I'm just curious as to why you believe "founders" are entitled to benefits that other players aren't?

    I don't have a sporty title for being a "founder," however I have spent some money on the game. I just don't think the founder packs are exactly worth it - I buy everything

    The packages include headstart time. It was purchased as just that, and if they don't give it, they are breaching the terms and conditions of the sale item. So, a wipe means anyone that didn't buy a founders pack is locked out for the initial 5 days of the servers coming back up.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Unbelievable,,the exploiters even troll the honest people on the forums and get away with it,,,sorry but this game is so borked,,,the only people against the wipe are the ones that used it since day one. This game has such a trash rep now its just sad.

    Ballsacks. I haven't exploited, I have just just enjoyed soloing through the plot to L51. I've enjoyed it. I would not enjoy having to start again and would rather write off my $150 (and rising) investment (made on the explicit promise of no character reset), remembering never to get involved with PW ever again. So take your stupid accusations, fold them up until they are all corners and find a place for them where the sun don't shine.
  • blizzardofme7222blizzardofme7222 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey buddy ,what are you smoking??? This exploit was around since closed beta ,it was allowed because even the devs were abusing it ,,it didnt get the servers shut down til it was exposed to the little people of the world,,but having it in game all along since closed beta as long as it was hush hush ,it was fine,,thats why the market was so messed up to begin with!!
    They rolled back to the point where majority of people didn't know about the bug. Economy was fine before that and it will be fine from now on.
  • epixcomixepixcomix Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Having played MMOs for quite a while, as well as having worked in the industry for a decade, let me make a few comments on this situation. Things happen in games like this, and sometimes those things have a wide game impact but you can't just wipe the servers every time it happens. In this particular case, while it may seem to be a big deal to some people, realize that in all truth, it's something that will correct itself within weeks or on the outside, months.

    The system has built in money sinks (and AD sinks) and eventually those will remove the excess currency from the system and stabilize things all around. Those of you that are running around in a panic that all this AD has flooded the market and there is nothing that can be done except a wipe...you're just wrong. If you enjoy playing the game, then play the game. If you feel like your AD is undervalued, don't spend any for a few weeks and see how the market changes.

    I understand that no matter what kind of logic is presented, some of you don't want logic, you just want drama and tantrums. You want to feel like it's your way or no way because you feel wronged by the injustice of the system. If that is the case that is your prerogative, but as so many people calling for a wipe kept using as justification for their cause, the game is in open beta. PWE never stated that there wouldn't be issues or that the game was completely ready at this point, the one thing they did state was that there would NOT be any more wipes.
  • blizzardofme7222blizzardofme7222 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Who says I was even talking about you?? Did I name you or anyone else?? Feeling guilty??
    Ballsacks. I haven't exploited, I have just just enjoyed soloing through the plot to L51. I've enjoyed it. I would not enjoy having to start again and would rather write off my $150 (and rising) investment (made on the explicit promise of no character reset), remembering never to get involved with PW ever again. So take your stupid accusations, fold them up until they are all corners and find a place for them where the sun don't shine.
  • penumakronpenumakron Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just don't get it...what is everyone whining about...I bought a founder's pack, I have enjoyed the game and this exploit has not affected me one bit. Who cares who floods the market with whatever purple and who cares if I can exchange 1 zen for 2 million AD or zero AD. All virtual, all game play to relax. Now hopefully all the entitled morons will leave the game and it will be that more enjoyable for us that stay. What a generation of gaming whiners we have currently. Who cares if a players has 20 million AD..There is no winning in these games. Everytime I hear pay to win I laugh. Just chill and play through the game
  • leefordleeford Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 157 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    9 out of 10 people who support a wipe just want a do-over for what they spent the Zen and AD on.
  • blizzardofme7222blizzardofme7222 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    9 out of 10 exploiters know their accounts as well as their alts and mules would be borked !
    leeford wrote: »
    9 out of 10 people who support a wipe just want a do-over for what they spent the Zen and AD on.
  • nethfelnethfel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5
    edited May 2013
    Maybe you are a little bit lost or you are just not realizing what has happened so far/ You say "only a few" has exploited. You are completely wrong.. The majority of the players have used the exploits.

