yea, i can get into the foundry by making a new map, but couldnt load a previously saved one nor could i save. was getting "critical patch error" and loading time outs
yea, i can get into the foundry by making a new map, but couldnt load a previously saved one nor could i save. was getting "critical patch error" and loading time outs
Aye, losing my work of the past week would be very... unpleasant.
gamdarianMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited May 2013
Same issue here, get a save error, says it timed out. I really hope I aint going to lose all my work of the day, been at it for 6 hours now >.<
not to mention if we'd lose ALL of our work. That would mean buying a gun and a plane ticket ^^
Murkeep Monastery - Foundry quest in need of reviews - NW-DNQY9CXMZ - Just updated to V1.5
Leave your code in the review and I will return the favor!
aas1marMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Same here...
couldnt save my progress nor publishing the Quest...
after restart you cant even load a Foundry Quest.
sad sad
NW-DUXLONDF7 (Dorf in Flammen) Work in progress:
NW-DIRWLG4XZ (Cormyr - The Tearing of the Wave Part 1)
delthaninMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 188Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013
"Disconnected from server"
Well this is unfortunate. I was hoping I could hold off long enough for things to get rolling again so I wouldn't lose that work.
alucard060Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited May 2013
Seems like it working for me again, at least it doesn't give me an error when trying to save. Haven't tried publishing or logging out of the Foundry.
delthaninMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 188Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013
Nice. Apparently an auto-save was still able to be saved before being disconnected. So after loading the auto-save, no progress lost.
gamdarianMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited May 2013
I was brave enough to just close the foundry and start it up again and all my progress was saved, so I guess the actual bug here was saying it WASN'T saved even though it WAS.
Murkeep Monastery - Foundry quest in need of reviews - NW-DNQY9CXMZ - Just updated to V1.5
Leave your code in the review and I will return the favor!
Same as fallen.
Author: @BardicKnowledge
Q1: Prologue - The Lady and the Worm NW-DPQPJSVTH
Tags: #Challenge, #Story, #Solo, #Group
not to mention if we'd lose ALL of our work. That would mean buying a gun and a plane ticket ^^
Leave your code in the review and I will return the favor!
couldnt save my progress nor publishing the Quest...
after restart you cant even load a Foundry Quest.
sad sad
NW-DUXLONDF7 (Dorf in Flammen)
Work in progress:
NW-DIRWLG4XZ (Cormyr - The Tearing of the Wave Part 1)
Well this is unfortunate.
I was brave enough to just close the foundry and start it up again and all my progress was saved, so I guess the actual bug here was saying it WASN'T saved even though it WAS.
Leave your code in the review and I will return the favor!
Looks Like Your Not The Only One Falling Into That Trap. Just Did Exactly The Same Thing.