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A Normal Gamers Perspective.

mythrildragonmythrildragon Member Posts: 138 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
So im completely F2P, i didn't feel comfortable spending funds on a beta, and i like to make sure ill commit to a game before dropping cash on it.

I started on the official release day, and was impressed with the game. i play several hours a day off and on, my GF was lv 56 yesterday rolled back to 54...no big deal.

I hardly ever use the auction house as i don't have spare astral diamonds for much but id scrolls, and was enjoying the zones, skirmishes and dungeons.

Reading on the forums though, apparently an irreparable disaster has struck, thus the rollback. There is probably zero chance of me spending money on this game, but im still having fun with it. Not really sure what it will be like after lv 60...

What i read of exploiters, delayed action for fixing it, and rollbacks gives me little to no confidence that this will be worth a dime, but i had a few hours fun at least.
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