    Just as I said a few, your claim of a "majority" is not necessarily backed up by documented numbers. If there are say 50,000 players, let's say 20% exploit, so 10,000 people exploit - it feels like a lot of people as it is 1/5 of the population, but it isn't necessarily the "majority". Before I would even consider a full server wipe a reasonable action, I'd need to see true numbers on how many really did exploit.
    Server wipe is the only good option out there since this game is still a beta.. Its still very new. Wipe it, refund Zen to the players and everyone starts fresh. Just take a look at the people who has exploited the Power bug. They run Castle Never in minutes.. Collects SO MANY of those TIER 2 weapons and CONTROLS the price in the AUCTION HOUSE.. you call that fair? this is just ONE of the many exploits that MANY people used already

    And this can be dealt with - WITHOUT a server wipe, just because a wipe is the easy solution, that STILL doesn't mean it's the best solution. IT's not like they can't look in the logs and determine who is taking advantage and who isn't. Why do you insist on punishing everyone because of a group of offenders? Unless it can be shown that well over 50% of the population has exploited, there should be other solutions looked at to deal with the issue other then a blanket wipe.
  • mechjockeymechjockey Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nethfel wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but I have to completely disagree with your stance.

    An overall server wipe to fix a problem that is being abused by a few is not a good answer.

    False premise, it was not a few.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nethfel wrote: »
    And this can be dealt with - WITHOUT a server wipe, just because a wipe is the easy solution, that STILL doesn't mean it's the best solution. IT's not like they can't look in the logs and determine who is taking advantage and who isn't. Why do you insist on punishing everyone because of a group of offenders?

    Given that this exploit was in two previous games and had been reported form the very start of Open Beta, and Cryptic didn't do anything, do you actually think they are going to pout over millions of transactions and decide which ones are AD laundering and which ones aren't?
  • shaduosshaduos Member Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    penumakron wrote: »
    I just don't get it...what is everyone whining about...I bought a founder's pack, I have enjoyed the game and this exploit has not affected me one bit. Who cares who floods the market with whatever purple and who cares if I can exchange 1 zen for 2 million AD or zero AD. All virtual, all game play to relax. Now hopefully all the entitled morons will leave the game and it will be that more enjoyable for us that stay. What a generation of gaming whiners we have currently. Who cares if a players has 20 million AD..There is no winning in these games. Everytime I hear pay to win I laugh. Just chill and play through the game

    Amen to that. I think everyone that wants to play MMOs should have to spend 3 months playing EQ before all the expansions. Go spend 6 hours just trying to get from one point to another, and half way through get dc'd and log back in to find yourself in the middle of the ocean. Then get killed by a shark and after go find a friendly necro to try and summon your corpse before you lose all your items. This new generation of gamer as no idea how easy the games are now a days, and that something like this is not the end of the world.
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Maybe you are a little bit lost or you are just not realizing what has happened so far/ You say "only a few" has exploited. You are completely wrong.. The majority of the players have used the exploits.

    Server wipe is the only good option out there since this game is still a beta.. Its still very new. Wipe it, refund Zen to the players and everyone starts fresh. Just take a look at the people who has exploited the Power bug. They run Castle Never in minutes.. Collects SO MANY of those TIER 2 weapons and CONTROLS the price in the AUCTION HOUSE.. you call that fair? this is just ONE of the many exploits that MANY people used already

    Care to support this "majority" with some actual numbers instead of pulling "facts" out of your ***?

    IMNSHO they can feel free to wipe, so long as they take care of the chargebacks on my credit card so I don't have to. Just refund my cash so I can go on my merry. I spent money because they said there would be no wipes. That's a breach of contract, since I only spent money because these assurances were made. It doesn't have anything to do with me being an exploiter. I resent the implication, enough so that I'm reporting it as trolling, because that's what it is: I'll call them an exploiter because I don't have a better argument, that'll get a rise out of 'em. It had the desired effect.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love ultimatums!

    And you are so important that it means anything...why, again?
  • ulthgrimulthgrim Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mechjockey wrote: »
    False premise, it was not a few.

    False presumption, you have no concrete evidence how many were using the exploit.
  • cookjkcookjk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    This game is pretty much dead anyway they go. Only way to fix it is a server wipe with full zen refund to people who paid money. They time to level in this games means nothing. Now if we where talking about EQ on the other hand. OMG!
  • morsitansmorsitans Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,284 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Interesting to note that very few people seem to be addressing time. Refunding Zen is great, sure, but you can't refund time. A significant proportion of the playerbase is (I suspect) money-rich but time-poor. And these people are important contributors to the financial viability of the game (see money, above).

    If you're young, poor, but with a ton of free time, then "OMG WIPE EVERYTHING COZ ECONOMY OMG OMG" might seem like a practical idea, because it doesn't take you long to powerlevel back up to 60. If you're older, richer, but only able to play in the few hours you can find between work, commuting and spending time with your family, then losing everything you've managed to achieve in those hours is going to sting.
    I'm not too fussed about a 7 hour loss (admittedly not least because it's only an hour lost for me -see "free time", above), but losing everything would probably be a deal breaker. Plus as some have pointed out, it would set a precedent.

    So there's that.

    The other thing to consider is whether "THE ECONOMY IS IRREVOCABLY BORK" is actually true. Remember, game economies are not like real-world economies, and follow entirely different stability curves. Money is constantly generated from absolutely nothing (kill monsters? Money! Pray? Money! Do two quests? Money! etc) and money is constantly converted into nothing (such as via potions, scrolls, etc, which are one-use only). Wells and sinks. It's an equilibrium, and as such, essentially self-righting. More money flooding the system simply means that for a while people will have waay more cash to drop on stuff they would otherwise have to be more careful with. Eventually, that extra cash will have been spent, and since (post-bugfix) the rate of influx is unchanged, it will balance again.

    The same applies to top tier items: these are not a fixed, floodable resource either: they drop from monsters, for god's sake. You can't corner the market when all someone needs to do to circumvent your market cornerage is "go kill monsters for a bit", especially when "go kill monsters for a bit" is basically the raison d'etre of the entire game. People will quit/stop using their maxed-out toons out of boredom, so top-tier items will drop from the market that way, and people will steadily come up from the lower ranks and require new top-tier items. It's wells and sinks again.

    It's not a static system, and it is thus much, much more tolerant to perturbation.

    (and finally, it might be worth considering: even if the economy COULD be ruined, it primarily is of concern only to maxed-out powergamers, or those desiring to twink as much as possible. Average players -read: most players- are unlikely to be concerned about fluctuations in the prices of level 60 armour sets until that player is getting close to wearing them, and that isn't going to happen until they're nearing 60. That's a lot of playtime before that point where market forces are simply not something they care about)
  • shaduosshaduos Member Posts: 46
    edited May 2013
    cookjk wrote: »
    This game is pretty much dead anyway they go. Only way to fix it is a server wipe with full zen refund to people who paid money. They time to level in this games means nothing. Now if we where talking about EQ on the other hand. OMG!

    You people seem to miss the point. It isn't just about time to level. I haven't spent any money in the game yet expect getting my girlfriend a set of keys. I bought all my keys with ADs and got extremely lucky to get the mount and companion out of the boxes I have managed to open. Now, can they promise me that I will have those items after a wipe? No they can not they already said they are trying to find a way to give back those items to people that lost them during the rollback. If they wipe yes I might play, but probably not as much as I do now and with less incline to spend money than now.
  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    cookjk wrote: »
    They time to level in this games means nothing.

    You don't get to make that call for me or anyone else. Levelling once was fun. Doing it again - not fun at all. But refund all my cash and they can knock themselves out. But I think PW realise that at this moment, having trashed their reputation as a competent company, that all they have left is the word they gave on character resets.

    Break that and they have nothing left. If I were them I'd refund in cash every cent anyone has spent, grovel like crazy, reset and then grovel a whole lot more.
  • xyntrynz1axyntrynz1a Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 243 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Its still considered Beta

    I have no issue with a server wipe, especially if I get my AD/ZEN back.
    I enjoy playing the game, and I will enjoy playing all the way to 60 again. To me, it's no different then creating a second character, but with the benefit of having all my AD/Zen back
    Scoundrel Trickster Rogue
    Leaving dead question marks everywhere
  • gsundered11gsundered11 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 135 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    Interesting to note that very few people seem to be addressing time. Refunding Zen is great, sure, but you can't refund time. A significant proportion of the playerbase is (I suspect) money-rich but time-poor. And these people are important contributors to the financial viability of the game (see money, above).

    If you're young, poor, but with a ton of free time, then "OMG WIPE EVERYTHING COZ ECONOMY OMG OMG" might seem like a practical idea, because it doesn't take you long to powerlevel back up to 60. If you're older, richer, but only able to play in the few hours you can find between work, commuting and spending time with your family, then losing everything you've managed to achieve in those hours is going to sting.

    Totally nailed it.
  • robertthebardrobertthebard Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    Interesting to note that very few people seem to be addressing time. Refunding Zen is great, sure, but you can't refund time. A significant proportion of the playerbase is (I suspect) money-rich but time-poor. And these people are important contributors to the financial viability of the game (see money, above).

    If you're young, poor, but with a ton of free time, then "OMG WIPE EVERYTHING COZ ECONOMY OMG OMG" might seem like a practical idea, because it doesn't take you long to powerlevel back up to 60. If you're older, richer, but only able to play in the few hours you can find between work, commuting and spending time with your family, then losing everything you've managed to achieve in those hours is going to sting.
    I'm not too fussed about a 7 hour loss (admittedly not least because it's only an hour lost for me -see "free time", above), but losing everything would probably be a deal breaker. Plus as some have pointed out, it would set a precedent.

    So there's that.

    The other thing to consider is whether "THE ECONOMY IS IRREVOCABLY BORK" is actually true. Remember, game economies are not like real-world economies, and follow entirely different stability curves. Money is constantly generated from absolutely nothing (kill monsters? Money! Pray? Money! Do two quests? Money! etc) and money is constantly converted into nothing (such as via potions, scrolls, etc, which are one-use only). Wells and sinks. It's an equilibrium, and as such, essentially self-righting. More money flooding the system simply means that for a while people will have waay more cash to drop on stuff they would otherwise have to be more careful with. Eventually, that extra cash will have been spent, and since (post-bugfix) the rate of influx is unchanged, it will balance again.

    The same applies to top tier items: these are not a fixed, floodable resource either: they drop from monsters, for god's sake. You can't corner the market when all someone needs to do to circumvent your market cornerage is "go kill monsters for a bit", especially when "go kill monsters for a bit" is basically the raison d'etre of the entire game. People will quit/stop using their maxed-out toons out of boredom, so top-tier items will drop from the market that way, and people will steadily come up from the lower ranks and require new top-tier items. It's wells and sinks again.

    It's not a static system, and it is thus much, much more tolerant to perturbation.

    (and finally, it might be worth considering: even if the economy COULD be ruined, it primarily is of concern only to maxed-out powergamers, or those desiring to twink as much as possible. Average players -read: most players- are unlikely to be concerned about fluctuations in the prices of level 60 armour sets until that player is getting close to wearing them, and that isn't going to happen until they're nearing 60. That's a lot of playtime before that point where market forces are simply not something they care about)

    Agreed. I've invested time, and my time is valuable, to me. Valuable enough that I won't be arsed to start over, I'll just get my chargeback done, and they can ban until the cows come home. It won't matter, since I won't be playing anyway. In my case, since I had a promise of no wipes, they can't even contest it; I'd be getting a chargeback because they violated their word.

    Edit: Strange post got quoted into my response.
    Reading comprehension is essential in a medium that requires reading for communication.
  • chinoduro169chinoduro169 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Looks like every possible move that PW does to this game will have negative impacts on players. Someone will be at loss no matter what they do. But all they need to focus right now is the best move that will affect the least amount of players
  • gokcaygokcay Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    morsitans wrote: »
    Interesting to note that very few people seem to be addressing time. Refunding Zen is great, sure, but you can't refund time. A significant proportion of the playerbase is (I suspect) money-rich but time-poor. And these people are important contributors to the financial viability of the game (see money, above).

    If you're young, poor, but with a ton of free time, then "OMG WIPE EVERYTHING COZ ECONOMY OMG OMG" might seem like a practical idea, because it doesn't take you long to powerlevel back up to 60. If you're older, richer, but only able to play in the few hours you can find between work, commuting and spending time with your family, then losing everything you've managed to achieve in those hours is going to sting.
    I'm not too fussed about a 7 hour loss (admittedly not least because it's only an hour lost for me -see "free time", above), but losing everything would probably be a deal breaker. Plus as some have pointed out, it would set a precedent.

    So there's that.

    The other thing to consider is whether "THE ECONOMY IS IRREVOCABLY BORK" is actually true. Remember, game economies are not like real-world economies, and follow entirely different stability curves. Money is constantly generated from absolutely nothing (kill monsters? Money! Pray? Money! Do two quests? Money! etc) and money is constantly converted into nothing (such as via potions, scrolls, etc, which are one-use only). Wells and sinks. It's an equilibrium, and as such, essentially self-righting. More money flooding the system simply means that for a while people will have waay more cash to drop on stuff they would otherwise have to be more careful with. Eventually, that extra cash will have been spent, and since (post-bugfix) the rate of influx is unchanged, it will balance again.

    The same applies to top tier items: these are not a fixed, floodable resource either: they drop from monsters, for god's sake. You can't corner the market when all someone needs to do to circumvent your market cornerage is "go kill monsters for a bit", especially when "go kill monsters for a bit" is basically the raison d'etre of the entire game. People will quit/stop using their maxed-out toons out of boredom, so top-tier items will drop from the market that way, and people will steadily come up from the lower ranks and require new top-tier items. It's wells and sinks again.

    It's not a static system, and it is thus much, much more tolerant to perturbation.

    (and finally, it might be worth considering: even if the economy COULD be ruined, it primarily is of concern only to maxed-out powergamers, or those desiring to twink as much as possible. Average players -read: most players- are unlikely to be concerned about fluctuations in the prices of level 60 armour sets until that player is getting close to wearing them, and that isn't going to happen until they're nearing 60. That's a lot of playtime before that point where market forces are simply not something they care about)

    Can somebody make a summary of it
  • cookjkcookjk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 91
    edited May 2013
    Only why to fix this mess short of what I think the companies smartest move (Shut down NeverWinter!)
  • nethfelnethfel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5
    edited May 2013
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Given that this exploit was in two previous games and had been reported form the very start of Open Beta, and Cryptic didn't do anything, do you actually think they are going to pout over millions of transactions and decide which ones are AD laundering and which ones aren't?

    Then using that premise - that the exploit existed in two previous games, how can all those clamoring for a wipe be sure that the exploits had been truly fixed? If they couldn't / wouldn't fix before, what's to guarantee that it's fixed now? A wipe does not solve the underlying issue aside from appease a group that feel it's the only way to "fix" the problem, and no one has once again answered the extra point I put forth - what happens if in 1, 2, 6 months or more a similar exploit is found? Will you once again suggest to wipe everyone's characters? I personally don't currently have a huge time investment in this game, just some real cash, but if I did have a huge time investment and a promise was made by the developer to not do another character wipe and one was done without trying OTHER options first, then there would be a serious problem.
    False premise, it was not a few.

    Lack of documentation to demonstrate exactly what percentage of the population actually used this exploit doesn't make it a lot or a majority either - so the premise someone else used of it being the "majority" is technically a false premise as well (as I already mentioned in a previous post).
  • lymprechtlymprecht Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    The Foundry exp exploit where you can easily reach to level 60 in just a few hours.

    No! It took precious days! Precious precious days!
  • burleyxiiiburleyxiii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 35
    edited May 2013
  • nephtnepht Member Posts: 5,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Generally speaking, if you look back at all those exploits people used to gain an incredible amount of AD selling Tier 2 items without doing anything. People using the item exploits where you gain an unlimited amount of power and use that to run 5 minute Castle Never dungeons. The Foundry exp exploit where you can easily reach to level 60 in just a few hours. Its not fair for the people who spent days to level 60 while some people just uses 2-3 hours of their time exploiting the foundry quests.

    Its either they wipe all servers, giving back the people the Zen/AD they purchased and everyone start over again with all bugs/exploits fixed or many of us will chargeback and quit this game.

    Share your thoughts as im sure many of you wont agree with me.

    Ok cheerio!
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